HMGT 3790-001-002– Pre-Internship Seminar
University of North Texas – College of Merchandising, Hospitality and Tourism
Course Outline / Syllabus –Spring 2013
Mrs. Rosa Malave
Office: Chilton Hall #355-C
Phone: 940-565-4696
Fax: 940-565-4348
Office Hours:
Tuesday & Thursday 1:30pm – 3:30pm
(Other hours by appointment)
Kari Moulton
Phone: 940-565-4696
Ms. Dena Bilbrew
Career Advisor
UNT Career Center - Chestnut Hall
HMGT 3790-001-002– Pre-Internship Seminar in Hospitality- 3 credit hours. Course examines the impact of business environments on personal and career effectiveness in the Hospitality field. Topics include effective business communication, ethical decision making, and leadership development.
Professionalism: Skills for Workplace Success (3rd Edition)
Publication Date: January 6, 2012 | ISBN-10: 0132624664 | ISBN-13: 978-0132624664 |
Prerequisite(s): SMHM 1500 Orientation to the Hospitality Industry (may be taken concurrently with 3790)
As students enter their internship, they must be able to work independently and professionally with a range of employers. Through lecture, class presentations, class meetings, industry dialogue(Guest Speakers), web-based modules, discussion, assignments(Resume/Mock Interview), quizzes, exams, , and other experiential activities such as analyze case studies, students will develop a set of highly valued skills that will prepare them for their capstone internship experience.
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
1.Develop their professional writing and selling skills by composing a professional resume
2.Develop their interviewing skills and learn effective methods to conduct a job search
3.Understand the value of networking strategies relevant to professional development
4.Understand how to effectively research companies
5.Understand how cultures vary among different types of employers
6.Evaluate effective and ineffective interpersonal business communication
7.Examine workplace problems through ethical decision making
8.Understand aspects of working in the professional world through teamwork, leadership, and decision making
9.Discuss principles of effective stress and financial management
10.Understand problem-solving and conflict resolution techniques
11.Understand the importance of professionalism, attitude, and accountability in the workplace and how it can affect career success
Learning Objectives are provided for each chapter within each Learning Module. Learning Objectives are accomplished through participation in and successful completion of required readings and activities.
Students are responsible for all materials presented in the online lecture and class meetings including guest speakers, discussions, modules, reading assignments, information in the course packet provided on Blackboard and all other announcements, assignments and projects. Students are responsible for completing all exams, quizzes, and assignments as scheduled.
Class attendance and participation are REQUIRED. It is expected that you log on to the course at least four times per week to check for messages. More than {2} two absences from the required on campus class meetings will result in the reduction of one letter grade per absence or partial attendance.
Attendance at the first class meeting is MANDATORY. In this first class, we provide instruction on how to satisfy the objectives of the course. Failure to attend the entire class will result in an automatic drop from the class because you would not be prepared to handle the legal, ethical, and curricular aspects of the class.
On-Campus class meetings
Monday, January 28, 2012 5:30 – 8:30Room Eagle Student Services Center 255 (ESSC 255)
Monday, February 04, 20125:30 – 8:30Room Eagle Student Services Center 255 (ESSC 255)
Monday, February 11, 20125:30 – 8:30Room Eagle Student Services Center 255 (ESSC 255)
Monday, February 18, 2012 5:30 – 8:30Room Eagle Student Services Center 255 (ESSC 255)
Regular attendance and punctuality are expected and will be assessed in the attendance/participation grade. Attendance will be taken each class period. Students’ are expected to come to class prepared and will be evaluated on contributions made to class discussions.Excused absences are not automatic and will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Documentation may be requested for an absence to be excused. If you have to miss class, it will be your responsibility to secure notes from a classmate. As is the case in a professional work environment, it will be the expectation that you will be in class and ready to begin at the start of class. Consider class a business meeting where tardiness is unacceptable.
The same guidelines that apply to traditional classes should be observed in the virtual classroom environment. Please use proper netiquette when interacting with class members and the professor.
- Respect theprivacyof your classmates and what they share in class.
- Berespectfulof each other. We’re all in this together. Before posting a comment, ask whether you would be willing to make the same comment to a person’s face.
- Keep in mind that you aretaking a college class. Something that would be inappropriate in a traditional classroom is also inappropriate in an online classroom.
Throughout the class, you will be using materials from your textbook, as well as online materials contained in weekly teaching modules. First, you should consult the class calendar to determine the due dates and which textbook chapter will be covered each week. Then, each week you will read the appropriate chapter in the textbook and work through that week’s teaching module.
