Self Assessment Report of MPA Program


The program of Master in Public Administration (MPA) wasterminated just two years after the inception of IM | Sciences, when the Institute became a separate entity after breaking off from its parent Institution (University of Peshawar). Althoughin a period of much turmoil and turbulence the programe survived in the initial years of establishment of IM/Sciences, but only after the graduation of its first batch the programe was discontinued due to shortage of funds. MPA program was restarted in the year 2008with the help of British High Commission which provided fully funded DFID merit based scholarships for the entire period of two years to students who were eligible for admission in this program. However, even after the Commission stopped its funding the program survived and it is now its budding phase, but holds a promising future for the Institute, slowly and gradually gaining grounds.

MPA in now a full fledge program catering to the needs of students who want to pursue a career in public administration or any related field. Its main emphasis is on management and administration of public sectororganizations, yet the program is equally valid for any non-government as well as corporate sector.The students seeking admission in this program are well equipped with the latest and necessary skills and knowledge in the relevant field. The program also offers specialization in different areas keeping in view the market demand.

Mission Statement of IM/Sciences

•Through its collaborative network of students, faculty, and the staff, the Institute’s comprehensive mission is to establish a self-conscious, learned, and self-regulating society in which individuals recognize their roles as accountable to the public good.

•More specifically, we aim to provide advanced knowledge of the public administration through teaching, research, and training in order to produce leading executives, managers that can venture to shape the practice of administrative and managerial activities in every industry and become a catalyst for social and economic development.

Program Purposes and Aims

The purpose of the Master of Public Administration (MPA) Degree Program is to prepare students to enter the public sector as managers and leaders. The Program is designed to enhance the career goals of professionals in government, special interests and lobbying groups, nonprofit and professional organizations. Program aims at a two-year Master in Public Administration (MPA). It aims at providing future public leaders with the conceptual framework and practical skills necessary to succeed in public service. The objective of this program is cultivating professional high class talents in the field of public administration.Students’ abilities to apply public administrative theories and methodologies into practical use are emphasized; in this program, students will enhance their critical understanding of public policy, management themes, processes and skills in both the local and the international perspectives, as well as build leadership skills necessary for problem-solving in transition countries. With the joint effort of the faculty members in IM/Sciences and carefully designed curriculum, it is believed that besides mastering the general theories and research methodologies in the field of public administration, students’ participating in this program will master the nature of public administration in a comparative perspective. Through probing into both the successes and problems in the development process of Pakistan, students will build stronger abilities for solving practical problems and difficulties they might come across in their future work in transition countries

Program Mission, Objectives, and Outcomes

Mission Statement

As a rule of thumb the mission statement of very program should flow from the bigger mission statement of the Institute and should contribute toward the fulfillment of the Institute’s mission.

The mission statement of MPA program reflects three core components without which no mission statement can be complete, such as; its product, target market and strategy.

MPA program aims at practical application of theory and concept relevant to public administration in specific and management in general, through active class room learning activities. The program further aims at contributing towards socio-economic development of the society, leading towards sustainable growth.

Objectives of MPA

The program has both long and short term objectives.

Long Term Objectives

The long term objectives of the program are;

  • to build national capacity in public policy formulation, social services, administration and management.
  • To promote democratic values and practices in the Pakistani society through studies related to decentralized decision making process.

Short Term

  • To reinforce the capacity of the Institute, high level manpower of the government, and NGOs in implementing the decentralization policy, planning and program implementation.
  • To train specialists in designing and redesigning institutions and organizations to manage policies.

However, besides these objectives there are some readily measurable and practical objectives which serve the purpose of the program as well as the Institute. These objectives of the Master of Public Administration program (MPA) are stated below;

  • to produce professionals who are well versed in the concepts and principles of public administration.
  • To produce graduates ready to avail market opportunities.
  • to provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary for effective public sector and not-for-profit sector management.


  1. Competent students with capacity to accept responsible positions in government , non-government and corporate sectors.
  2. 118 qualified graduates in public administration in last three years.
  3. the graduates produced are responsible members of the society, who know the meaning of public administration in letter and in spirit.
  4. Critical analysis of social and political problems and problem-solving techniques.
  5. Analyzing different, real and complex social and political problems.
  6. Applying knowledge acquired to practical cases.
  7. Assessing processes for intervening in the social and political world.
  8. Efficient and effective personal organization skills.
  9. Developing an individual learning capacity which will prepare the students and graduates to address problems in different environments.
  10. Designing processes for intervening in specific social and political situations and problems.
  11. Understand and relate concepts, theories and methodologies from different disciplines that can be put to use inpublicadministration.
  12. Identify and understand complex social and political phenomena.
  13. Constructively and effectively present complex contents and action proposals.
  14. Working in teams and identifying the role you feel most comfortable with; working in different environments.

