October – City Life, Country Life
Weeks 1 & 2—Going to the Zoo / Weeks 3 & 4—Harvest TimeLiteracy / Literacy Understanding / sequence 3+ major events in a story / answer who, what, when, where
Vocabulary / cat, kitten, dog, puppy, goat, kid / chick, hen, pig, piglet, sheep, lamb, barn, silo
Phonics / b, z / l
Language / Sign Language** / bird, cat, dog, giraffe, turtle / cow, duck, horse, pig, sheep, orange
Spanish Vocabulary / firefighter/bombero, firetruck/el carro de bomberos / pig/cerdo, cow/vaca, horse/caballo, rooster/gallo
Spanish Review / cat/gato, dog/perro, dad/papa, mom/mama / colors, numbers
Mathematics / Numbers / represent 1-5 using tally marks / add one to a total
Critical Thinking / sort by color / classify objects into groups (i.e., animals vs. people)
Colors / red / yellow, orange
Spatial Reasoning / triangle,
count on a calendar / diamond,
understand forward, backward, left, & right
Science / Scientific Understanding / understand how to take care of animals, know many animal sounds & movements / identify the basic parts & needs of a plant, understand the purpose of farming
Sensory Exploration / pour water into a bowl using a cup / explore the insides of various fruits & vegetables
Culture / Cultural Understanding / animals from around the world / farming in different countries
Creative Expression / use some types of stamps / plant seeds, observe growth
Social-Emotional / Kind Child / being responsible for myself, my belongings and my classroom
Emotional Understanding / hangs up coat on cubby hook; puts socks and shoes on with minimal assistance; washes hands with minimal assistance; puts toys away
Physical Fitness / Gross Motor / stop, drop, & roll in sequence / throw a football
Fine Motor / attempt to write first name / complete a 10-piece puzzle
Handwriting / b, z / l
Technology / Technology Understanding / different types of technology (phones, computers, calculators, etc.) / use of technology in farming
Technology Skills / typing letters on keyboard / keyboard arrows