When you have completed all the material, you will take the weekly quiz. Weekly quizzes will cover information from these areas:
•Textbook chapter
•Guided reading outline presented in the online teaching module
•Sample Exam Questions in the chapter
•PowerPoint presentations in the online teaching module
•Activities in the online teaching module such as Video, Articles, Discussion and more.
Each week at the end of each teaching module, you will take a quiz. The quiz will contain questions that relate to content from both the textbook chapter and from the online material included in the teaching module.
These are timed quizzes. Be prepared before you begin the quiz so that you will not run out of time. You will have 30 minutes to take each quiz, which is plenty of time if you are prepared and each quiz worth a total of 30 points. Only in the first quiz, students will have two attempts. Remember to allow plenty of time to submit your quiz before the deadline. You will only have one opportunity to submit the quiz, so if you are not prepared, or run out of time, you will lose the points for the quiz.
Each week, after you have read all of the material in the teaching module and the chapter in the textbook, you will click on the quiz link to access the quiz at the end of each module. (Quizzes may also be accessed through the assessment icon on the left of your Blackboard Learn screen.) You will see the quiz for that week. Select your answer to each question, save each answer, and click on “Finish” to submit the entire quiz. Be sure that you answer every question, and that your answers are all saved, before you complete the submission process.
NOTE: Do not "Click" on the quiz link until you are ready to take it. Once it is open....that's it! There will be no resets, so be ready to take the quiz when you click on the link.
There will not be any makeup quizzes for improper submissions unless there are technical issues with the Blackboard program. The course modules will open on Monday morning at 12:01 a.m. and close at 11:59 p.m. on Sunday night. The quizzes must be submitted before 11:59 p.m. each Sunday evening.
I strongly believe that it is your responsibility as a student and a future career professional to complete all assigned work and meet deadlines for this class. Therefore, all assignments must be submitted on the assigned due dates which are very well established in the syllabus and in our Blackboard Learn class calendar. Late assignments will not be accepted and will result in a “0”, except for the case of a documented and approved excuse. Do not assume that a “late” assignment will be accepted. Additional assignment(s) may be added, if deemed appropriate by instructor. If you are not in class and miss information on assignments such as changes and/or additions, it is your responsibility to seek out this information.
Employer Research (50 points)
Answer the questions on the employer research assignment sheet to research a company of your choosing within your chosen career field. This assignment should be typed, double-spaced, 12 point font, must include a cover page.
Resume Review (80 Points)- (NEW INTRUCTIONS)
You will need to prepare your resume to have your most current information for the career center advisor to review and provide feedback on. You should also keep in mind the lecture content shared in class regarding resumes when preparing your resume to have it reviewed. Students will be submitting their resume to the career advisor using OPTIMAL RESUME SYSTEM (UNT Career Center). Please find instructionsunder assignment folder in Blackboard. If you do not submit your resume to the Career Advisor by the deadline (February 25, 2013 at 5:00p.m.), you will not have your resume review assignment and you will receive a zero (0) point in the assignment. You will provide your resume to the career advisor and Dena Bilbrew will review your resume. Please after you have received theresume review from Dena Bilbrew, please revise your resume based on the comments provided. You will need to turn in your original reviewed resume with the written comments, and your newly revised resume to the faculty. Please upload to Blackboard (Under Assessment Folder (Drop box-) both resumes: by Friday, April 19, 2013 at 11:59p.m.
- Original resume with comments from the career center advisor
- Your newly revised resume
You need to turn in:
- Original resume with comments from the career center advisor
- Your newly revised resume
NOTE: Each student will submit their resume to Optimal Resume at different time and week. Please go to the Assignment Folder to find your due date.
