

Name______Per______Plan Checker ______

Checkpoint # 5 Checkpoint description: Apartment completion

  1. Side Elevation (non-garage side)

A. Centering From left and bottom borders

B.Size (Rectangle= 8-0 tall X 23-0 wide)


  1. Pitch (3/12)
  2. 6” Roof Rafter

D.4” concrete pad/1” inset from each outside corner

E.Doors & Windows

  1. Location
  2. 6-8 from top of concrete to top of glass
  3. Size (width X height)-see floor plan
  4. Frame=3” (middle bar=2”)
  5. Arrow (Windows & patio doors only)
  6. Door knobs (2” circle/3-0 from floor)
  7. Electric (Lights & Outlets)
  8. Lights 2” below fascia
  9. Outlets (2” x 4”--- 12” above concrete)
  10. Dimensions
  11. Overhang-below light fixtures
  12. Door & Window Ht
  13. Ceiling Ht (side elevation only)
  14. Extension lines have a 1/16” space and pass

the dimension line by 1/8”

  1. Callouts
  2. Roof Pitch
  3. Stucco
  4. 4” Concrete Pad
  5. Finished Floor Ht
  6. Roof Rafter

9. Ground: from bottom of concrete pad-gentle slope

that goes down from the house.

10. SIDE ELEVATION (do the label)-1/4” Ht-

1/8” below concrete pad-centered left to right

  1. Roof Plan

A.To start: check handout “How to center the apartment”

B.Size (Rectangle=26-0 tall X 59-0 wide)-Roof (solid line)


  1. 1-6 overhang with hiddenlines
  2. Recessed by front door


  1. Centered vertically using cross diagonals (0-?)
  2. Arrows (down) spaced ¼” from the ridge and

centered left to right

  1. ROOF PLAN (do the label)-Same rules as side


2T (Page two)


Name______Per______Plan Checker ______

Checkpoint # 5 Checkpoint description: Apartment completion

  1. Front Elevation

A. To start: check handout “How to center the apartment”


  1. 56-0 wide (Drop down from floor plan with a triangle)
  2. Height for ridge and fascia must match the

side elevation (measure it from the top of the concrete)

C.4” concrete pad/1” inset from outside corners

D.Doors & Windows

  1. Location
  2. Vertical lines (guide lines) from floor plan
  3. Height= 6-8 to top of glass and doors (not frames)
  4. Bottom of window=3-0 from the top of the window

(not frame) for kitchens and bathrooms, 4-0 for all


  1. Size (width X height)-see floor plan
  2. Frame=3” (middle bar=2”)
  3. Arrow (Windows only)
  4. Door knobs (2” circle/3-0 from floor)
  5. Electric (Lights & Outlets)
  6. Lights 2” below fascia
  7. Outlets (2” x 4”--- 12” above concrete)
  8. Dimensions

Same as side elevation-NO Ceiling Ht

  1. Callouts (Ht= 1/8”)
  2. Concrete Tile
  3. Stucco
  4. 4” Concrete Pad
  5. Finished Floor Ht
  6. Fascia

9. Ground: from bottom of concrete pad-gentle slope

that goes down from the house.

10 FRONT ELEVATION (do the label)-Same rules as side
