Date: 30/09/15
Venue:United Reform Church
Apologies:Christina Cramsie
Present:Stuart Sheridan (SS), Alan Pickup (AP), Marion Fisher (MF), Linda Etherington (LE), Jennifer Halsall (JH), Yasmin Hussain (YH), Julie Clift (JC),
1. Previous minutes ‘read’ and signed by all absentees
2. Minutes of the last meeting and AP’s
3. Stuart Sheridan – Service Transformation Manager – LD & Complex Needs
4. Julie Clift – LD Specialist nurse
5. Feedback from other subgroups and Group Leads meeting
6. Agenda for LDPB meeting – 05/10/15
7. Setting the Agenda for future Carers meetings
11. AOB
Actions1. / Previous minutes ‘read’ and signed by all absentees
2. / Minutes of the last Meeting and AP’s ()
Agreed as a true and accurate record
YK emailed Karen Beveridge regarding updated information for the Shared Lives scheme. Karen replied advising that she was in the process of updating the information and will forward once it has been done.
YK emailed Janet Doolan and Graham Jones regarding the next employment subgroup meeting. Graham advised the next meeting was on 11/09/15, 10am @ Bootstrap.
3. / Guest Speaker –
Stuart Sheridan -
SAF process has changed, it’s not running this year. Not sure what will be in place this year. AP asked what exactly the SAF is about. SS explained what the SAF process was used for and what it measured regarding LD services. SS recommended the IHAL website- information about commissioning services for LD.
Health Checks –
Everybody is entitled to a healthcheck. National figures show that people with LD are at a disadvantage regarding their health and have a lower life expectancy. Don’t access health services like other people. Need to look at the reasons why – communication is a fundamental barrier. Need to encourage more people with LD to have annual health checks. Health checks should lead onto a Health Action Plan detailing the health needs however small. SS wants to encourage more people with LD to have a Health Action plan and access to mainstream health services.
JH - asked the question about cervical cancer and access to HPV vaccine for other young girls who are no longer at school? Girls will LD struggle to understand the process of cervical smear tests. JC discussed the issue of best interests and sedation if cervical smear is deemed necessary. JC to ask LD community nurses if young women with LD can access the HPV vaccine and what the upper age limit is for the vaccine.
SS wants to see equality to access to health services and screening for LD and the general population. AP some of the screening processes happen to come through when carers are a lot older or have died. Whatever comes through the post people with LD can’t read and would put it in the bin. AP mentioned letter sent by GP surgery not clear about what a health screening is. SS to look at it and work closely with Practice managers and GP’s.
Transforming care –
Winterbourne View review. Government has reviewed the whole process of managing challenging behaviour – usually sectioned and put into a unit. Looking at positive behaviour support within the community and preventing people going into hospital. Locally we have Calderstones – at the moment SS looking at the length of time people spend in the hospital. Need to keep things balanced – two types – People with challenging behaviour and those who have committed serious crimes and as a result sent the by the Courts. SS working across Lancashire to redesign the service and commission the right service. SS explained that he understands the difficulties faced by families. He has spoken to families where things have slowly deteriorated and behaviour has become unmanageable. Police have been called and then things lead onto criminal proceedings/sectioning etc. Next two-three years there will be significant changes to services with the hope of training community services to have positive behaviour support to be able to manage people better in the community.
JH – access to mainstream mental health services has been very difficult. SS looking at it at the moment. Very difficult to engage with MH services.
AP – Who will be doing quality assurance of services? SS Commissioners will monitor. AP/JH questioned the conflict of interest for providers to also be quality assurers?
4. / Julie Clift –
Working in the Acute Trust – Sit in the safeguarding team covering all hospitals across East Lancashire. Support for carer and cared for when going into hospital for treatment.
Working with anaesthetists around how to get blood tests and CT scans looking at best interests. On site at the hospital to help when people with LD are admitted. Can help in outpatients if there is a problem. Looking at flagging system to be able to raise issues – icon on system identifies person with LD. JC available Mon-Fri -9-5pm. Safeguarding team at the hospital will pick up information and step in to support in JC’s absence.
JC – YK to send information out to carers and post on website, Facebook and twitter.
AP – What about if carer goes into hospital? YK – Red Cross Emergency card scheme. Available to carers who look after someone over the age of 18. Please speak to your carers advisor or contact 01254 688440 for further information.
JC wished to use the LD Carers subgroup as a forum for JC to be able to speak to carers and take feedback back to the hospitals. All agreed this was a good idea.
Hospital Passports – JC to email any electronic copies to YK
JC currently working on a reasonable adjustments plan to be put in the front of the hospital passport notes. This is so hospital staff are aware that reasonable adjustments need to made to get the best outcome e.g. – if person with LD refuses to or is afraid to have a blood test then what process should be followed. / YK – speak to Kiran
5. / AP attended Health subgroup – fed back to group. Group talked about the Mental Capacity Act. Next meeting -18/11/15 – Bridge House @1pm.
AP – Currently finding issues around LD short courses. Service users unable tocontinue onto other courses if they can’t pass exam. People with LD often need to do the same course a number of times before moving on to something else. AP is liaising with Neighbourhood learning and Councillors and will keep the group update when he has any further information.
Marion Fisher interested in Employment subgroup.
Carers completed Carers survey. / YK to find out details.
6. / Next LDPB meeting – 05/10/15
7. / Future meeting dates –
28/10/15, 25/11/15 @10-12pm held at Carers Service, Kingsway.
11. / Round Robin
Time and Date of next Meeting: 28/10/15 @10-12pm held at Carers Service Kingsway.
Meeting closed