December 19, 2006
Chair: The meeting was called to order by Mike Parenteau, President, at 7:05 p.m.
Attending: Mike Parenteau, Tom Goltz, Steve Larson, Paul Sperl, Dave Ditty, Ron Torfin, Jeff Young, Bob Usset, Gary Fena, Marci Sadler, Don Myhre, Dave Mauch and Tim Murphy
Open Forum:
Amendment to the By Laws:
Mike Parenteau passed out to the Board the proposed changes to the By-Laws referring to the elimination of the Tournament Director position and the creation of a Fundraising Director position.
The vote was conducted by an Open Ballot with each voting director in attendance was asked for their individual vote. The motion to amend the By Laws was passed by a vote of 12 “yeas” and no “neas”. The President was not required to vote.
Secretary’s Report: Minutes for the month of November, 2006 meeting were submitted by Tim Murphy for board review and approval.
Motion to approve minutes was made by Paul Sperl
Seconded by Don Myhre
Motion was voice approved unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report: Account balances and summary of activity for the period ended December 19, 2006 were submitted by Tom Goltz for board review and approval.
Motion to approve was made by Paul Sperl
Seconded by Steve Larson
Motion was voice approved unanimously.
Tom was not able to obtain the bank statements prior to the meeting and therefore the monthly report did not provide bank statement balances.
Director’s Reports:
IT Director: Don Myhre requested information about the registration fees for the 2007 season so that he can have the on-line registration prepared.
Training Director: Dave Mauch reported that he has announced the first “official” OMGAA clinic for pitching and catching for Fastpitch. Information has been sent to last year’s coaches and hopefully to last years players as well as posted to the website.
President: Mike Parenteau discussed the need for articles for the January newsletter. He needs articles from the league directors, Training director, IT Director and the Fundraising Director.
League Directors:
Senior House League Director- Paul Sperl noted that an OMGAA player passed away recently. His parents were very involved in the program.
Traveling Fastpitch Director- Bob Usset reminded those involved that the traveling coaches’ interviews are scheduled for January 4 from 6-10 pm at the Maple Grove Community Center.
Junior Traveling Baseball Director- Dave Ditty informed the board that the Osseo based team of 14 year olds will not be joining OMGAA for this season. Dave is looking into hosting a tournament in late May.
Ad Hoc Committee Reports:
Domed Facility: Marci Sadler reported that the consensus of the various youth sports associations is that joint fundraising will be possible, but at this point there are no commitments by any organization on dollar amounts. Further direction from the City of Maple Grove is needed before additional steps will be taken.
Capital Improvements: Ward Wallner was not able to attend the meeting, but he provided a report via email to the board members prior to the meeting. The committee first will be attempting to set the scope of what is possible to accomplish. At this point, some potential projects include a fenced dugout project and an equipment storage box for field maintenance. The committee will consider the cost of each project and also enter into discussions with Park & Rec to determine if it’s legally possible to construct a project at various fields. All of the suggestions sent to the committee make sense to do, but cost constraints require prioritization. Finally, the committee wants to become a permanent standing committee and will make a recommendation at a future meeting.
Unfinished Business:
Pitching Machine / Kid Pitch- 9 Year Old League
Steve Larson has determined that the 9 Year Old League will start the season with a pitching machine and switch to Kid pitch when school ends in June. A discussion followed about the need to schedule pitching clinics for the players as well as the coaches so that they can learn to teach kids how to pitch with the proper mechanics.
New Business:
Election of Directors: Mike Parenteau suspended the rules of order for the election of a director.
As a result of the change to the By Laws, the Fundraising Director position is open. Nominations were opened. Paul Sperl nominated Gary Fena for the position of Fundraising Director. There no other nominations. The Chair declared an election vote that was approved unanimously.
The rules of order were reinstated by the President.
Report by Fundraising Director: Gary Fena reported that he has been in conversations with the pro at Sundance and a tournament can be held there on May 19 to raise money for the OMGAA Scholarship program. If we have 120 or more players, they will close the course for the tournament. Most likely the dinner will need to be held at different location, but things look promising at this point
Motion to adjourn was made by Paul Sperl
Seconded by Steve Larson
Motion was voice approved unanimously.
Meeting adjourned at 9:10 pm.
Submitted by,
Tim Murphy, OMGAA Secretary
Future Meetings:
January 16, 2007 / 7:00 pmFebruary 20, 2007 / 7:00 pm
March 20, 2007 / 7:00 pm
April 17, 2007 / 7:00 pm
All meetings at the Maple Grove Community Center