Undergraduate/ First Professional Degree/Graduate Program Assessment of
Student Learning Outcomes - Inventory of Educational Effectiveness Indicators
Section I: Assessment Report
Assessment of programmatic student learning outcome(s)
Program and degree(s) offered: / Curriculum map attached:Yes; please note any changes in outcomes since the last report:
No; please explain:
Program assessed in this report:
Department Chair:
Form completed by:
Academic Reporting Year: 2014-2015
URL for published learning outcomes (please complete URL): web.uri.edu/
Outcome(s) Examined / Data/Evidence / Evaluation Process / Results &
Reflection / Recommendations & Planning
Which program student learning outcome(s)was assessed during this reporting period? / Other than grades, what data/evidence* were used to determine that students have achieved the stated outcome(s) for the degree? Direct evidence is required; indirect evidence is optional.
- type of artifact*
- sample(include # of students sampled, which semesters, where in curriculum the outcome was assessed (in course(s), section(s) or a program requirement)
- evaluation tool/instrument**
- expected level of student achievement of the outcome
- who applied the evaluation tool and how was it used***
- whointerpreted the results of the evaluation process****
- quantitativeresults, including a comparison of expected level of student achievement to actual level of student achievement
- appropriate qualitative results
- analysis of theresults including the identification of patterns of weakness or strength
- reflectionand conclusions
If no:
Indicate: N/A
If yes:
- recommendation(s) for change(s) planned
- timeline for programto implement the change(s)
- timeline for programto assess the impact of the change(s)
(Add lines as needed.)
Section II. Assessment Re-Evaluation Report
Impact of change(s) based on previous assessment recommendations
Program and degree(s) offered: / Department Chair:Academic Reporting Year: 2014-2015 / Form completed by:
Outcome / Follow-up on Prior Recommendations / Data/Evidence / Evaluation Process / Results & Reflection / Recommendations & Planning
Based on previous assessment reports and results, list each student learning outcome(s) identified for re-evaluation in 2015. / For each outcome identified, provide:
- a description of the recommended change(s) in a prior report, and date report was submitted
- whether the change was implemented, and if so, include date
- type of artifact*
- sample (include # of students sampled, which semesters, where in curriculum the outcome was assessed (in course(s), section(s) or in a program requirement)
- include the evaluative tool**
- expected level of student achievement of the outcome
- who applied the evaluation tool***
- who interpreted the results****
- quantitative results, including the expected and actual levels of student achievement
- appropriate qualitative results
- analysis of the results,
- reflection and conclusions (include the identification of patterns of weakness or strength)
If yes:
- any additional plansor recommendations for follow-up
- recommendations for future plans to improve student learning results
- date/timeline for action and re-evaluation
*add lines as needed
URI Assessment Reporting Form is in compliance with NEASC and campus reporting requirements. Revised 5/2015
* For example: embedded questions in assignments or exams, presentations, thesis proposals, comprehensive exams, performances, capstone course, portfolio review, research paper, etc.
For help, go to:
**For example: rubric, juried form, external evaluation
***For example: faculty, assessment committee, major professor, research/practicum supervisor(best practice is multiple participants)
****For example: faculty, assessment committee, chair, program director (best practice is multiple participants)