Project 1:


e.g., diffeq.c, 3, 1

//assign inputs randomly to ports

Read(RP1, x)

Read(RP2, dx)

Read(RP3, u)

Read(RP1, a)

Read(RP2, y)













Output(OP1, y)


Input constraints:

Only integer operations

Simple if-else(no nested)

1D loop

No array ,Pointer ,structure and node

Command to get Basic blocks

gcc –Fdump-tree-all

gcc –Fdump-tree-cfg

Output format

Control flow

B1 1 C1

C1 2 TB2 FB3

B2 1 C1

B3 0


<Basic Block No, (Operation type), (operation representation)

Operations type: Read from port, Assignment, Write to port operation

Operation Representation:

For Read: (port no, input variable, input width)

For Write: (port no, output variable, output width)

For Assignment:

(Target Var, Variable width), (left operand, width of left operator),Operator,(right operand, Variable width)

B1, R, (RP1, x,16)

B1, R, (RP1, dx,8)

B1, R, (RP2, u,16)

B1, R, (RP2, a, 16)

B1, R, (RP2, y, 16)

C,A, (c,1 ), ( x,32), , (a, 16)

B2, A,(t1,24),(u,16), *, (dx,8)

B2, A, (t2,24),(3,8), *, (x,16)

B2, A, (t3,24),(3,8), *, (y,16)

B2, A, (t4,32),(t1,24), *, (t2,24)

B2, A, (t5,32),(t3,24), *, (dx,8)

B2, A, (t6,32),(u,16), -, (t4,16)

B2, A, (u,32),(t6,32), -, (t5,32)

B2, A, (y,32),(y,16), +,(t1,24)

B2, A, (x,32),(x,16), +,(dx,8)

B3, O, (OP1, y, 16)

Project 2:

Assigning time stamp to each operation

<Basic Block No>, Time Stamp, (Operation type), (operation representation)


B1, 1, R, (RP1, x, 16)

B1, 1, R, (RP1, dx, 4)

B1, 1, R, (RP2, u, 16)

B1, 1, R, (RP2, a, 16)

B1, 1, R, (RP2, y, 16)

C1,1, A, (c, 1 ), ( x, 32), <, (a, 16)

B2,1, A, (t1, 24), (u, 16), *, (dx, 4)

B2, 1, A, (t2, 24), (3, 2), *, (x, 16)

B2, 2, A, (t3, 24), (3, 2), *, (y, 16)

B2, 2, A, (t4, 32), (t1, 24), *,(t2, 24)

B2, 3, A, (t5, 32), (t3, 24), *, (dx, 8)

B2,3, A, (t6, 32), (u, 16), -, (t4, 16)

B2,4, A, (u, 32), (t6, 32), -, (t5, 32)

B2, 2, A, (y, 32), (y, 16), +, (t1, 24)

B2,1, A, (x, 32), (x, 16), +, (dx, 4)

B3, 1, O, (OP1, y, 16)

Project 4:

Register and Functional Unit Allocation and Binding:

<Specify Registers>

<Register >, <Register Width>

R1, 32

R2, 48

R3, 17

R4, 32

R5, 16

R6, 16

R7, 2

R8, 4

R9, 1

<Specify FUs>

FUNCTIONAL UNIT, ( Operation type#1,Operation type#2,..), (out_width, in1_width, in2_width)

ADDER1, (ADD, SUB), (48, 32,24)

MULT1,(MULT), (32, 24, 16)

MULT2,(MULT), ( 48, 24, 48)

COMP1, (LT), (1, 17,16)

<Specify RT operations>

(Target Var, Variable width), (Source Var1, Variable width),(FU, Operation Type) ,(Source Var2, Variable width)

B1, 1, R, (RP1, R3, 16)

B1, 1, R, (RP1, R8, 4)

B1, 1, R, (RP2, R4, 16)

B1, 1, R, (RP2, R5, 16)

B1, 1, R, (RP2, R6, 16)

C1,1, A, (R9, 1 ), ( R3 , 17), (COMP1,LT), (R5, 16)

B2,1, A, (R1, 32), (R4, 16), (MULT1,MULT), (R8, 4)

B2, 1, A, (R2, 48), (R7, 2), (MULT2,MULT), (R3 , 17)

B2, 2, A, (R1, 24), (R7, 2), (MULT1,MULT), (R6, 16)

B2, 2, A, (R2, 48), (R1, 24), (MULT2,MULT), (R2, 48)

B2, 3, A, (R1, 32), (R1, 24), (MULT1,MULT), (R8, 4)

B2, 3, A, (R2, 48), (R4, 16), (ADDER, SUB), (R2, 16)

B2,4, A, (R4, 32), (R2, 48), (ADDER, SUB), (R1, 32)

B2,2, A, (R6, 32), (R6, 16), (ADDER, ADD), (R1, 24)

B2, 1, A, (R3, 17), (R3, 16), (ADDER, ADD), (R8, 4)

B3, 1,O, (OP1, R6, 16)

Project 5:

Data Path and Controller Generation

#Data path

<Specify Registers>

R1, 32

R2, 48

R3, 17

R4, 32

R5, 16

R6, 16

R7, 2

R8, 4

R9, 1

<Specify FUs>

ADDER1, (ADD, SUB), (48, 32,24)

MULT1 , (MULT), (32, 24, 16)

MULT2,(MULT), ( 48, 24, 48)

COMP1, (LT), (1, 17,16)

<Specify RT operations>

B1, 1, R, (RP1, R3, 16)

B1, 2, R, (RP1, R8, 4)

B1, 1, R, (RP2, R4, 16)

B1, 2, R, (RP2, R5, 16)

B1, 3, R, (RP2, R6, 16)

C1, 1, A, (R9, 1), ( R3 , 17), (COMP1, LT), (R5, 16)

B2, 1, A, (R1, 32), (R4, 16), (MULT1, MULT), (R8, 4)

B2, 1, A, (R2, 48), (R7, 2), (MULT2, MULT), (R3 , 17)

B2, 2, A, (R1, 24), (R7, 2), (MULT1, MULT), (R6, 16)

B2, 2, A, (R2, 48), (R1, 24), (MULT2, MULT), (R2, 48)

B2, 3, A, (R1, 32), (R1, 24), (MULT1, MULT), (R8, 4)

B2, 3, A, (R2, 48), (R4, 16), (ADDER, SUB), (R2, 16)

B2, 4, A, (R4, 32), (R2, 48), (ADDER, SUB), (R1, 32)

B2, 2, A, (R6, 32), (R6, 16), (ADDER, ADD), (R1, 24)

B2, 1, A, (R3, 17), (R3, 16), (ADDER, ADD), (R8, 4)

B3, 1, O, (OP1, R6, 16)

<Specify MUX>

<MUX Name> <Input of MUX>, <Output of MUX>, <Control signal in order>






M6<R1, R2, R8<Adder1<00,01,10



INPUT: input CFG

Control flow

B1 1 C1

C1 2 T B2 F B3

B2 1 C1

B3 0


Controller FSM:

B11 1 B12

B12 1 B13

B13 1 C1

C1 2 T B21 F B31

B211 B22

B22 1 B23

B23 1 B14

B14 1 C1

B31 1 B32

B32 0

Control Signals:

CS for MUX in order:


(M1, 2), (M2, 1),(M3, 1),(M4, 1),(M5, 2),(M6, 2),(M7, 1)

CS for Reg enable in order:


CS for FU in order:

(FU, #Control bits)

(ADDDER, 1), (MULT1, 0), (MULT2, 0), (COMP1,0)


(CS for MUX)(CS for Regen) (CS for FU)
















