Path Creation
For the controller to move the robot to a program step, three pieces of information are required; COMMAND POSITION, MOTION TYPE, and PLAY SPEED. The Edit Buffer Line, identified with the white background, displays the active Motion Type, Speed, and other tags.
To insert a new path the Servo must be first turned on by hitting the SERVO ON button at the stop of the virtual pendant.
Open the virtual keypad from the top right button in your virtual pendant, the icon will resemble the keypad itself.
Navigate to the JOB LIST from SELECT JOB, and choose the job to be modified. Once selected, click the INSERT button on the virtual keypad with the INSERT button lit click the ENTER button on the keypad to insert a new motion.
The ARROW keys on the keypad are used to navigate the menus of your virtual pendant.
Use the MODIFY key and ENTER or the SELECT key to select a motion type and edit the value of motion. The CANCEL key is used to cancel out of a menu or edit to the job.
HINT:When an error such as the one shown below appears use the CANCEL button located to the left of the SELECT button to exit out from the error.
Highlight the DELETE key and hit ENTER on a command in the job to delete a command. You cannot delete a NOP or and END command.
The MOTION TYPE button (located in the bottom left of the keypad) will navigate through the three types of available motion. MOVJ (Joint Movement), MOVL (Linear Movement), and MOVC (Circular Movement). These motion selections can be seen on the bottom of the virtual pendant.
Once on the correct type of motion press the SELECT key to modify the play speed given for this motion. Use the ARROW key to move to the right and highlight the movement speed press the SLECT key to bring the Control_point_speed= request, enter a new value using the NUMBER PAD then press the ENTER key to confirm the new value.
Pressing the SELECT key on the movement type will bring the DETAIL EDIT window for further changes.
Command Position
The COMMAND POSITION is the Pulse destination for the robot, as well as other motors, if applicable. The controller will record the Control Group’s current position as the motion step’s COMMAND POSITION when the MOV_ instruction is entered.
Motion Type
The MOTION TYPE keys allows selection for the desired path that the robot/TCP will take moving to the COMMAND POSITION. The three standard motion types are Joint, Linear, and Circular. Each press of the MOTION TYPE key sequences through MOVJ, MOVL, and MOVC on the Edit Buffer Line.
Play Speed
The PLAY SPEED tag designates the desired travel speed for MOTION TYPE to the COMMAND POSITION. The MOVJ VJ=Joint_speed is a percent of maximum ranging from 0.01 to 100.00. The velocity for MOVL and MOVC is expressed as V = Control_point_speed units of cm/min, mm/min, in/min, or mm/sec.
Play Speed List Method
The Play Speed List method only allows selection from the eight preset values for either the Joint_speed (%) or the Control_point_speed Linear units list.
To select one of the eight preset play speeds, perform the following steps:
- After setting the desired motion type, press SELECT to move the cursor to the Edit Buffer Line.
- Cursor right to highlight the speed data.
- While holding a SHIFT key, cursor Up/Down to choose a speed from the list.
Data Entry Method
Play Speed data may be designated as any value within the speed’s range by using the number keypad for data entry.
To change the Play Speed tag data, perform the following steps:
- After setting the desired motion type, press SELECT to move the cursor to the Edit Buffer Line.
- Cursor right to highlight the existing speed data.
- Press SELECT. The appropriate Speed Data Prompt will appear.
- Enter the desired speed data on the number keypad and press ENTER.
The Speed Data units are as follows:
• VJ = Joint speed for MOVJ [VJ = 0.01 – 100.00% ].
• V = Control point speed for MOVL, MOVC, and MOVS as displayed within the JOB CONTENT in desired units as follows:
1 – 9000 cm/min
1 – 3543 in/min
1 – 90000 mm/min
0.1– 1500.0 mm/sec
[The robot maximum V=Control_point_speed is based on the model’s type. Some robots have a higher maximum speed.]
