Mental Health CrisisServices - Information Sheet for General Practices within Bedford Locality

If you need to access urgent help for a patient experiencing a Mental Health Crisis, please refer to the contacts below

  • Adult (16 – 64 years)

Between 9.00 and 21.00 every day, contact:Bedford & Mid Bedfordshire Crisis Team – 01234 315691 (The patient will be assessed within 4 hours)

Between 21.00 and 9.00 services can be accessed via A&E at Bedford Hospital or Luton & Dunstable Hospital, which operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. To contact this service, please telephone the Emergency Duty Desk on 0300 300 8123.

At any time, if you believe that the patient may need to be sectioned (such as if they are experiencing a serious crisis and are at risk but are refusing help), please contact the Emergency Duty Desk on 0300 300 8123 to request an urgent Mental Health Assessment by an Approved Mental Health Practitioner.

  • Older Adults (65 years of age & over)

Between 9.00 and 17.00 Monday to Friday, please telephone your Older People Community Mental Health Team as follows:-

Bedford CMHT – 01234 310539

Outside of these hours, in a serious emergency, please contact the Emergency Duty Desk on 0300 300 8123

  • Children and Young People (0 to 17 years)

Between 9.00 and 17.00 Monday to Friday, please telephone your CAMH Team as follows:- Bedford CAMHS – 01234 310670

Outside of these hours, in a serious emergency, please contact the Emergency Duty Desk on 0300 300 8123


Crisis Resolution and Home Treatment TeamsThese teams see patients aged 16 to 64 who are experiencing acute mental distress, for urgent intensive assessment and treatment. A Multidisciplinary Team is available between 9.00 and 21.00 and will arrange to see people at home, at their GP Surgery or another appropriate location, within 4 hours of referral.

Referral Criteria:

  • Patients in acute mental health crisis requiring urgent mental health assessment and/or home treatment as an alternative to inpatient care.
  • Significant deterioration in mental health, especially where there is a risk to self or others.

Who to Refer:

  • Patients who are acutely suicidal.
  • Patients experiencing a serious psychotic episode.

Other patients can have an urgent assessment via the Community Mental Health Team within 3 days, if needed. If necessary, a fax should be sent to ELFT, Assessment & Single Point of Access Team (ASPA), on 01234 310043

The A&E Liaison Service This operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and can be accessed via A&E at Bedford Hospital or The Luton & Dunstable Hospital. Advice about this can be sought from the Emergency Duty Desk on 0300 300 8123. Patients requiring urgent assessment between 21.00 and 9.00 will be asked to attend this service.