Sturry Parish Council owns and maintains SturryCemetery which is situated in Cedar Road, Sturry off the junction of the A28 and Hoadeswood Road.The fees set out below apply to all sections of the Cemetery and do not include digging of the grave or the payment of Clergy Fees. These are paid to the Funeral Directors directly.
Resident / Non Resident
1 / Purchase of plot *
Grave 6’ x 3’ (Child whose age at death did not exceed 16 years) / No Fee / 300
Grave 9’ x 4’ (Single width) / 600 / 1100
Grave 9’ x 8’ (Double width) / 1050 / 2000
Cremated Remains 4’6” x 4’ / 400 / 700
2 / Interment Fees
Single depth / 600 / 1100
Double depth / 450 / 800
Cremated remains / 200 / 300
3 / Grave maintenance fee per interment
Grave space / 200 / 200
Cremated remains plot / 60 / 60
4 / Monuments
Flat stone / Chippings (single width) / 50
Flat stone / Chippings (double width) / 80
Headstone (maximum height 3’) / 80
Footstone (maximum height 3’) / 50
Kerb or border stones (single width) / 140
Kerb or border stones (double width) / 150
Detachable Stone Vase (Max Height 2’) / No Fee
Bronzed Aluminium 12cm x 5cm memorial plaque on a seat. (all inclusive)
10 year lease, renewable. / 250
Tablet, Scroll / 50
Laying down of unsafe headstone / 75
5 Yearly H & S Inspection fee (1 off fee) / 10
Original Inscriptions / No Fee
Additional Inscriptions (per name) / No Fee
5 / Other Fees
Search of Registers / 30
Transfer of Exclusive Rights / 20
Copy of Deed of Grant of Exclusive Right of Burial / 20
Statutory Declaration Form (required if owner did not leave a will or letters ofAdministration or Grant of Probate) / 40
Form of Renunciation (use with StatutoryDeclaration if grave is being claimed by more than one person) / No Charge
Assent of Executor or Administrator (Transfer of Exclusive Rights of Burial if sealed letters of Administration were obtained) / No Charge
Assignment of Right of Burial (Transfer of Exclusive Right of Burial if owner still alivealive) / No Charge
*Please note, grave plots can only be purchased at time of interment.
All of the above fees apply when a grave space is “next in line”. No grave spaces can be selected out of sequence.
The owner of the Deed for the grave is responsible for the safe-keeping of the document and should ensure that this document is bequeathed in any Will made. All memorials are the sole responsibility of the owner of the grave and should that person move from the address given in the Parish’s Register of Purchased Graves, they must notify the Parish Council of their change of address.
A recent audit of memorials as required by the Health & Safety at Work Regulations 1999 has shown a number of memorials, in particular some of the more recent lawn memorials to be unsafe. The base slab of lawn memorials must be made stable by an anchoring tube driven through the centre of the slab. The lawn memorial must be fixed according to the current BRAMM & NAMM regulations. The Parish Council reserves the right to lay flat any memorial that becomes unstable and dangerous and will endeavour to contact the owner, should this become necessary.
All memorials are the sole responsibility of the owner of the grave and should that person move from the address given in the Parish’s Register of Purchased Graves, they must notify the Parish Council of their change of address.
All permanent memorials must be approved by the Parish Council, paid for before installation and, in the case of full size graves, must not be installed for a minimum period of twelve months following the burial. This is in order to prevent movement of the memorial due to ground settlement.
Materials of all memorials must be of natural stones, granite or marble.
Any planting on the grave is the sole responsibility of the owner of the grave. Any grave that becomes overgrown or neglected will be filled in at the discretion of the Parish Council.For safety reasons, any vases must be made of stone or metal, not glass.
No funerals or burials of cremated remains will take place on Saturdays, Sundays or Bank holidays.
For further information please contact Clerk to the Parish Council, Sturry Parish Council, 38 High Street, Sturry, Canterbury, KentCT2 OBD. 01227 710443
Tel: 01227 710443/ Email: