New York Library System
Public Library Section
Board Meeting
Mohawk Valley Library System
September 8, 2006
Present:Gail Sacco, Mary Grace Flaherty, Scott Hughes, Carol Clingan, and Nancy Pieri.
Excused:Kevin Gallagher, Jeff Cannell, Karen LaRocca-Fels, Beverly Choltco-Devlin
I.Call to Order, Approval of Agenda
President Hughes called the meeting to order at 11:00 am.
II.Approval of Minutes.
Minutes of the previous meeting were approved by consensus.
III.Financial Report
The financial report was not available.
IV.President’s Report
President Hughes discussed the NYLA Leadership retreat scheduled for September 28.He will not be able to attend and will pass the information on to Vice President/President Elect Carol Clingan.
President Hughes reported that the former director of the East Meadow Public Library and a past president of NYLA have passed away.A discussion followed regarding memorial donations.It was decided PLS will continue to make gifts to support NYLA initiatives, but is not able to make individual memorial donations.
The unified conference plan is being less than enthusiastically embraced by some NYLA sections.
PLS feels smaller conferences are more likely to get people involved.Being part of a section committee is also a valuable way to network with colleagues from around the state.
V.Committee Reports
Awards. MG Flaherty announced the winner of the PLS Conference Award.Virginia Papandrea was unanimously selected from among this year’s applicants.
Two applications were submitted for the PLS Building Award.The selection sub-committee (Flaherty, Gallagher, and Choltco-Devlin) will select the winner shortly.
No applications were submitted for the PLS Best Practices Award.
In the coming months, PLS board will consider ways to revitalize the annual awards.
MG Flaherty solicited ideas from the board for the 2007 Spring Conference.
Membership. No report was available.
Over 200 PLS members have not provided their email addresses.These valued members do not receive notice of PLS events, announcements of the latest Synergy publication, or reminders to vote for PLS board positions.A postcard campaign will be initiated to encourage these members to provide an email address.
Newsletter. A new edition of Synergy will be published prior to the 2006 conference.
Nominations. PLS election was handled electronically this year using NYLA’s new polling software.The three seats were uncontested.G. Sacco will check with J. Johansson to ensure a reminder to vote message goes out to PLS members prior to October 1.
System Services. No report was available.
The PLS subcommittee will meet on September 29 to discuss the next step in the process.Responses and ideas will be sought from conference attendees at the System Services program.
VI.Liaison Reports
Legislative Committee. No report.
Civil Service. No report.
Library District Task Force. No report.
VII.NYLA Conference 2006
The PLS board will gather for the annual dinner meeting prior to NYLA.This year’s award winners will be invited to join the board for dinner.
The program lineup and details for the Table Talks presentation were discussed.
PLS will hold its open house/reception at the OldBryanInn beginning at 10pm on Thursday.Beer, wine, soda and trays of snacks will be provided for this networking event.
Author! Author!. Bob Devino needs 5 volunteers to assist at this special event.
Booth. No report was available.
VIII.Old Business
No old business.
IX.New Business
No new business.
Meeting adjourned on a motion by MG Flaherty, second by N. Pieri.
Next meeting:November 1, 2007.Saratoga Ballroom 1, Saratoga SpringsConferenceCenter.7:00pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Nancy L. Pieri, Secretary