Nadeau’s News
November/December 2018
Saying goodbye to Fall…
We really enjoyed the great Fall weather, lots of time outside enjoying the leaves and warmth and it is always too short. Winter will be here soon and we are excited for the snow play!!!
Please read on so you don’t miss anything…
Thank you to those who were able to participate in our fundraiser, we truly appreciate it. We were able to purchase over 70 new books for the center and are in the process of ordering a couple new shelves.
Hand washing reminder…
Just a friendly reminder to please be sure to wash your hands and your child’s hands upon entering the center. This is a state regulation and it helps to cut down on the spread of germs, especially with winter weather coming.
Scholastic Book Club:
There are two scholastic displays: one in the front hallway and one in the preschool entryway. You can find all the scholastic forms there and orders should be turned in with payment by the 15th of each month. Checks are made out to Scholastic Book Clubs. Scholastic runs from September-May.
Shoes & Slippers:
It is a state regulation that children are wearing something on their feet at all times, so we will need two separate sets of shoes - one for inside and one for outside. Also, please remember to take all shoes off at the front door as the ground gets messier with the weather/season changes.
Outdoor/extra clothing:
Please be sure your child has season and size appropriate extra clothing available at all times, as we cannot borrow clothes from other children. Winter requires children to have a winter coat, snow pants, boots, hats, and mittens every day, as we go outside if it is 20 degrees or above.
Please remember to label everything that you bring into the center, so we can ensure items go home with the proper families. We have lots of children with the same boots, hats, mittens and don’t want any to go missing.
Annual Well Check/immunizations:
As part of the new state regulations, we are now required to keep an updated copy of each child’s yearly well child visit, in addition to all the most recent immunizations. If you do not have a copy, your child’s doctor can fax us a copy (652-9802) or email it to us , but it is a state requirement that we have them.
Staff Birthdays:
Leila - November 26th
Andrea - December 20th
Our web address is Our email address is
Holiday Food Drive and Sponsor Families:
We will be hosting our annual holiday food drive starting November 19th. If you can, please bring in a non-perishable food item to help. We will also be sponsoring children who are less fortunate for the Christmas season this year.
Weather Updates/Snow Days:
Not something we like to think about, but a reality of where we live is the possibility of a closing due to weather. If there is a delay/closure we will post it on the Vermont Broadcasters System. It will show on all the local news stations and radio. It will also be posted on the Vermont Broadcasters Association website. The decision will be made by 6am and will be posted as soon as it is made. There may be days that we close early, due to a pending storm or the arrival of a storm, but will give families at least 2 hours notice. We do not follow school closings.
Annual Holiday Party:
Our Holiday party is Friday, December 21st and you will want to be sure to mark your calendars. We have so much fun on this afternoon and look forward to it every year. More information will come out as the date gets closer.
Tuition Increase:
There will be an annual tuition increase that goes into effect January 7th for infants/toddlers and Two’s. Preschool rate increases happen in September, to be in line with Act 166 This increase is necessary to keep up with rent & utility increases, as well as staff pay increases. New tuition will be as follows:
Infants/toddler rooms - $265 Two’s rooms - $255
2019 Closures: January 1st
President’s Day-February 18th Inservice Day-March 15th
Memorial Day-May 27th Independence Day-July 4th
Labor Day-September 2nd Columbus Day/Staff In-service-October 14th
Thanksgiving Break-Nov 28&29 Holiday/New Year’s Break-Dec. 25th-Jan. 1st
Re-open-January 2nd , 2020
We are closed November 22nd&23rd for Thanksgiving and December 25th-January 1st for the holidays.
Newsletters can be found on our website and you may request a hardcopy if you wish to have one. We always send out a hardcopy of the Nov./Dec. newsletter.
We are so appreciative that you allow us to be part of your family’s lives and thank you for your continued support!
Caitlin, Bethany & Yvonne