Teaching and Studying Approaches

Seminars, group discussions, case studies and presentations assigned to small teams of students are used to integrate students, skills, knowledge , abilities and learning. The Master program is based on a student-centered learning approach so that class-contact hours may be rather used for discussion than traditional lectures. Social competences and leadership skills are developed through field research, team assignments and projects, and the presentation. Learning and teaching is focused on applied studies. Thus, theories and models are learned and taught within the context of their application to public administration issues and practical projects, case studies, and public administration analyses. As for the dissertation, it should integrate theories and methodologies students learnt in class room with real-life issues of public administration in a local and national environment.
With English adopted as the basic language of instruction and assessment, through communicating with professors and exchange students from various cultural backgrounds, utilizing well-known reference books and academic articles from different sources, will guarantee students in this program be ready for a career related to public administration in any local, national and international environment.

Type of Degree

The program of study encompasses coursework, assignments, seminars, research papers,examinations and a dissertation. The dissertationshould make a significant contributionto the knowledge of public policy, planning,management and other related fields.

Duration of the Course

(i) The Program of studies leading to the MPA degree covers a time span of two years.

(ii)This period of two years is divided into four semesters. The first and second year of studies,comprising two semesters each. In the firstyear of the program students are imparted the basic education in public administration and management for the purpose of foundation building. Followed by the specialized courses in the following year. After the completion of course work the students are required to under take a research project, involving research work in thefield as well as a dissertation.

Course Units

(i) The Program is structured on a courseunit basis.

For students to qualify for the award ofan MA in Public Administration he/she must take a totalof twentytwo (28) course units including research- based dissertation.

(ii) A course unit is equivalent to three contact hours (3) per course, per week,per semester. The course work is usually supplemented by seminars and lectures by guest speakers from the government and corporate sectors.

(iii) The Course Unit load per student shallbe on average / or a minimum of five (5) courses per semester.

Core Courses

The study program is based on Core andOptional/elective course structure. The corecourses arecompulsory and deal with the broadaspects of public policy, local government,institution building, organizations, public,regional and local finance, research andresearch methodology. All the courses offered in MPA are approved by HEC and in line with the HEC syllabi.

Elective (Optional) Courses

Besides the core courses MPA has to offer students a wide range of optional/ and or elective courses. The optional courses are updated and modified in accordance to market dynamism and the current program needs.

These optional/ elective courses allow for a more indepth analysis andunderstanding of specific issues, leading tovarious specializations in the fields of Human Resource Management, Finance, and Marketing, linking these specializations to the core concepts of LocalGovernment, Public Policy and Administration,Management and Social Services.

MPA Curriculum

The MPA curriculum, based on standards of Higher Education Commission, is synchronized with the Institutes objectives as well as the objectives of the program. It stresses:

  • understanding the political, legal, ethical and social context of administration with respect to pertinent processes and theories;
  • achieving proficiency in understanding and developing positive organizational behavior, as well as in effectively utilizing a full range of management and administrative techniques;
  • developing the ability to apply appropriate methodologies to solve important problems and issues. These methods include quantitative and qualitative approaches to policy analysis and to program evaluation.

The curriculum is designed to attain the following objectives:

  1. to introduce students to the theory and principles of public administration, with an understanding and consideration from social, economic, political and legal perspectives;
  2. to enhance students' knowledge, skills and competencies to plan and act effectively in the management of public service organizations;
  3. to help students build the skills of applying qualitative and quantitative techniques to issues arising from the processes of administration and management


Course arrangement:
First Semester Courses
1. Principles of Public Administration (48 class hours, 3 credits)

2. Principles of Management (48 class hours, 3 credits)
3. Introduction to Marketing (48 class hours, 3 credits)
4. FinancialAccounting (48 class hours, 3 credits)
5. Organizational Theory and Behavior(48 class hours, 3 credits)
Second Semester Courses
1. Comparative Administration (48 class hours, 3 credits)
2. Financial Administration(48 class hours, 3 credits)
3. Human Resources Management (48 class hours, 3 credits)
4. Statistics including SPSS. (48 class hours, 3 credits)

5. Elective (48 class hours, 3 credits)
Third Semester Courses
1. Public Policy Analysis (48 class hours, 3 credits)

2. Economic Analysis(48 class hours, 3 credits)

3. Computer Application (48 class hours, 3 credits)

4. Strategic Management(48 class hours, 3 credits)

5. Elective (48 class hours, 3 credits)

6. Elective (48 class hours, 3 credits)

Fourth Semester Courses
1. Social Research Methods (48 class hours, 3 credits)