To access Optimal Resume System:
1. Login to Career Center website ( and click Optimal Resume at the bottom
2. Click Create New Account – must use UNT email address
3. Fill in Contact/Login Information
4. Click Create New Resume
5. Name Resume – HMGT3790_FirstName_LastName
6. Choose 1 of the following: Browse Section Sets
Browse Samples
Start from Scratch
8. Click Review Center
9. Review Group – HGMT3790 - Malave
10. Reviewer – Dena Bilbrew ** ONLY SUBMIT YOUR RESUME 1 TIME **
To access Resume Revisions from Dena Bilbrew:
1. Login to Career Center website ( and click Optimal Resume at the bottom
2. Notifications will pop up
3. Click Messages (bottom left hand corner) and click Dena Bilbrew
4. Click Review Center and Download Attached File
5. Save the copy with comments and upload to Blackboard
6. Make revisions to your resume (delete comments)
7. Save the new copy and upload to Blackboard
8. Upload to Blackboard (Under Assessment Folder (Drop box-) both resumes:
- Original resume with comments from the career center advisor
- Your newly revised resume
If you do not submit your resume on time to Dena Bilbrew, thirty (30) points will be deducted from your final grade. To have your assignment, you will need to schedule an appointment with Dena Bilbrew.But before to schedule the appointment, you will be expected to write a letter of apology and email it to the career center advisor (Dena Bilbrew). This should be emailed to the career center advisor with a blind copy to me (faculty). Then, the faculty has the discretion of approving or rejecting student request. Schedule appointment will be allowed only for serious reasons, i.e.:
- Sickness (confirmed by physician)
- Schedule conflicts, official school excuse…
If the faculty does not allow student to schedule appointment, students will receive zero (0) point in the assignment.
Mock Interview (80 Points)
Schedule a 30 minute appointment with the Career Centerto participate in a practice mock interview.You will need to sign up online in the Eagle Network system at careercenter.unt.eduto schedule your Mock Interview appointment. If you do not sign up by the deadline, you will not have an appointment for the mock interview assignment and you will receive zero (0) point in the assignment. A career advisor or industry employer will ask you specific interview questions which will be provided to you prior to the mock interview. Written comments will be provided based on your appearance, answers to questions, communication skills, professionalism, etc.
If you cancel the day of or do not show up or late to your scheduled Mock Interview appointment, thirty (30) points will be deducted from your final grade. To be able to re-schedule your appointment, you will be expected to write a letter of apology and email it to the career center advisor and employer. This should be emailed to the career center advisor and employer with a blind copy to me (faculty). Then, the faculty has the discretion of approving or rejecting student request. Re-schedule appointment will be allowed only for serious reasons, i.e.:
- Sickness (confirmed by physician)
- Schedule conflicts, official school excuse…
If the faculty does not allow student to re-schedule appointment, students will receive zero (0) point in the assignment.
Dress in professional business attire for this mock interview is MANDATORYand treat as if it were a real interview.
Midterm & Final Exam (200 Points)
Midterm and Final exams are administered online. Exams will cover material presented in lectures, activities, assignments, texts, outside readings, guest speakers, and other indicated sources. Make-up exams are allowed only in the case of documented medical emergencies and documented UNT school activities.
Make-up exam and final exam will be allowed only for serious reasons, i.e.:
- Sickness (confirmed by physician)
- Schedule conflicts, official school excuse, (and then only if the faculty member in charge of the course is notified prior to scheduled exam time).
QUIZZES (360 points)
Each week at the end of each teaching module, you will take a quiz. The quiz will contain questions that relate to content from both the textbook chapter and from the online material included in the teaching module.
These are timed quizzes. Be prepared before you begin the quiz so that you will not run out of time. You will have 30 minutes to take each quiz, which is plenty of time if you are prepared and each quiz worth a total of 30 points. Only in the first quiz, students will have two attempts. Remember to allow plenty of time to submit your quiz before the deadline. You will only have one opportunity to submit the quiz, so if you are not prepared, or run out of time, you will lose the points for the quiz.
Each week, after you have read all of the material in the teaching module and the chapter in the textbook, you will click on the quiz link to access the quiz at the end of each module. (Quizzes may also be accessed through the assessment icon on the left of your Blackboard Learn screen.) You will see the quiz for that week. Select your answer to each question, save each answer, and click on “Finish” to submit the entire quiz. Be sure that you answer every question, and that your answers are all saved, before you complete the submission process.
NOTE: Do not "Click" on the quiz link until you are ready to take it. Once it is open....that's it! There will be no resets, so be ready to take the quiz when you click on the link.
There will not be any makeup quizzes for improper submissions unless there are technical issues with the Blackboard program. The course modules will open on Monday morning at 12:01 a.m. and close at 11:59 p.m. on Sunday night. The quizzes must be submitted before 11:59 p.m. each Sunday evening.
- Employer Research 50 points
- Resume Review 80 points
- Mock Interview 80 points
- Career Expo (March 7)-Mandatory 30 points
- Midterm 100 points
- Final Exam 100 points
- 12 Quizzes(30 points each) 360 Points
Total Points 800 Points
Make-up of any assignment will be allowed only for serious reasons, i.e.:
- Sickness (confirmed by physician)
- Schedule conflicts, official school excuse, (and then only if the faculty member in charge of the course is notified prior to scheduled exam time).