North Central Library District
Strategic Plan 2016-2018
The North Central Library District provides support services to 40 state-aided libraries in 45 facilities across an 11 county area in north central Pennsylvania. NCLD is the largest geographic district in the state. It is comprised of 4 federated systems, 2 consolidated systems, and 9 independent libraries.The majority of our libraries are small and rural. James V Brown Library, located in Williamsport, Lycoming County, is the District Library Center. The North Central Library District employs one full time District Consultant, one full time Technology Consultant, and one part time Youth Services Consultant. NCLD also contracts to supply webmaster services to member libraries.
The North Central Library District is a source of assistance to member libraries and the people they serve. Services include: reference, postage paid interlibrary loan, continuing education opportunities for library boards and staff, ebooks and audios, cataloging assistance, and consultation. Advisory services are provided to local library directors, trustees, municipal officials, and the people we serve. Consultation is provided to member libraries in the area of strategic planning, grantwriting, board development, marketing and advocacy. The District serves as the liaison and channel of communication between local libraries and the Office of Commonwealth Libraries.
This plan lays out a framework of priorities for the North Central Library District in the next 3 years. The plan was formed with input from the District Advisory Council and from member libraries. Three areas of concentration were identified.
Technology Training for Library Staffs
The District Library Center employs one full time Technology Consultant. The technology consultant provides hands on training and training materials to library staff as well as technology assessments for member libraries.
Goal #1 Increase Technology Skills for all staff throughout the District
Action steps:
- Develop hands on, “in your library” basic technology training for district member libraries. Schedule training. (March 2016)
- Develop training tools and make available through the NCLD web site (June 2016)
- Investigate training materials available through other libraries and state initiatives (Skillsoft) and curate on the NCLD web site (ongoing)
Goal #2 Provide member libraries with knowledge about present and future technology needs
Action steps:
- Survey present technology equipment, software, and security. (Annually)
- Make recommendations for budgeting future purchases (Annually)
Organizational Management
Goal: Support leadership responsibilities
Action steps:
- Develop annual calendar of important due dates (state reports, E-rate, LSTA and Keystone grants). Disseminate to members. Add to web site (January 2016 and ongoing)
- Develop easy to comprehend chart of state standards. Add to web site. (March 2016)
- Partner with Office of Commonwealth Libraries to develop handbook for library directors
- Orient new library directors to their positions and to district services (ongoing)
- Identify and create needed checklists, i.e. policies, standards. (June 2016 and ongoing)
- Create templates for policies, strategic planning, collection development, technology planning, policies
- PA Forward marketing toolkit for district
Fund Development
Goal: Support fund development best practices
Action steps:
- Investigate memberships to nonprofit fundraising associations
- Investigate fund development continuing education opportunities
- Develop presentation tips and talking points for meetings with municipal officials
- Create fund development best practices database
- Investigate implementation of outcome measures to improve communicating value to funders.
Serving:Potter,Tioga,Bradford,Clinton,Lycoming,Sullivan, Union,Montour,Columbia,Snyder,andNorthumberlandcounties.