Title in Times New Roman 12 point in bold face – Upper and Lower Case
Author 11, Author 22
1Affiliation (e.g. Universitas Negeri Semarang) , 2Affiliation (e.g. UNNES, Indonesia)
E-mail : ess
A one-page abstract (A4-size: 210 mm × 297 mm) is required for each presentation. It should contain the title of the paper, author(s), affiliation(s), e-mail address of the corresponding author, and main text. The abstract should be in DOC or DOCX format (no larger than 1 MB). You can submit your abstract only through the symposium website. We will not accept abstract submission through any other paths.1)
(1) Leave margins of 25 mm each. (2) Title and other parts text are in 12-point / 11-point Times New Roman or similar fonts (only black color), respectively. (4) Title, author(s), affiliation(s), e-mail address are left-aligned. (5) Title is in boldface, affiliation(s) are in italic. (6) Underline the presenting author. (7) Insert one blank line between e-mail address and the main text. (8) The main text should be fully justified with a line height of 15 pt. (9) The abstracts will be provided to attendee only as electronic files in a USB memory. Color figures or photographs can be used. 2)
The deadline for abstract submission is May 30, 2017. The author is requested to declare the preferred presentation form (oral, poster, either) and two related topics at the submission. The corresponding author will be informed of acceptance by June 15, 2017.
1) Author 1, Author 2, Journal vol., page, year.
2) Author 3, Author 4, et al., Journal vol., page, year.
Young Researcher’s Awards
JCC-12 Awards will be offered in two categories on a competitive basis (please see abstract submission page of the conference web site for details). Young researchers should be 35 years old or younger on September 1, 2017. To apply for young researcher’s awards, check the box below, summarize the scientific significance of your paper and your contribution to the work in the following frame (no extension is allowed), and submit this page together with your abstract.
The applicants are requested to check another box and declare the age as of September 1, 2017 in the procedure of “abstract submission”.
[ ] I am 35 years old or younger on September 1, 2017 and want to become a candidate for young researcher’s awards.