2. Project Planning and Management (48 class hours, 3 credits)

3. Planning and Development Administration (48 class hours, 3 credits)

4. Elective (48 class hours, 3 credits)
5. Elective (48 class hours, 3 credits)

  • Research Dissertation (6 credits)

Course Descriptions

The description of the courses is divided into core courses and optional courses.Description for some of the courses is given below:

Description of Core Courses

Principles ofPublic Administration (3 Cr)

This course examines the role of public administration and not-for-profit organizations in a democratic society. Students examine the cultural and intellectual evolution of the field, the theories, forces, and people that drive the public sector and the specific management techniques used to implement public policy. It also acquaints the students with the tiers of government and the overall working of public machinery.

Public Policy Analysis(3 Cr)

This course examines the in detail the formation and implementation of public policies. The mega theories which play its role in policy formation are discussed with the students to build their understanding in the underlying issues and concepts of policy formulation. Finally, attention is given to the entire process of public policies development and the institutions that governments use to implement those policies. The outcome of the course is that students develop a working knowledge of public-sector policymaking and learn to analyze public policy problems in order to understand how public policy is formulated, decided upon, and implemented. Emphasis is on agenda setting, program design, and implementation.

Social Research Methodology(3 Cr)

Students gain an overview of the commonly used statistics and research methods in public administration including descriptive statistics, statistical distributions, probability, hypothesis development and testing, correlation, contingency table analysis, and regression. Research design, measurement strategy, data collection, data analysis, and reporting results are discussed. A broad range of quantitative and qualitative methods are covered in order to provide the analytical tools necessary to examine the myriad public sector issues.

Human Resource Management (3 Cr.)

The course examines the role of the human resource professional as a strategic partner in managing today’s organizations. Some of the key functions of HRM include HR planning, recruitment, selection, training and development, performance appraisal, compensation management and employee- management relations. The course is designed so as to enhance the understanding of students of issues pertain to HRM in local, national and international contexts. Students are given examples form actual organizational problems to so as to enhance their problem solving and decision making abilities of HR practices. The course especially focuses on contemporary issues of HRM in organizations.

Description of Optional Courses

Leadership in the Public Sector(3 Cr.)

This course explores the dimensions of leadership and decision making within the public sector. Students explore the major theoretical frameworks of leadership as well as the relationship of leadership to organizational change and effective management strategies. Emphasis is given to assisting practitioners and students with in-depth reflection for self-development in such areas as decision-making, ethics, and emotional intelligence.

Industrial & Labour Laws (3 Cr.)

The political and institutional environment of public human resource management is examined. Emphasis is given to the challenges facing the public sector in attracting and developing human assets in an environment of conflicting goals, stakeholder obligations, and a highly aware electorate. Specific topics include the evolution of the modern public service, the functions of human resource management, employment discrimination, labor management relations, professionalism and ethics.

Strategic Human Resource Management(3 Cr.)

This course covers broad approaches to strategic human resource management. Students develop a working knowledge of how to do planning in for the human resource in the public sector using different approaches. In the usual way, students learn about the SWOT method, the BCG Matrix, and many other techniques but then much more is gained by studying how strategic planning and management is actually carried out of human resource in public, non-public( NGO’s), and corporate sectors.

Dissertation(6 Cr.)
In the last Semester, students should work on their dissertations which are required to conduct a research project on a public administration issue or any other topic relevant to their specialized area of study. In the dissertation, students should apply the theories and methodologies they learned in social research methods.

Learning Goals and Objectives of Master of Public Administration (MPA)

THEME 1. Communication

Objective 1a. Oral Communication:Students will be able to present opinions, theories, and research findings orally.

Objective 1b. Writing:Students will be able to produce focused, coherent, and grammatically correct written communications applicable to government and nonprofit management.

Objective 1c. Teamwork:Students will be able to collaborate effectively in team processes.

Objective 1d. Interpersonal:Students will be able to demonstrate skills in personal interaction.

THEME 2. The Context of Public Administration

Objective 2a. History:Students will demonstrate knowledge of the history of public administration.

Objective 2b. Politics:Students will be able to explain how the political processes of the United States influence public management.

Objective 2c. Theory:Students will be able to explain the key elements of public administration theory, organizational theory and organizational behavior.

Objective 2d. Diversity:Students will demonstrate awareness and sensitivity to a diverse public.

Objective 2e. Careers:Students will understand the careers available in public administration and how to prepare for them.

THEME 3. Critical Thinking

Objective 3a. Theory Application:Students will be able to apply theories to practical policy and administrative situations.

Objective 3b. Applied Scientific Method:Students will conduct applied social science research to generate knowledge for administrative and policy processes.