Noadswood School Governing Body
Full Governing Body Committee Meeting
27 September 2017, at 7pm
Governors Present:
Sarah Balson - SB
Jane French - JF
Elaine Huttly - EH
Kathryn Marshall (Head) - KM
Alan McElevey - AMC
Alison Munden - AM
Tammy Newey - TN
Kevin O’Brien - KO
Jackie Rapson - JR
Mike Roberts - MR
Di Smith - DS
The meeting opened at 7.00pm and was quorate at all times.
Agenda Item / The Clerk Chaired the meeting until a chair of Governors was elected. / Action1 / Apologies
Received from those listed above.
JR welcomed Paul Uglow, an ex-Governor who is considering re-joining Noadswood’s Governing Body.
2 / Declaration of Pecuniary Interests and Completion of Annual Register
The Clerk had reminded Governors to complete their new forms prior to this meeting. The completed forms were collected in and the Clerk will chase any outstanding. / Clerk
3 / Safeguarding and Health & Safety
The Head confirmed she would cover this later in the meeting.
4 / School Examination Results 2017
o Analysis, Commentary and Next Steps
The document ‘Noadswood’s Key Stage 4 Results 2017’ was made available to Governors via FROG, prior to the meeting. Steven Pike briefly talked through the document and explained the changes in the exam and marking scheme for GCSE’s this year.
What does this mean for Noadswood? – the school has come through this biggest period of change with secure results in English and Maths under the new curriculum and assessment methods, and very strong results in subjects such as Science, Graphics, Music... The progress of the pupils (the main threshold measure) will not be known until the Progress8 scores are published later in the Autumn.
The Head briefly talked through an OFSTED brief that had been published, Special Edition written by Sean Harford, HMCI, which stated ‘comparisons cannot be made with previous years’ results’.
New Threshold Measure (Basics 9 – 4) is a % measure of students who obtain English (Language and Literature) and Maths at a grade 4 or above (high grade D/low grade C in the old measure); Noadswood obtained 66.4%. Steven then talked through Basics 9 – 5, Attainment 8, EBacc (English Baccalaureate) and the threshold comparisons between Noadswood, Hampshire and PiXL. For Governors information, PiXL (partners in excellence) is a group of over 2,800 Schools and Colleges of varying ability, to which Noadswood belongs.
A Governor asked about Attainment 8; Noadswood scored 45.69 in this category.
A Governor asked if students had progressed as expected; Steven explained that the school had been hoping for better in terms of Progress and Attainment8 and so is very happy how some subjects performed but not so happy in other areas. Our Attainment8 score should be around 50, whereas it is at 45.
A Governor asked if there were any surprises in the results; Steven stated there were subjects that didn’t do quite as well as expected whereas others exceeded expectations. The Head stated she would cover this in her report.
A Governor asked how much impact the new strands of the curriculum had on the results; Steven explained that the new grading only affected English and Maths this year however, next year the whole of the GCSE curriculum will be graded using the new system.
Basics Mismatches (pupils who attained Maths 5 but not English 5; Maths 4 but not English 4; English 5 but not Maths 5; English 4 but not Maths 4) – there are new initiatives now in place to tackle this. As exams become more challenging, more students will suffer from anxiety issues, and will continue to prioritise what they consider to be the most important subjects for them in which to gain a Grade 5 (strong pass) however, there are plans in place to assist these students. A Governor stated that all school will suffer the same issues. The Head agreed in terms of exam anxiety and curriculum content/demands but repeated there is a cultural dimension in terms of prioritising here more than in parts of Hampshire where she has led. Work is in place on this and is important.
A Governor stated that students will miss the coursework input and being able to know that the coursework grades counted as part of their end results. Student confidence will need building throughout the year about terminal exams and about how to develop recall.
A* - G Grades – all students got at least one GCSE at this grade.
The Boys vs Girls Comparison the gap has widened with boys obtaining 60% Basics 9 – 4 and girls obtaining 71.1%. However this gap should be considered as too wide, rather than compared with last year’s results for the reasons already stated.
