Leeds Road,Allerton Bywater
Castleford,WF10 2DR
Headteacher: Richard Cairns
Year 1 ST Summer 1newsletter 2015
Dear Parents/Carers,
Happy Easter and welcome back, I hope you enjoyed thebreak.
What’s coming up this term?
Literacy – This half term we will be focusing on traditional Stories and Fairy tales. We will give these stories a futuristic twist i.e. robots to correlate to our topic. If you have any books at home about Robots or the future please bring them in to share with us. Our non-fiction work this half term will be writing instructions.
Numeracy – Over the Summer 1 one half term we will cover measurement, including weight and capacity. As well as this, geometry, including properties of both 2D and 3D shape, position and direction.
Science – Linking to our DT focus, our science topic is everyday materials. Within this we will: identifying and name a variety of everyday materials, including wood, plastic, glass, metal, water and rock and describe the simple physical properties of a variety of everyday materials. Through investigations we will be creating dens for woodland creates, experimenting to check that they are waterproof.
RE – Beliefs.
PE- Netball and Dance. PE will be on a Monday and alternate between Wednesday and Thursdays depending on the coaches so we ask for PE kits to be in school all week. Would you please provide fully named indoor and outdoor PE kits. We would also ask that children with pierced ears come to school with them taken out, or with tape to cover them up for P.E. Please remember earrings should be plain gold or silver studs.
Topic- The whole school topic is ‘Back to the Future.’ The children will be designing and building robots, exploring how they can be made stronger, stiffer and more stable. The children will be learning how to evaluate their ideas and robots against design criteria.
History- In History we will be comparing and contrasting communication technology over the past 10 years.
Phonics- As you are aware the children will complete a phonics screening at the start of June, this is a very important part of Year1. Please ensure your child is practising all of the phase 3 and 5 phonics sounds. Using the packs that have been given out please practise blending the words, it is vital that phonics is applied at home as well as in school. If you have any questions or concerns about the screening please do not hesitate to ask.
Reminders- Children can now use the I am Learning website, the username is your child’s first and last name with no spaces all in lower case, the password is your child’s birthday dd/mm/yyyy.
For example, user name: johnsmithpassword: 07/03/2009
Reading- Please could you bring the reading books, planners and book bags to school every day. We will read with each child at least once a week and the children will change their books on a Friday. We also listen to the children read twice a week during guided reading sessions.
Maths and LACAWAC books are sent home on Friday and should be back in school by Wednesday. It is important the children complete their homework as it consolidates the work we are doing in school.
Please continue to support your child’s learning by
•listening to them read daily and asking questions about the text to check understanding.
•ensuring that home learning is completed and handed in each week.
Computing- There are many popular websites available:
During computing sessions we discuss internet safety, teaching the children how to keep themselves safe on the internet, not to divulge personal information and where to go to for help and support when they have concerns about content or contact on the internet or other online technologies. We ask that you continue this at home.
We are still available to speak to in the mornings and at the end of the day if you have any concerns or worries.
Don’t forget to look at our BLOG to see what we have been doing.
Thank you for your continuing support.
Mrs Thomas and Mrs Marchant.
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