Dennis Quilliams- QUAVAH HorseSense HorseManShip

Gaited Horse Clinic

May 3 – 5, 2013

LOCATION: Second Chance Ranch, 292 McPhillips Road, St. Andrews Manitoba

COST:Horse & Rider $335.00 (limited to 12 participants)

Spectator $ 35 /day or $ 80 all 3 days
**Horse & Rider Deposit $100 due by March 31/13**
*Beverages/Snacksincluded and lunch available for purchase*

**Pre-registration is required - please contact Linda ASAP as clinic is half full already!**

The clinic willlook at the various gaits, overstride, understride, and genetics. Do you know if your horse tends to be lateral or diagonal?Exercises to show whatyou can do to get the gait you want.There will be a spot on the registration papers for you to tell us about you, your horse and what specific questions you would like answered.Some areas to be covered include:

  • Genetics of the Gait.
  • The Gait - what is it? overstride/understride, variations ofgaits
  • Exercises to improve and enhance the gait
  • Suppling, collection, cues, leads, speed control
  • Improving consistency, range in gaits, muscle tone and musclememory
  • How rider movement influences rhythm and timing of the footfall.
  • Saddle fit and bits

Friday Evening:6 - 9 pm: registration, “classroom" sessions including gait chart, saddle fit, Q & A

Saturday: 9:00 - 5:00:Ground work/leading, saddle fit your horse, see what gait your horse is doing, exercises to get and maintain gait, suppling, connection, riding time

Sunday: 9:00 - 1:00: Horse dance, Riding Sessions

This is the Education Circle that the clinic will be

based on.

Let us know what you would like to see at

"YOUR" clinic.

We can do round pen work, ground work

including leading, trailer loading.

We would be glad to have a portion of the

clinic based on what YOU would like to see.

To Register, please contact:

Linda Cruden via email or phone:

204-444-4927 (home)

204-444-5252 (cell)

*See Dennis's biography on page 2

Dennis QuilliamsQUAVAH HorseSense HorseManShip

RR4,Red Deer,Alberta, Canada. T4N-5E4

Ph. 403-348-5636Fax: 403-348-5637

E-mail: eb Site: http:

Specializing in Gaited Horses,All Breeds Welcome,Clinics, Consulting,Training, Lessons

Thank-You for your interest in attending a Gaited Horse Clinic with trainer Dennis Quilliams.

The Quilliams method of horse training results from years of experience. Dennis incorporates the philosophy of training from other Natural Horsemen. Dennis bases his philosophy of training on the mutual respect of horse to man and man to horse. Dennis began his love of horses as a young man (40+years ago). He lived in the middle of Winnipeg,Manitoba, Canada. He had to hunt to find that “elusive dream”. At the age of 12, he mucked stalls at a local ridingstable in exchange for lessons. Beginning with riding English, he soon proved to be a natural horseman and advancedfrom riding to teaching. He trained his first horse within that first year. Dennis went on to work at various ranches inAlberta, British ColumbiaSaskatchewan, continuing his learning and training of ranch horses. He has worked with &trained Quarter horses, Appaloosas, Pintos, Arabians, Warmbloods, Thoroughbreds, and Trakehners, to name just afew. For several years he worked as Manager and Trainer, on a gaited horse ranch, in Snoqualmie, WA. While on theranch he trained Gaited Mountain Horses, Tennessee Walkers, Saddle Breds, Peruvians, and Paso Finos.

He begins working with foals as young as possible.Halter training begins at about 3 months old, when heteaches them to halter and lead. He will pony the foal alongside the mother and go for the first trail ride.Whenthe horse is a yearling, Dennis will do some round pen work and reinforce the lessons of leading.Saddle trainingbegins between 2 and 3 years of age.Using the resistance free methods of training he is also able to retrain olderhorses as well as work with problem horses.After an initial evaluation of horse and rider he is able to give anestimate of what time is needed.His primary focus is to enable the horse and rider to enjoy each other’s companyas they head out for their activities together. For the gaited horses, Dennis uses a variety of exercises to encourageand enhance the gait.As with all horses, muscle development is very important, as is the maturity of the horse.Specialty training, such as neck-reining and further education of the horses is dependent upon the horses’ abilityand maturity,as well asthe rider’s ability.


Please bring with you:

  • Helmet, riding boots
  • Horse, saddle, bridle, halter, lead rope,
  • A sense of fun and an open mind to learn

To Register for May 3 -5, 2013 Clinic please contact:

Linda Cruden via email or phone:


home ph:204-444-4927

cell ph:204-444-5252