Newnham on Severn Parish Council

Notes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on Thursday 16th April 2015 at 7pm in the W.I. Hut, Newnham on Severn – Page 1

Notes from the Parish meeting of 22nd April 2014

The notes of the previous meeting were circulated.

To receive the report of the Chairman

Cllr Walker referred those present to the recent Parish council newsletter which details the achievements of council over the past year.

He reiterated that Council have underspent against budget whilst completing several projects improving the facilities for the village. Council have achieved this without increasing our precept.

During the year there have been changes in the constitution of the council with the resignation of two councillors and the co-option of Rob Mann to fill one of those vacancies.

As there is no need for an Ordinary election due to only eight nominations for nine positions, council will seek to co-opt again to bring our complement back up to nine.

As Chairman he is keen to see some younger candidates come forward so that all ages of the community have a voice on council.

Our plans for the coming financial year are to continue our investment in maintenance of the village open spaces, in particular the Green and the Chains.

To continue to refine our processes and procedures to ensure we work as effectively and efficiently as possible.

To identify additional land for burial purposes in the future as our current burial ground is reaching capacity.

To continue to work closely with Highways at the County Council to ensure our roads and footpaths are maintained appropriately.

To Receive an annual report from the Clerk

The Clerk reported that council had been very active in a number of administrative areas such as a review of procedures to ensure “best practice” is achieved. Improvements in information availability via the website and plans to improve the layout, access and amount of information available on the website. He also confirmed that the internal audit had been completed on the 14th April and only a few minor observations had been made that would be worked on in coming months.

To receive the Financial report of the Council for Year ending 31st March 2015.

  • The Clerk circulated a financial report for the full year along with the Outlooks for 2015/16. The Councils finances are in good order with over £36Kbeing available capital as of the 31st March 2015. This included the Open Space and embankment transfer from FoDDC of £22K. The Outlook for 31st March 2016is an available reserve of £29Kafter accounting for ring fenced monies for future elections/clock maintenance and the Pre School proposed grant of £1000. Expenditure for the coming year is set to run approximately £6000 greater than income (specific one off projects identified) which will be absorbed from within reserves.

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To receive County Council and District Council reports.

County Councillorreport – Resources at County level are still under severe pressure with less money coming from Central Government. County is still committed to maintaining services to Adult social care and vulnerable children. This inevitably leads to pressure in other areas where savings have to be made. Highways having a significantly reduced budget. TheHighways sub established to meet regularly with Highways staff is now in place and he was pleased to see it was considered a successful activity, helping to ensure Newnham’s needs were being met within the budget restrictions being imposed.The lengthsmanscheme was progressing andits is planned for roll out in May, this should hekp with minor projects required in Parishes.The Zebra crossing project was progressing and it was hope that improvements will be implemented in the near future.

Post Office closures generally in the County and across the UK are causing concern with Newnham Post Office in danger of closure due to relocation plans to an alternative commercial premises. Cllr Walker thanked Cllr Leppington for his continued support to the Village during the last two years during which the benefits of his involvement are clear to see.

District Councillorreport - Cllr Phelps advised that as at County, District Council finances are under pressure with significant reductions in expenditure being required. Further investigations with other district councils to share services are being investigated. He was pleased to support the Parish Councils request that the WI submission to the allocations plan be included enabling building development at the site. He confirmed that he shared the concerns relating to Post Office closures. Cllr Walker thanked him for his support since his election.

To receive overviews of Parish Organisations

Football Club – Roger Parrish advised that the football club was doing well this year, currently sitting about mid table in their division. Many of the players being local to the Village. As always, financial pressures exist making it difficult to maintain liquidity. The aim of the club is to remain active and be financially independent. Cllr Walker thanked him for his input and to the significant efforts he makes as an individual in ensuring the club remains active.

To consider any other matter for the benefit of the Parish.

Riverbank path Fish Hut to Silver Fox –This is a well used pathway that has become very neglected.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.30