Oct.21~24, Chongqing, China
Oct.21, 2009, Wednesday, Grand Metropark HotelRegistrationat Grand Metropark Hotel / 13:00-18:00
Conference welcome reception at 1st floor restaurant (J’Café), Grand Metropark Hotelor Government welcome reception at EMPARK Grand Hotel / 18:00-21:00
Oct.22, Thursday
Opening Ceremony for “Chongqing Movement of the International Known R&D Institutes”, EMPARK Grand Hotel / 9:00-12:00
Lunch, Grand Metropark Hotel / 12:00-14:00
ICMAN2009 Opening CeremonyGroup Photo
Yangtze River Hall, Grand Metropark Hotel
Chair: Zhaoying Zhou / 14:00-14:30
0-1:Opening Ceremony / 14:00~14:20
0-2: Group Photo / 14:20~14:30
Session 1: Innovative Technologies Forum
Yangtze River Hall, Grand Metropark Hotel
Session Chair: Daniel D. Joseph; Gelfond Mark Lvovitch
Masayoshi Esashi; Zhilei Xu; / 14:30-17:30
1-1: “Colloidal coal in water suspensions”
Daniel D. Joseph, University of Minnesota, USA / 14:30-14:45
1-2: “MEMS projet in TohokuUniversity”
Masayoshi Esashi, Tohoku University, Japan / 14:45-15:00
1-3: “Challenges of Smart System Integration by using Mirco Nano Technologies”
Thomas Otto, Fraunhofer ENAS, Germany / 15:00-15:15
1-4: “Introduction to MicrosystemCenter of IEE,CAEP”
ZhiLei Xu,ChinaAcademy of EngineeringPhysics, China / 15:15-15:30
1-5: “Micro-Navigator for Spacecraft with MEMS Technology”
Sixing Liu, L-3 Communications, USA / 15:30-15:45
Break & Exhibit Inspection / 15:45-16:00
1-6: “Introduction to Exposure Technology for High-Resolution Patterning in High Scallop Areas of MEMS Devices”
Goichi Kushibiki, USHIO Inc., Japan / 16:00-16:15
1-7: “MEMS-Based Sensors Dealing with the Climate Change”
Qingquan Liu,NanjingUniversity of Information & Technology,China / 16:15-16:30
1-8: “Wales Innovation Platform in Micro and Nano Technologies”
Steve Conlan, Centre for NanoHealth, UK / 16:30-16:45
1-9: “Artificial hair sensor based aligned micro/nano fiber”
Weiting Liu, Zhejiang University, China / 16:45-17:00
Panel Discussion on the Innovation of MNTs / 17:00-17:30
Banquet at QUANJUDE (Hongyadong) / 19:00-21:00
End of Day 1
Oct.23, Friday
Session 2: Industrialization Forum
Yangtze River Hall, Grand Metropark Hotel
Session Chair: Rolf Johansson;Thomas Otto;
Sixing Liu; Lining Sun / 09:00-12:00
2-1: “MEMS & Nano-Technology, Industrialization and Commercialization in Sweden”
Rolf Johansson, Lund University,Sweden / 09:00-09:15
2-2:" Comprehensive Foundry: The Key to MEMS Total Solution "
Daniel Fu,Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation, China / 09:15-09:30
2-3: “MEMS infrared microbolmeter sensors”
Kevin Liddiard,Electro-optic Sensor Design,Australia / 09:30-09:45
2-4: “Lensless 3-Dimensional Lithography”
William (Bill) Parker,Creative MicroSystems Corporation, USA / 09:45-10:00
2-5: “Based on Mainstream CMOS-Compatible Process Platforms: Ultimate Path of Manufacturing Commercialization of and N/MEMS SOC Products”
Herb Huang, Jiangsu Liheng Electronics Co., Ltd, China / 10:00-10:15
Break & Exhibit Inspection / 10:15-10:30
2-6: “Industry-University Cooperation for MEMS Development”
Kentaro Totsu, Tohoku University, Japan / 10:30-10:45
2-7: “Title to be decided”
Lining Sun,Harbin Institute of Technology, China / 10:45-11:00
2-8:“Steach Dicing(SD) Technology Principle and applications”
Naoki Uchiyama, Hamamatsu Photonics k.k., Japan / 11:00-11:15
2-9: “The 5th Generation Deep RIE Plasma Etcher for MEMS & its related equipment”
Siu Wan Sing, Laser Technology Co. Ltd., Hongkong, China / 11:15-11:30
2-10: “Development of integrated infrared microsystem: Applications to carbon dioxide infrared sensor”
Jianjun Lai, Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics, China / 11:30-11:45
Panel Discussion on the Industrialization of MNTs / 11:45-12:00
Lunch, Grand Metropark Hotel / 12:00
Session3: Investment and Commercialization
Yangtze River Hall, Grand Metropark Hotel
Session Chair: Howard Ballocho; Daniel J. Laser
Herb Huang; Tetsuo nakano / 14:00-15:15
3-1: “Suggestions on the Development of MEMS devices”
Henggao Ding, China Society of Inertial Technology, China / 14:00-14:15
3-2: “Based On The Worldwide Advanced R&D Technology And Mature Manufacturing Process Capability, Try To Find a New Way For Chinese MEMS Industry Development”
Ruodan Zhang, China Semiconductor Technologies Company Ltd., China / 14:15-14:30
3-3: “China-Russia cooperation potential in Nano and microelectronics domain”
Markin Vlardimier Gergyvtch, Russia-China Economic and Trade Cooperation Center, Russia / 14:30-14:45
3-4: “Custom MEMS manufacturing: business models and differenciation”
Vincent GAFF, Tronic's Microsystems company, France / 14:45-15:00
3-5: “New inducstry,new plan, great opportunity”
Xiaodong Ma, Wuxi Micro-nano International Innovation Park, China / 15:00-15:15
Panel Discussion on opportunities in the investments and commercialization of MNTs / 15:15-15:30
Break & Exhibit Inspection / 15:30-15:45
Session 4: Discussion on Microsystems for Medical Applications
Yangtze River Hall, Grand Metropark Hotel
Session Chair: Martin Richter; Daniel J. Laser;
Ruodan Zhang;William (Bill) Parker / 15:45-17:15
4-1: “PDT in oncologic clinic. To be continued?”
Gelfond Mark Lvovitch, Bideluofu Institute, Russia / 15:45-16:00
4-2: “Microsystems for Medical application”
Martin Richter, Fraunhofer-IZM, Germany / 16:00-16:15
4-3: “Commercialization of Microtechnologies for Global Health Applications”
Daniel J. Laser, Wave 80 Biosciences, Inc., USA / 16:15-16:30
4-4: “Current Research and Development Trend of Medical MEMS in China”
Zhaotao Gong, Chongqing Jinshan Science & Technology(Group), China / 16:30-16:45
Panel Discussion on Medical Microsystems / 16:45-17:00
Closing Ceremony
Session Chair: Jinshan Wang / 17:00-17:30
Co-signing ceremony / 17:15-17:30
5-1: “Brief Summary of ICMAN2009”
Zhaoying Zhou, Tsinghua University, China / 17:30-17:45
Banquet at Little Swan Hot Pot (Jiefangbei ) / 18:30-21:30
Oct.24, Saturday
Tour of Chongqing University→Chongqing Airport Development Area→Jinshan Science & Technology→Airport / 08:00-12:00
Lunch / 12:00
Free time / 14:00