Harding University High School Frau Harrill
Course Overview
German 4
Textbook / Kaleidoskop, 6th edition, Houghton-Miffllin
Workbook and interactive CD-Rom
Goals / German 4 follows the North Carolina Standard Course of Study and the National Standards, which focus on the 5 C’s of foreign language learning:
Communication (Interpersonal, Interpretive, and Presentational)
This course is a preparation for the AP and IB tests, and follows the basic goals of each program.
The course in Advanced Placement German Language, emphasizing the use of the language for active communication, has as its objective the development of the following competencies:
Having a strong command of vocabulary and structure;
Understanding spoken German in various conversational situations;
Reading newspaper and magazine articles, contemporary fiction, and non-technical writings without the use of a dictionary, and;
Fluently and accurately expressing ideas orally and in writing.
International Baccalaureate focuses on the development of the four primary language skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing. Competence in the primary language skills involves an understanding of three interrelated areas:
Language – handling the language system accurately (grammar, syntax, etc).
Cultural Interaction – selecting language appropriate to a particular cultural and social context.
Message – understanding ideas and how they are organized in order to communicate them appropriately.
Topics / Semester 1:
Free Time, Communication, Germany in the 21st century, Family
Verbs, Present and Past Tenses, Word Order, Nominative and Accusative
Semester 2:
Music, Working World, Multicultural Society, Young and Old
Dative Case, Either/or Prepositions, Adjectives, Subjunctive
Expectations / Each student should report to class with an open mind and a positive attitude. Except for grammar explanations, the class will be conducted in German as much a possible. Students are encouraged to speak German both in and out of the classroom to build speaking skills. After the first quarter, certain days will be designated “KEIN ENGLISCH: NUR DEUTSCH WIRD HIER GESPROCHEN” (No English: Only German spoken here)
Grading / Major Tests 40%
Homework 20%
Quizzes 20%
Journal 10%
Participation 10%
Homework is assigned on a daily basis, and students will receive a homework assignment sheet each month.
Materials Required / Pen or pencil
Spiral Notebook for notes and homework
Composition Book for journal
2 Dry Erase Markers
Clean sock or soft rag

Harding University High School Frau Harrill

Classroom Procedures, Guidelines, and Expectations

I.  Academic Requirements

A.  The student must maintain an average of 70 or better in order to receive credit for the course.

B.  The student must have no more than TEN absences to receive credit

C.  The CMS grading system is as follows:

A = 93-100 D = 70-76

B = 85-92 F = 69 and below

C = 77-84

D.  Homework will be assigned daily and will be checked daily. Homework missed because of absences MUST BE MADE UP WITHIN FIVE DAYS. Homework is expected to be brought to class completed. “I didn’t understand it” is not an excuse for not doing homework. At least try.

E.  Tests will be announced in advance. Any student present on the day of the announced test is expected to take the test. Tests missed due to absences must be made up WITHIN FIVE SCHOOL DAYS or a zero will be recorded. It is the student’s responsibility to find out what has been missed during an absence and make arrangements to make up the work.

II. Student Guidelines

A.  Each student is expected to conduct himself in a courteous manner which shows respect for himself, his classmates, and his teacher. There is no time in the classroom for inappropriate behavior. BEHAVIOR WHICH IN ANY WAY DISRUPTS ANOTHER STUDENT’S ABILITY TO LEARN WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. The CMS guidelines for student discipline will be enforced by the teacher and the school.

B.  Students must bring textbook, workbook, pencil or pen, and notebook to class each day.

C.  Tardiness will be handled according to the lock-out policy. Do not be late to class.

III.  Classroom Procedures

A.  This is a GERMAN course. According to IB, NC, CMS, and HUHS Foreign Language Department guidelines, it is imperative that the class be conducted in German. Only crucial grammatical and literary explanations will be made in English. The participation portion of your grade will be based on how much German you speak during the class, and your level of participation in the class.

B.  There will be no eating, drinking, or chewing gum during the class period.

C.  Sleeping is not an approved part of any course in this department. Parents will be contacted.

D.  Working on assignments for another class is not allowed. Work done for another course during this class will be taken and will NOT be returned.

E.  Cell phones, headphones, and music devices must be kept silent and not used during class.

IV. Parent Contact and Extra Help

A.  Tutoring is available for students after school from 2:15 – 3:00 by appointment.

B.  I will be available for parent conferences during my planning period each day from 12:45 – 2:15. Please see me or call the school 980-343-6007 to schedule an appointment.

C.  Students and parents may contact me at any time by e-mail:

Student Signature______

Parent Signature______