The Name Game
Investigating Statistics

How long is your full name? (total number of letters in your first and last name)

  • Write this number on the paper that you are given (Write large!)

Activity #1

  • Fill your information in on the master chart
  • Take the number of snap cubes equal to your name and snap the cubes together into one long rod.
  • When given the signal move around the room and exchange cubes so that each person in the class has the same number of cubes.
  • Return to your seat when you have done this. (Some people may not have the exact same number but get as close as possible.)
  • What do we call what you have done with the cubes?
  • How can we use a mathematical operation to find the approximate number of cubes each person should have?
  • What are the two mathematical terms for this operation?
  • How many people’s names are larger than the amount each person got?
  • How many people’s names are less than the amount each person got?

Activity #2

  • When you are given the signal take the paper with your number written on it and come to the front of the room.
  • Arrange yourselves in order across the front of the room from the smallest number to the largest.
  • What is the mathematical name for the numbers on the ends?
  • What is the difference between the longest name and the shortest name?
  • What do we call that difference?
  • When given the signal the two end people will move to the side of the room.
  • Then the next 2 end people will move to the side of the room.
  • Continue until there is only one or two people left standing
  • What is the mathematical name of the person/people left in the front?
  • If there are two people standing how would we get one middle number?

Activity #3

  • When given the signal form lines by the amount of letters in your name. (Everyone with the same number of letters should be on the same line.)
  • If there is no one with the same number of letters as you go back to your seat.
  • Which line/s has the most people on it?
  • If you are not on the line/lines with the most letters return to your seat.
  • What is the mathematical name for the group/sthat is left?

Student Name / Number of letters