On behalf of FLAG we are happy to announce The VIDEO SPOKEN LANGUAGE CONTEST for elementary schools located more than 50 miles from the Atlanta metro area. We would like to invite all World Languages teachers (K–5) in Georgia to enter their students in the 2018 Elementary Contest by submitting a video of students’ performances in a world language. The contest evaluates students on their ability to communicate in the target language. This contest is a wonderful event and an encouragement to young children in continuing their world language studies.
Any current FLAG member may register a maximum of 10 students (per teacher) from grades K-5. There is a $5 fee per student that to be paid in advance. Teachers, If you are not yet a FLAG member, you can find the membership form here: payment will be due at the time of registration.
You will find a registration form, contest guidelines, information on the various categories in which students may enter. Read the instructions carefully for registering your students.
Send your students performances videos to
Contest Focus—Teachers will develop a video that promotes language learning for students in K-5.
Submission Guidelines
- The length of Video contest is not to exceed 3 minutes.
- When submitting the video please include:
- Teacher’s name and email address
- School’s name, phone number and address
- Student’s name, grade level, and categories
- The language.
- Specifications for Video contest are:
- 3 minutes maximum in length
- MP4, MPEG, MOV, MPG, MPEG or WMV format to go to Google Drive Folder (Link to be sent after application is received)
- Teacher may send individual or group performance but limited to 10 videos per 10 students per teacher.
- There is a $ 5 fee per student that is to be paid in advance.
All registrations and Submissions for the video contest start on April 10th 2018.
* All categories last up to 3 minutes maximum, except for the "dialog, skit or puppet show" category which lasts a maximum of 5 minutes for setting up, performing, and taking down.
CATEGORY * / GUIDELINES / GRADE LEVELrhyme, song / may be from any source, sung from memory either a capella or with a tape, provide judges with written text / K, 1, 2
counting / recite from 1 to 31 from memory / K
number recognition / recognize and name 20 numbers between 0 and 100 (no written words) / 1
number recognition sight reading / sight read 10 number words between 0 and 100 / 3
vocabulary recognition / identify 20 items from pictures, themes, colors, body parts, farm and zoo animals / 1
vocabulary recognition / identify 20 items from pictures, themes, classroom objects, fruits, vegetables, emotions / 2
alphabet recognition / recognize 10 items from pictures, say, spell, and say word again, themes, colors, family, pets, numbers 1-10 / 2
dialogue, skit or puppet show / up to 8 students present from memory, provide judges with textof presentation, bring necessary musical accompaniment and props / 2 thru 5
interview with judge / answer 10 questions, themes, personal information, family, pets, favorite colors, food, animals, etc. / 2
interview with judge / answer 10 questions, themes, school subjects (likes/dislikes), clothing, after-school activities (likes/dislikes), physical characteristics or body parts, feeling / 3
interview with judge / answer 10 questions examples of typical questions: How are you today? Why? Likes/dislikes-why? Tell me about your pet, your best friend, your favorite activities-shy? / 4 thru 5
poem, song or rap / may be from any source, sung or spoken from memory either a capella or with tape, provide judges with written text / 3
poem, rap or joke telling / see "poem, song or rap" (3), above, may tell more than one joke if time allows, provide judges with written text / 4 thru 5
song and dance / up to 8 students sing and dance simultaneously, provide judges with a written text, bring necessary props and musical accompaniment / 4 thru 5
If you have any question or concern, contact Mrs.Bensaadoun at
Thank you for your participation!