Cardwell Bay Sailing Club
2018Annual Membership Form
Member Contact Details:
NameAddress / Telephone Numbers
Entry Fee - £30 per New Individual and New Family Membership, in addition to annual subscription below.
Annual SubscriptionsIndividual £35.00Family£40.00Young Adult (18-24 years)£10.00Cadet aged (12-18 years) £5.00
Life and Honorary members pay no subscription- if this applies,please tick here)
Please list all required memberships in box below, type of membership required and amount due.
Name / Type / Cost / Name / Type / CostF Y C / F Y C
F Y C / F Y C
Boat Details
NameType / Length
CYCA Handicap / Sail Number
Where Moored
Dinghy Park (delete as appropriate)I do/do not wish to apply for a space in the dinghy park.
Upto 10 feet:Summer £20, Annual £40;over 10 feet:summer £75, annual £140
- All dinghies stored in the dinghy park must be clearly identified.
Dinghy Length £______
Yacht Racing (delete as appropriate)I do/do not wish to enter
for CBSC racing.
I declarethat the above-named yacht is covered by third party liability insurance for at least £1,000,000 for any one accident. I include my race entry fee of£10.
Signed ______£______
Club Mooring Scheme: Members wishing to lay a new mooring or have a mooring laid or have an existing mooring serviced must contact the moorings convener. Moorings attached to the club trots will be serviced annually. Annual maintenance costs are £215 for a mooring on the outside trot and £200 for an inside trot.
I do/do not wish to join the club’s mooring licence agreement with the Crown Estates. This is a requirement if you are mooring in the leased area. Current Charge £45.00
Declaration (mooring holders)
I declare that the moored boat is covered by third party liability insurance for at least £1,000,000 for any one accident. I also declare that I understand that it is a condition of the clubs lease on the mooring area that all individuals maintain their moorings in good, safe and substantial repair, order and condition and that the Club will inform members of this annually. This and other conditions are available for inspection at the Clubhouse.
Signed ______
I wish to purchase a club tie at £14£______
Amount / AmountEntry Fee (New Members Only) / Crown Estates Licence - £45
Annual Subscriptions / Ties
Racing Entry Fee / Donation
Dinghy Park Storage -
Sumer Winter Annual / Mooring Scheme - £215 / £200
Only payable when you have been allocated a club mooring
Please ensure your reference identifies your paymentTOTAL £
Payment to be made directly to: CBSC Bank of Scotland Sort Code 80-15-86 Account00280425
For treasureruse only: Payment received £Date