The Head stated that some boys were struggling to commit to the EBacc (English Baccalaureate) subjects. A Governor asked if the school was at risk of a sanction if the EBacc targets set by the Government in terms of pupil take up, were not met. The Head explained that it was a risk that it could in the future become a stringent part of Ofsted criteria, but it was the same for all other schools, and actually the chief inspector, Amanda Spielman, HMCI, is actually promoting curriculum breadth at this time.
Disadvantaged Gaps Basics 9 – 4 Gap is at -31.8. Last year the gap was -42 so the gap has reduced considerably in some cases. The Closing-the-Gap team has changed leadership and some team members for this year; progress and impact will be carefully monitored.
Steven explained that this year’s focus will be to:
o Improve Maths and English mismatch rate;
o Improve Projection Accuracy;
o Maintain closing of disadvantaged gaps;
o VCert successes: Health and Fitness and Music Technology did very well this year;
o Continued improvement of some Foundation subjects;
o Focus on boys’ progress and consistency of attainment.
Steven explained that all Governors will be kept-up-to-date on progress throughout the year.
A Governor asked if those subjects that were graded under the old scheme this year (ie all subjects other than English and Maths), can be compared to the results last year. Steven stated that this was possible but is not separated in any national measures.
A Governor asked if there would be any Ofsted ‘panics’ based on the data. The Head explained the volatility was being experienced in all schools and Ofsted had been asked to inspect ‘carefully’.
A Governor asked if there were any students that had been disadvantaged due to the harsher grading system. Stephen explained that there had been no reports of students ‘not’ get getting into the College of their choice.
A Governor asked how many students were graded below ‘4’ in English and Maths. English was at 28.5%; Maths was at 23%. 66.4% of all pupils received grades of 4 and above in English and Maths.
Governors were asked of they had further questions – there were none.
5 / Closing the Gap for Disadvantaged Pupils – Impact Statement
Steven explained that Nicci Dossett has taken the lead in the Closing-the-Gap Group. There are now co-ordinators for each year group and they are currently putting an action plan together. Parent’s evenings are scheduled.
The Head will liaise with the Clerk about a suitable future Agenda for this item. / Head/
6 / Election of Officers
The Clerk had followed adopted election procedures and had asked all Governors to self-nominate for the roles of Chair, Vice Chair, Chair of General Purposes, Chair of School Improvement and Chair of Pay & Personnel positions. The responses were as follows:
o Jackie Rapson self-nominated for the position of Chair;
o Kevin O’Brien self-nominated for the position of Vice Chair
o Alison Munden self-nominated for the position of Chair of SIC
o Mike Roberts self-nominated for the position of GP
o Alan McElevey self-nominated for the position of Chair of Pay Personnel
i. Chair of Governors
Governors were asked to vote to accept the self-nomination of Jackie Rapson as Chair of the Noadswood Governing Body. The decision to accept was unanimous.
The Clerk handed over to JR to Chair the remainder of the meeting.
Vice-Chair of Governors
Governors were asked to vote to accept the self-nomination of Kevin O’Brien as Vice-Chair of the Noadswood Governing Body. The decision to accept was unanimous.
ii. Chair of General Purposes Committee
Governors were asked to vote to accept the self-nomination of Mike Roberts as Chair of the General Purposes Committee. The decision to accept was unanimous.
iii. Chair of School Improvement Committee
Governors were asked to vote to accept the self-nomination of Alison Munden as Chair of the School Improvement Committee. The decision to accept was unanimous.
iv. Chair of Pay & Personnel Committee
Governors were asked to vote to accept the self-nomination of Alan McElevey as Chair of the Pay & Personnel Committee. The decision to accept was unanimous.
v. Chair of Heads Performance Management Panel
Governors were asked to vote to accept the self-nomination of Kevin O’Brien as Chair of the Heads Performance Management Panel. The decision to accept was unanimous.
