ResExec Minutes

Tuesday 14th January 2014

Guild Council Chambers

Chair: Dave Charles VPHC

Secretary: Lily Cooksey, Student Group Coordinator (RAs)

In attendance by RA Committee: 44/54 Attendees (44/48 taking into consideration those not yet trained).

Polo shirts and name badges were given out.

1.  Apologies


2.  ‘Round the RAs’

Dave explained that each week we go ‘Round the RAs’ with a general topic and each Hall contributes a point. For example the topic could be ‘highlight of the year’ etc. As this was the RAs first meeting, we will start ‘Round the RAs’ at the next ResExec.

3.  Welcome events

Dave explained the importance of the RAs running welcome ‘pizza events’ sometime in the next week for their hall residents in order to get to know them and vice versa. Any requests for such meetings should be emailed to Lily () who can then order pizza etc.

4.  Announcement of elections

The results of the ‘Communications Officer’ elections from RA training were announced as per the below:

Aitken: Manpreet Shoker

Elgar: Sophie Worthington

Jarratt: Roberto Sorrentino

Liberty Court: Eleanor Keiller

Liberty Gardens: Poppy Kaur Johal

Maple Bank: Ieuan Callaghan

Mason: Natasha Wiffill

Pritchatt’s: Jen Bainbridge

Shackleton: Rosalind Lockley

Tennis Courts: Kyle O’Callaghan

Victoria: Shams Al-Hity

5.  Promoter pitches

Dave explained why the promoters have come in to pitch their events to the RAs. In order to keep the system as fair as possible, and to widen RAs options of promoters to work with, a supplier’s list was set up. These promoters have 10 minutes to pitch about themselves/their events to the RAs, then 10 minutes to take questions from the floor.

The RAs need to think about the below when listening to the pitches:

A)  Does the event appeal to your residents? If so, how many?

B)  How much input will you as an RA be able to have with the events, or will the promoter want the control?

C)  Would working with this promoter help to achieve the focus of the RA scheme?

The promoters are sent in in a random order (which was drawn from a hat), the running order was as per the below:

1.  Adam Craig: Guild of Students

2.  Hugh Kinnear: Naughty Horse

3.  Luke: Monday Madness/Seedy Sonics & Terry Runcorn: The Hub/Nightingales

4.  Paul ‘Pabs’ Ashley & Cat Palmer: Colourfest

5.  Rosanna, Joe Jackson & Raj Bansall: Vodbull

6.  Changing passwords

All RAs were asked to come to the counter in StuDev to sign their code of conducts and change their passwords. Dave also communicated the importance of getting social media passwords from previous RAs and changing them to keep the accounts secure.

7.  Operations meeting & Vale site meeting

Dave reminded RAs of the Operations meeting (Mandela: Wednesday 22nd January: 2pm – 4pm) and the Vale site meeting (The Hub: Thursday 16th January: 7pm – 8pm). Reminders for these meetings will be posted in the Facebook group and an email will be sent to all Communications Officers.

8.  AOB

Any problems with name badges should be emailed to for Lily to deal with.