Garrett Academy
2731 Gordon Street
North Charleston, SC 29405
April 30, 2015
Dear Parents and Students,
Congratulations on your efforts, encouragement, and patience, which will be rewarded on, Wednesday, June 3when we hold our Commencement Exercises. This letter will provide you with details about the ceremony.
The 2015 Commencement Exercises will take place at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, June 3, 2015in the North Charleston Performing Arts Center. Due to space limitations, you will only receive 14 tickets to gain entry to Commencement Exercises. However, there are no reserved seats. Seniors must arrive by 4:00 p.m. I recommend that parents arrive no later than 4:30 p.m.,if you wish to have your choice of seating. Parking will be available at the North Charleston Performing Arts Center; however, several sections will be closed due to construction. Please arrive early and be prepared to adjust to the circumstances.
Senior exams begin on Tuesday, May 26th with 1st and 3rd Block Exams and conclude on Wednesday, May 27thwith 4th and 2ndBlock Exams. Please encourage your scholars to be present and on time for their exams. Commencement rehearsals will be held at GarrettAcademy‘s Gymnasium on Thursday, May 28th at 2:00 pm (Student arrival at 1:30 p.m.) and at the North Charleston Performing Arts Center on Tuesday, June 2, at 6:00 p.m. (Student arrival at 5:00 pm). Theserehearsals are mandatory so students know their places in line and the procedures of the ceremony. Students should provide their own transportation. The seniors will be honored with a Senior Reception and Baccalaureate Ceremony from 6:00 pm – 8:00 p.m. on May 28th. The Senior Reception and Baccalaureate Ceremony will be hosted and sponsored by Harvest Pointe Church, 4870 Piedmont Ave., North Charleston, SC 29406
All seniors must meet all obligations such as returned books, uniforms, sports equipment and paying fees. Senior checkout begins Thursday, May 28th and endson Monday, June 1st at 12:00 noon. Please keep in mind that senior check-out sheets and all fees and fine transactions must be completed by Monday, June 1st at 12:00 noon. Failure to do so may result in not receiving a diploma at the graduation ceremony.
During the Commencement Ceremony we ask that the audience remain in their seats until the graduates complete the recessional. There will be a professional photographer present taking photographs of students as they receive their diplomas. Spectators will not be allowed near the stage during the ceremony. Horns and noise makers of all kinds are not permitted inside the North Charleston Performing Arts Center. The North Charleston Police will be present to insure proper decorum throughout the ceremony.
Caps and gowns have already been distributed. Female graduates are expected to wear dark dresses or dress pants/skirts with blouses and dress shoes. Male graduates are expected to wear light colored dress shirts with a tie, dark dress trousers and dress shoes. Short pants, swim suits, running shoes, flip-flops. etc. will not be allowed. Students wearing inappropriate clothing will not be permitted to participate in the ceremony.
All students in the procession are expected to conduct themselves as ladies and gentlemen. Charleston County School District rules will be strictly enforced, and violators will be removed from the procession. Students not receiving diplomas at the graduation ceremony should contact the school to set up an appointment to receive their diploma.
We know that everyone will want this to be a memorable occasion for the graduates as well as their families. This memo has been prepared in an effort to alleviate problems and answer questions that have come up in the past. Parents we need to know that you have received this information. Please sign the student’s check out sheet in the appropriate space.
I look forward to seeing you at the ceremony. Thank you for your cooperation.
Charity Summers, Principal