7 / Confirmation of other Positions of Responsibility
The following positions were discussed:
i. Training Liaison Officer – Chris Blake will continue this role.
ii. Forum Rep – As we are an Academy, a Rep not required.
iii. Link Governors – Chris Blake – Maths; Alison Munden – English; Kevin O’Brien – Humanities; PJ Putt – Science/Disadvantaged and Closing the Gap Pupils; Alan McElevey – SEN; Tammy Newey – Gifted and Talented; MFL – Mark Wooster.
iv. Safer Recruitment Accredited Governors – PJ Putt, Mike Roberts, Tammy Newey, and Jackie Rapson.
v. Responsible Officer – Alan McElevey
Other Positions – Gym Committee - Mike Roberts agreed to Chair this Committee if it continues. The Head confirmed that this was currently being worked on and will keep the Governing Body informed of progress.
8 / Confirmation of Committee/Panel Membership
The following positions were confirmed:
General Purposes Committee;
o Mike Roberts (Chair)
o Kathryn Marshall (HT)
o Chris Blake
o Jackie Rapson
o Elaine Huttly
o Diane Smith
School Improvement Committee;
o Alison Munden (Chair)
o Kathryn Marshall (HT)
o Sarah Balson
o Jane French
o Alan McElevey
o Tammy Newey
o Kevin O’Brien
o PJ Putt
o Mark Wooster
Pay and Personnel Committee;
o Alan McElevey (Chair)
o Sarah Balson
o Chris Blake
o PJ Putt
o Jackie Rapson
o Mike Roberts
Health and Safety;
o Mike Roberts
Heads Performance Management Panel;
o Chris Blake
o Alison Munden
o Kevin O’Brien
Staff Discipline/Exclusions/Complaints;
o All Governors are placed on a list, in alphabetical order and are used as required on a rota basis.
9 / Approval of Committee Terms of Reference
General Purposes
The Chair of the Committee confirmed there were not changes required to the document. Clerk to amend dates and upload the document to FROG.
School Improvement
The Chair of the Committee confirmed there were still amendments to be made and these would be approved in the next SIC meeting in November.
Pay and Personnel
The Terms of Reference for this Committee will be discussed when the Committee meets in November. / Clerk (SC)
10 / Delegation of Authority to Dismiss Staff to Head
Governors voted unanimously in favour of delegating the authority to dismiss staff to the Head.
11 / Adopt HCC Manual of Personnel Practice
Governors voted unanimously in favour of adopting the HCC Manual of Personal Practice.
12 / Approval of FGB Minutes from last FGB meeting on 10 July 2017
Minutes were approved by Governors and signed by JR.
13 / Matters Arising not on the Agenda
14 / Budget Approval
The budget had already been approved at the General Purposes Committee meeting on 26 June 2017.
15 / Heads Report
Key Stage 4 Results:
Drama - The result was 17.5% A* to C. The Drama teacher (Suzie Costa) has prepared a report for the Head and she will be invited to the School Improvement Committee meeting in November, where she will talk Governors through her plans for the future and her proposals for moving the department forward.
Suzie has applied to become an AQA Moderator in order to gain more involvement with the exam board and to ascertain what is needed to move the lessons forward. She is also to be working with successful Drama departments in other schools in the area. Suzie is also working with the English department regarding the literacy requirements of the written exam and is putting in more live theatre opportunities. Plans are already in place for SLT support with problem students in the lessons. There will also be an exam rehearsal for Year 10 at Christmas 2017.
There have been no parental complaints regarding the result.
A Governor asked how many pupils take the exam; it is around 25 each year.
The Head asked if there were further questions from Governors – there were none.
MFL – The results were as expected and will be explained fully at the next School Improvement Committee meeting. There was a parental engagement evening in July, which was well attended. Documents had also been sent home detailing ways in which parents could help the students revise. The Zoe Hockings (Head of MFL) has visited a primary school in the area to look at their processes for teaching literacy and grammar and will be partnering with another secondary school too. There were no questions from the Governors.
The progress of these two departments will be discussed at the School Improvement Committee throughout the year, along with History.
The Head disclosed to Governors an error in the Data Sheets that were sent home from school to some Year 9 parents. 40 data sheets were sent home with the details of another child on the reverse. The details of a vulnerable family were disclosed to one further family therefore and this family have been made aware of the situation. The incorrect Data Sheets have since been recalled and the Local Authority made aware of the safeguarding issue. Plans have now been put in place to ensure that this does not happen again.