The Annual Parish Meeting was held in West Burton Village Hall on Tuesday, 6 May 2014 at 7.30 pm.
Members of the Council present were: Councillors Jane Ritchie, Chairman, Councillor Gail Dent, Vice-Chairman, Councillors Rowland Dent, Mark Stanley and Bill Woodbridge, and Mrs Sue Ryding, Clerk.
15 members of the public were also present and were welcomed by the Chairman.
1. Minutes of the last meeting and matters arising
The Minutes of the last Annual Parish Meeting held on 30 April 2013, having been circulated prior to the meeting, weretaken as read. Mr Barry Nichols proposed and Mr Keith Ryding seconded that the Minutes were a true record and this was confirmed by all present.
UPM Tilhill
The Chairman reported that Holly Rogerson, who had previously worked for the forestry company, UPM Tilhill, had now moved to a different company, but was still managing the Forelands Forestry. Tree planting was now progressing
Dead trees by the B6160
The dead trees by the B6160 had now been removed. However, two further trees have now died. The Clerk was asked to talk to the Highways Department in order to have them removed before the Tour de France.
Children’s play area
Having consulted with the Highways Department, the Council had been advised that a ‘Slow’ sign near the play area would not be feasible.
Footpath across the Green
This had still not been cleared, but it was hoped that the Parish Caretaker would be able to undertake the work soon.
2. Annual Report, Parish Accounts and points arising
Ownership of Land in the Parish
The Chairman reported that this matter had been successfully concluded, at least for the time being. Appreciation was expressed of the hard work of the Council in bringing this about.
The new quoits set was being held by Mr Andy Landau in the Fox and Hounds. A system for borrowing them was being worked out.
New Mower
The new mower had now been in action several times. Comments had been received by the Council that the look of the Green had improved. The Chairman again thanked Councillor Matthew Wilkes of Richmondshire District Council for his assistance in obtaining the grant.
The Chairman explained that if a defibrillator was installed under the archway of the Fox and Hounds Inn this would do away with the need for a First Responders Group. Anyone who could follow instructions would be able to use the defibrillator. However, training on using the apparatus would be available and quite a few people had volunteered to attend a familiarisation session.
Upper Dales Health Watch
The Chairman reported that the battle to save the funding for rural practices, such as the Central Dales Practice, was continuing. At the moment they stood to loose £45,000 over the next seven years. She also pointed out that information brochures from the Clinical Commissioning Group were available in the Hall.
Rights of Way
The Chairman explained that the working group for registering of footpaths and tracks within the village would begin to undertake the work shortly. She emphasised that footpaths outside the village were not included in this process as they were already registered.
Recipe Book
The special Tour de France copies of the recipe book were available for purchase in the shop and Hartles Butchers.
Flooding on the B6160
Councillor Rowland Dent explained what measures had been discussed with the landowner to alleviate the flooding on the B6160, particularly near Sorrelsykes Hall. It was hoped that these measures would be completed in time for the Tour de France.
The Chairman and the Clerk explained briefly why it had been considered necessary to increase the Precept by £600 per annum. There were no further questions or comments on Council finances.
Vote of thanks
Mr Michael Wheeler proposed, and Mrs Sally Stone seconded, a vote of thanks for the work of the Council during the year. This was much appreciated by the members of the Council.
3. Information on the Tour de France
Mr Nigel Metcalfe of the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority gave the meeting information on some of the details of the arrangements for the Tour de France including road closures, litter clean up, field walls and emergency cover. He answered several questions and pointed out that there was more information available on . Another meeting for all interested parties was due to be held in West Burton Village Hall on Tuesday, 13 May 2014 at 7.00 pm.
4. Any other business
There was some discussion on the siting of the new quoits pitch with fears being expressed that it had been placed near the children’s play area and so constituted a hazard. The Council agreed that the site needed the tape removing and a general tidy up. The situation would be monitored.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.10 pm.
Chairman:J O Ritchie
Date: 5 May 2015