2 Sutter Street, Suite D, Red Bluff, California 96080

Minutes of the

Regular Board Meeting

January 28, 2014

8:30 AM

USDA Service Center

2 Sutter St, Suite D, Red Bluff

Directors Present: Walt Williams, Anne Read, Ryan Sale, Ernest White and Jack Bramhall

Directors Absent: None

Associate Directors Present: None

Staff Present: Vicky Dawley, Kris Lamkin, Rob Rianda, Tom McCubbins, and Brin Greer

Staff Absent: None

NRCS Staff Present: Larry Branham – District Conservationist

Visitors Present: Bobie Hughes - Sacramento River Discovery Center

I.  Introductions - Opened Meeting: President, E. White called meeting to order at 8:33 a.m.

II.  Public Communications: None.

III.  Minutes: Approval of the amended December 17, 2013 Minutes; replace Chair E. White in the Introductions-Open Meeting with President E. White, and as J. Bramhall clarified, the Western Shasta RCDs monthly cell phone coverage is not a stipend, it is the cost to WSRCD of the cell phone contract.

Motion: A. Read

Second: J. Bramhall

Vote: Unanimous

IV.  Action Items:

A.  Approve Resolution 14-1: Entering into Agreements with CDFW, as presented.

Motion: R. Sale

Second: J. Bramhall

Vote: Unanimous

B.  Approve Contract with CDFW for Completing 2013 Monitoring, as presented.

V. Dawley provided copies of the contract. Contract terminology and liability insurance requirements were discussed.

Motion: R. Sale

Second: A. Read

Vote: Unanimous

C.  Approve Lease with Wright Bros Development LLC for Yard Space, as presented.

V. Dawley provided an updated version of the Lease Agreement and highlighted modifications related to the Holding Over and Security Deposit clauses. She noted, there is a need to purchase a vented shed to store herbicide solution. The Agreement allows up to 100 gallons of hazardous material to be stored onsite in compliance with all environmental law. Mark Ewing, the District’s Lead Conservation Technician, is pleased with the facility and it will significantly streamline his tasks.

Motion: R. Sale

Second: J. Bramhall

Vote: Unanimous

D.  Approve 2012-2013 Audit, as presented.

Motion: R. Sale

Second: W. Williams

Vote: Unanimous

E.  Approve Agreement with Northern CA Regional Land Trust to Participate in the Working Lands Conservation Partners Project, as presented.

V. Dawley provided an updated version of the Agreement and clarified $5,200 is the total amount available to the RCD during the term set to expire no later than December 31, 2015. Annual program funding for the RCD is set at $2,600. Necessary modifications within the document were acknowledged ensuring the Tehama County RCD was represented throughout the document. Though the Agreement was rather vague in nature, V. Dawley noted it is NCRLT’s attempt to increase partnerships and to broaden project proposal opportunities.

Motion: R. Sale

Second: A. Read

Vote: Unanimous

F.  Approve Draft Contract with Department of Water Resources for Mobile Irrigation Lab Project, as presented.

V.Dawley predicted the MIL’s fee-for-service program should cover the cost-share requirement for the three year Project. She worked closely with Kevin Greer in developing the Project’s Budget, Timeline, and Scope of Work. Currently, the contract is in a boilerplate format and tacking the RCD information onto the contract should be a nonissue. V. Dawley stated she will review the status of the Resolution. R. Sale suggested K. Greer present a MIL seminar during the next Colusa County Farm Show held every year in February.

Motion: R. Sale, subject to a contract similar to the boilerplate without major changes.

Second: J. Bramhall

Vote: Unanimous

V.  Finance:

R. Sale reported the Finance Committee discussed the financial status of the District including assets, liabilities, revenue, expenditures, profit and loss, outstanding invoices with resolution and paid warrants without discrepancies.

A. Approval of the Finance Reports, as presented.

Motion: W. Williams

Second: R. Sale

Vote: Unanimous

VI.  Warrant Orders:

R. Sale reported there are no unbudgeted expenses in January 2014.

A. Approval of the Warrant orders to be paid in January, as presented.

Motion: R.Sale

Second: W. Williams

Vote: Unanimous

VII. Discussion/Report Items:

A.  NRCS Staff Report

L. Branham stated Bay Delta Initiative Funding has been received allotting $300,000 to water conservation efforts. Funding can be used for cropland improvement projects to cover hardware, pipes, and management of micro irrigation systems. He emphasized the importance of the water capacity and nutrient exchange for soil health. He invited members of the Board to participate in the upcoming Soil Health Forum in Colusa and thanked R. Sale in advance for joining in the dialogue.

B.  District Manager Report

V. Dawley reported on the California Rangeland Coalition Conference in Oakdale. A local Farm Advisor and almond expert gave an informative presentation on California tree crops. He noted the growing practice of converting rangeland pasture to orchard crops and examined revenue gained from almonds, walnuts, and cattle ranching operations. He featured new techniques for growing tree crops on marginal soil with the perception that there may be no end in sight as to the possibilities of increasing production. Limiting the inputs of tree crops, as in either a lack of land and/or lack of water, could bring such growth to a halt. R.Sale noted that stringent regulations will destroy the industry as tree crops require intense chemical applications. V.Dawley stated she is the Co-Chair of the Rangeland Coalition Steering Committee. She noted that TCRCD could potentially be the fiscal agent for the Coalition, although we are not a 501c3 organization and that could be a problem. J. Bramhall stated the Western Shasta RCD put in place the Shasta Conservation Fund as a 501c3 to expand funding opportunities among other things.

C.  TCRCD Staff Reports

T. McCubbins updated the Board regarding the Ponderosa Way and Battle Creek projects. He led a discussion regarding the State Water Board critical flow study for the lower Antelope creek area including Craig creek and the adjacent Keeler Land Trust property. A third party entity is sought to ensure adequate channel flow through debris removal and upkeep over a thirty year period, as well as develop a weir structure. V. Dawley shared Trout Unlimited voiced interest and may be the third part entity. She shared purchasing an easement with grant funds as the RCD or with Trout Unlimited as the buyer were options. Equipment access points to the study area remain inconclusive. T. McCubbins concluded he is in contact with WSRCD in developing CEQA service fees. There is a need to establish time constraints where document modifications have an additional fee.

R. Rianda shared V. Dawley and C. Benjamin gave a great fly-over presentation during the Sacramento Valley Water Quality Coalition meeting. The Boondocks fuel break project is on hold and focused on the Benson and Basler project at this time. The pre-award application for the Rancho Tehama fuel break project has been submitted.

D.  Land Use Reports


E.  Other Reports


F.  Board of Directors Comments


VIII. Correspondence:

Viewed by the Board.

IX. Closed Session: District Manager Performance Evaluation

Closed session began at 10a.m.

X. Return to Open Session: Report on Closed Session

Open session returned at 10:50a.m.

XI. Next Meeting Dates:

Regular Meeting: February 18, 2014 8:30 a.m.

Finance Committee: February 18, 2014 7:45 a.m.

XII. Adjourned meeting at 10:51 a.m.

Respectfully Submitted,


Brin Greer, Office Administration Anne Read, Board Secretary

Minutes of January 28, 2014 pg. 1 of 4