1. Call to Order at 7:00 PM. Prayer led by Kyle Zautner. Present: Mike Sternig, Kyle Zautner, Chad Wohlt, Peter Winkler, Gary Held, Steve Stanek (PCL), Michele Guminski, Jenifer Koebel. Absent/Excused: Amy Dahlberg. Guests: Mrs. Anhalt.
2. Introductions and Approval of Minutes: Motion made by Peter 1st and Jenifer 2nd to approve meeting minutes from 2/17/16. All in favor, no oppositions. Motioned carried.
3. Old Business:
+21st Century Classrooms: To date, $372,000 has been donated/pledged. Painter and cabinet installation are scheduled for the summer. Still would like extra demo help of the chalkboards over Easter Break. Mike will send out another email request for volunteers. Currently, only have 3 people. Ideally, it would be nice to have 12 people. The blackboards will be available for sale at the rummage sale.
+ Committee Goals for 2015-16:
- Support Capital Campaign: ongoing
- Continue dialogue with St. Mary’s and Cabrini: nothing to report at this time
- Research early childhood models: Gary will set up a day/time that works for his schedule to tour St. John's school/early childhood center. He will send out an email to committee members once a day/time have been arranged for others to join him as they are able.
+ Budget: The revised budget went out to Finance Council in late February. It has not been approved yet by them (they had to re-schedule a meeting), but they meet on Wednesday. Father Jerry has given Mike his approval to go proceed and allowed the re-registration materials to be sent home this Friday. The tuition increase would be 3% and a 2% salary increase for teachers.
+ Salary Scale revision: Handout issued to group to review the scales and increases for teachers based on education and years worked. Full explanation by Mike was offered on the scale and how it relates to the teaching staff presently. All questions answered. Motion was made by Jenifer 1st and Peter 2nd to approve the salary scale revision. All in favor, no oppositions. Motion carried.
+ 2016-17 School Calendar: School calendar was issued and reviewed. No questions were asked. Motion was made by Kyle 1st and Gary 2nd to approve the 2016-17 school calendar. All in favor, no oppositions. Motion carried.
+ Athletic Committee proposal for banners in gym: Will defer voting on this proposal until Amy, the Athletic Committee liasion, is present and all members have the opportunity to ask questions. Return to this in the April meeting.
+ HASC Nominations – March Newsletter (Peter, Amy, Kyle*): There were no nominations turned in to the office or offered via email. Peter accepted to be re-appointed for another term. Mike will contact Amy for interest in another term. Mike has a personal list of parents that he think might be a good fit. He will contact them to see if there is any interest. By laws state that the Principal can appoint individuals to an open position. He can also appoint individuals that have maxed out terms. Inquiries were made to Kyle if she would have interest in sitting for another year if no other candidates were available. She agreed for 1 year. There will likely be appointments made for the next term versus a ballot/voting method as usually completed. Updates at next meeting.
4. New Business:
+ National Bike to School Day: Mike was contacted by Amanda Wisth from the Washington County Health Dept if HAS had interest in participating in the National Bike to School Day on May 4. She stated there would be a representative present at the bike racks from Health Dept with goodie bags to pass out for those that participated. Group discussion was had on if there were even adequate numbers of students that lived close enough to entertain biking to school and the safety of it as there are not crossing guards on the streets. Decision was made to send out an interest survey to parents. It would give us an idea if there was even an interest in pursuing this and if yes, how many kids would be biking to school (so we could contact the Health Department).
+ School-Pac (school supplies): Mike stated that something that has been brought up in the past is pre-ordered school supplies. He contacted "School Pac", which is located in Jackson. He gave them the current school supply list for each grade and School Pac gave a price quote for each grade for the school supplies. They would be shipped to school and each student's would be pre-packaged in a box labeled with that student’s name. All items would have to be paid for in advance of shipment. There would be a standard shipping fee and a certain quantity of orders would be required. Items such as chromebook, HAS assignment notebook, recorders, and calculators would not be factored into the cost. Group discussion was had and consensus was to send out an interest survey to parents. Since there is a minimum number of orders required, this will help in determining if we pursue it further.
5. Committee Reports:
+ Athletic Committee: Have not had a meeting yet for March.
+ Development Committee: Fish Fry and Gifts from the Heart Raffle this Friday. Reviewed Parent Activities Committee (PAC) and that they are looking for a new leader as Ingrid has stepped down from overseeing the group. She has agreed to continue to lead one event during the year. PAC is interested in having a "team leader" for each of the specific activities during the year, that way it does not over extend just one or two people. If no alternate leadership comes forward, then Mike will delegate certain people to organize events as they come up during the year.
Group discussion was had on how can we encourage newer families to join in the different volunteer opportunities that are available. Discussed assigning a grade to one event with the Room Parent leading, but decided that may deter people from signing up to be Room Parent. Discussion was made that maybe better education to parents was needed, especially new families, on these opportunities (i.e. PAC events, Development committee, School Committee) and provide a time commitment for each event. Possibly have a informational flyer go out with the summer newsletter and/or have a representative from each group talk about their role/goal of the group during the Parent in the Classroom night.
6. Financial Report: (December, January): Handout issued. All questions answered.
7. Open to All (no actionable items): Steve inquired if there was any update about the bussing line revision process. Mike stated that Father Jerry and Father Nate did meet with Brenda White at the Archdiocese to review the bussing lines that would be available once St. Mary's closed and what how would those be re-allocated. Nothing official has been decided yet but it sounds like what will likely happen is the lines would be re-drawn where the school districts end. This would provide transportation to kids going to school in Kewaskum at Holy Trinity and the remainder would go to HAS. The finalized plans need to be submitted by April 1.
Michele inquired if Father Jerry was finishing out the school year and Mike stated he would be at HAS doing Masses until mid-June.
8. Next Meeting on April 13, 2016 at 7PM in the Science Room. Closing Prayer led by Kyle Zautner. Adjournment at 8:20 PM.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Michele Guminski, HASC Secretary on March 17, 2016.