• VR = Angle speed for MOVL, MOVC [VR = 0.1 – 360.0 deg/sec]
NOTE:The requested play speed may not be fully attained during regular playback based on distance to travel, acceleration/deceleration tag settings, and any position level tag parameters. Also, activation of some special playback modes restrict job playback speeds.
Programming a Motion Step
To program a motion step, the system must be in TEACH mode with the Security Level set to at least the Editing Mode.
NOTE:Select the correct Tool No. 00 – 15 prior to jogging and recording a new motion step. Always proofread the Edit Buffer Line before inserting the new motion instruction in the JOB CONTENT.
To programa new motion step in a job, perform the following:
- CURSOR: Move the cursor on the Address Side (left side). For the first entry into a new job, this would be Line: 0000 NOP. Each new step instruction MOV_ will insert below the currently highlighted line address.
- MOTION TYPE: To change the motion type currently displayed on the Edit Buffer Line, press the MOTION TYPE key.
NOTE:For the MOTION TYPE key to function, the cursor must be active on the address side of the job content. (The MOTION TYPE key will not function after pressing SELECT to make the cursor active within the Edit Buffer.)
- PLAY SPEED: If necessary to change the play speed tag, press SELECT to access the Edit Buffer Line. Cursor to highlight the speed data for VJ = or V = and set the velocity using either the Play Speed List method or the Data Entry method.
- POSITION: Job to the desired Command Position.
- With the servos enabled, press [INSERT], ENTER.
All information regarding Command Position, Motion Type, Play Speed and the active Tool Number is recorded in the JOB CONTENT. (INSERT is not required when the cursor is highlighting the address immediately before the END instruction.)
NOTE:Jogging to the desired POSITION may also be performed before setting the Edit Buffer instruction details.
Joint Motion Type (MOVJ)
Joint motion type controls only the destination. The job’s Control Groups motors move until the Command Position’s Pulse data for each axis is achieved.
The robot’s tool path will not be straight because the controller does not interpolate its path. Therefore, applications such as painting, and dispensing are not performed with the joint motion type. Joint motion type is used primarily for approach and/or departure points moving to/from the work piece.
The speed tag, VJ = Joint_speed, represents the maximum for the “Velocity of Joints” when moving the programmed Command Position. Not all joint/motors may be required to move.
Linear Motion Type (MOVL)
Linear is an interpolated motion for the robot’s Tool Control Point (TCP). Choosing this motion type for a step has the controller move the robot’s TCP in a straight line path during travel to the robot Pulse Command Position.
If there is a change of tool angle of orientation from its previous position to the destination, the posture changes as the progress along the linear path changes.
The MOVL V = Control_point_speed defines the linear speed of the move, The “Velocity of Rotation” tag VR = Angle_Speed, is used to define the rotational speed when that speed definition is more appropriate.
First and Last Step As Same Position
When possible, the first and last step of a job should be taught at the same location. This overlapping keeps the robot from ending and starting the overall process at different locations, or taking an indeterminate path from the end of one job to the beginning of the next.
NOTE:The first step should be programmed with a very slow speed regardless of motion type MOVJ or MOVL. The last step should be programmed with either MOVJ or MOVL with an appropriate speed, but most importantly, it should be located at the same Command Position as the first step.
To program the last step at the same location as the first step, complete the following procedure:
- Move the cursor the Address side of the first step (Step 0001).
- Ensure a clear path, then press and hold the FWD key until the robot comes to a stop at Step 0001. The cursor will stop flashing.
- Move the cursor to the last recorded step (Step 0005).
- Press the MOTION TYPE key to set the motion type to MOVJ.
- Set the appropriate play speed tag (VJ = 100.00)
- Press ENTER
In the example below, the last step (Step 0006) is now programmed at the same locations as the first step (Step 0001).
00010001MOVJ VJ = 0.78
00020002MOVJ VJ = 100.00
00030003MOVJ VJ = 25.00
00040004MOVL V = 138
00050005MOVJ VJ = 50.00
00060006MOVJ VJ = 100.00