Directorate & Team: Stoke School Sport Partnerships / Completed By: Nigel Edwards / Date:
Monday 21st January 2013
Review Date:
Activity Workplace:
Year 5&6 High Five Netball Competition
Fenton Manor Sports Complex
Monday 21st January 2013
Squad of 7 to 9 Yr 5/6 players, maximum two boys
Players must rotate positions at the end of each game / Manager: Steve Goodwin
Hazard / Initial risk / Action plan / Residual risk
Details of hazard / Who is affected and how? / Likelihood / Consequence / Risk
L/M/H / What controls are already in place / Further action required / By whom / By when / Likelihood / Consequence / Risk
Travel to and from Fenton Manor Sports Complex /
- Pupils, staff, senior sports leaders
-Arrangements for departure back to school or home or collection from the event agreed via parental consent with pupils’ school
-Use of seat belts
-Car insurance for business use
-Register and emergency contact details and any medical conditions available for all pupils via supervising member of staff
-Details left at school of departure (where appropriate) / None
Year 5 and 6 pupils competing in the event
(Minimum 9 boys, 9 girls; Maximum 15 boys and 15 girls per Primary school)
Senior sports leaders officiating and supporting the event / / 3 / 3 / M / -Sports leaders support the running of the event by officiating/timekeeping/
scoring under the supervision of staff from the organisers and school staff or NGB present
-Primary pupils are supervised at all times by staff at venue
-Spectators situated in the viewing gallery or court side as appropriate
-Competition format and score sheets issued to staff prior to the event and clearly explained again prior to commencement of event to staff, pupils and spectators, including respect for officials and their decisions.
-Organisers explain emergency procedures to staff and toilet arrangements
-Schools are responsible for first aid arrangements for their pupils.
-First aid kit available at Fenton Manor reception
-Staff encouraged to bring mobile phones
-Pupils and sports leaders permission to participate/support event is granted by parental consent and emergency contacts available
-Schools confirm parental consent with their own pupils for still and action photography for use in SSP website and newsletters and press (where appropriate)
The level of risk is calculated by: / The likelihood / x / The Consequence
1- Very unlikely
2- Unlikely
3- Fairly likely
4- Likely
5- Very likely / 1- Insignificant(no injury)
2- Minor (minor injury needing first aid)
3- Moderate (up to 3 days absence)
4- Major (more than 3 days absence)
5- Catastrophic (death)
Risk rating:
1 – 4 / Low (acceptable) / No further action required5 – 9 / Medium (adequate) / If risk cannot be lowered any further, consider risk against benefit. Monitor and look to improve at next review
10 – 16 / High (tolerable) / Identify further control measures to reduce risk rating. Seek further advice e.g. line manager, H&S team, etc.
17 - 25 / Very High (unacceptable) / Do not undertake the activity. Implement immediate improvements
Risk Assessment trial.docx / Page 1 of 3