APEC Food Safety Cooperation Forum
Record of Activities and
Implementation Plan 2007 - 2013
Purpose of the APEC Food Safety Cooperation Forum Record of Activities and Implementation Plan 2007 – 2013
The purpose of the APEC Food Safety Cooperation Forum (FSCF) Record of Activities and Implementation Plan 2007 - 2013 is to provide an ongoing communication tool for:
- Documenting activities aligned with the agreed FSCF Capacity Building Priority Areas, as a Concept for Consideration (Stage 1), a Proposal for Review (Stage 2), an Activity under Implementation (Stage 3) or a Completed Activity (Stage 4).
- Communicating about activities aligned with the agreed FSCF Food Safety Capacity Building Priorities that APEC member economies would like to undertake – as a means of seeking partners for the activity, to seek feedback on a funding proposal, or merely for information.
- Communicating about activities aligned with the agreed FSCF Food Safety Capacity Building Priorities that are currently being implemented, or have been completed.
Interpretation and Use of the Record of Activities andImplementation Plan 2007 - 2013
Activities are to be documented against the agreed FSCF Capacity Building Priority Areas2011 with a brief description of the activity and a note of the member economies whom are interested in either providing or participating in the activity. In addition, the activity’s stage of development should be noted using the Stages below as guidance. A primary contact person should be listed by the proposing member economy.
Stage 1 Concept for Consideration:
Food safety capacity building activity concepts can be included in the Record of Activities andImplementation Plan 2007-2013 as Stage 1, in order to communicate an Economy’s wish to undertake such as activity and to seek partners to undertake the activity.
Stage 2Proposal for Review:
Stage 2 follows from Stage 1 and means that aproject concept has been developed into a funding proposal, which can be circulated to the FSCF for comment/review. If funding sought is from APEC, FSCF feedback will need to be provided as part of funding approval process.
Stage 3Activity under Implementation:
Further to Stages 1 and 2, a funding proposal for a food safety capacity building activity has been approved and the activity is in the process of being implemented.
Stage 4Completed Activity:
Further to Stages 1, 2 and 3, the activity has been implemented and is now complete. A final report of the activity is available.
APEC Food Safety Cooperation ForumCapacity Building Priority Areas
Revised and Agreed May 2011 / Description of Activity / Member Economies / Status / Contact
Food safety regulatory systems
- Development of risk based food control systems
6-8 August 2008, Cusco, Peru.
- Development of food laws, regulations and food standards harmonized with international standards
September 2008 – February 2009.
Developing Food Laws, Standards and Enforcement and Recall Systems. / Australia, China / 4 / Sonia Bradley, FSANZ
Two workshops in China from May 2009 – August 2009.
Development of Food Laws, Standards and Regulations / Philippines,
Australia / 4 / Gilberto F. Layese
Conducted 1-3 Sept 2009 Manila, Philippines
- Enforcement of food regulations and standards
(seeking partners) / 1 / Jongkolnee V., Food Safety Operation Centre, Ministry of Public Health, Thailand. Jongkolnee
Training for food inspectors, food industry & consumers for the interpretations & enforcement of the food regulations / Papua New Guinea / 4 /
Three regional training workshops during 2007-2008
Food Safety Seminar / Japan, New Zealand / 4 /
June 2009
- Development and implementation of national food incident response protocol
March – May 2010, Beijing, China
Food Safety Incident Management Seminar / Australia, China/all APEC member economies / 3 / Sonia Bradley, FSANZ
May 2011, Montana, United States
- Development and implementation of food recall systems
Fernando Acuña
Workshop held 4-6 May 2010, Manila, Philippines.
- Development and implementation of food supply chain management systems
November 2010 in Beijing, China
Food inspection and certification systems
- Development and implementation of risk based food inspection systems
- Implementation of electronic certification systems
Completed 2007/2008
On-line electronic certification (e-cert) cooperation trials / Canada, Australia, People’s Republic of China, New Zealand / 4 /
Commenced 2004 with Canada; Commenced 2007 with Australia for seafood, Commenced 2008, went live January 2010 with China
APEC FSCF PTIN Export Certification Roundtable / United States
Australia / 4 / Jon Ann Flemings, United States Department of Agriculture,
Australia, February, 2010
- Training of food inspectors and system auditors including conformity assessments procedures
Tipvon Parinyasiri, Director Bureau of Food, Thai FDA
Jongkolnee V., Food Safety Operation Centre, Ministry of Public Health, Thailand.
Training on ISO17020 / Philippines / 1 / Gilberto F. Layese
Human resources development of food inspectors to be competent to develop surveillance plan at a level proportionate to the actual risk presented / Papua New Guinea,
Thailand / 1 / Rose_kavanamur
Jongkolnee V.
Training on Risk-Based Inspection / Philippines/FAO with participation from ASEAN countries / 4 / Gilberto F. Layese
Mitsuo Nakamura
Conducted 27-29 October 2010
- HACCP training and implementation
Jongkolnee V.
APEC members to establish and implement the HACCP system, to promote trade and enhance food safety control among the APEC Members. / China / 4 / CHEN Encheng
HACCP Standards and Certification Workshop. / China,
United States / 4 / July 2008, Beijing China
Food Safety, quality control and HACCP system / China (AQSIQ)/Canada / 4 / October 2007. Contact CFIA Supported by Canadian Research Institute for Food Safety and Guelph Food Research Centre
- International standards harmonisation and application (Codex)
Canada / 4 / December 2007. Health Canada and CFIA delivered one week workshop in Beijing.
- Development of equivalence procedures based on international standards for food import and export inspection and certification systems
(seeking partner in Asia) / 1 / FAO
Technical skills and human resource capacity (internationally accredited standards and procedures)
- Food Safety Risk Analysis including risk assessment, risk management, risk communication for all foods, including those derived from conventional and new technologies, in areas of:
- Microbiology
- Chemical safety
- Food allergen safety
China/Indonesia/ Papua New Guinea / 4 / Sonia Bradley, FSANZ
Two regional workshops from July 2007 – February 2008, Manila, Philippines.
International Workshop on Metrology in Food Microbiology / Australia / 4 / Stewart Jones, Angela Samuel, National Measurement Institute, Australia.
February 2009
Microbiological risk assessment for Bacillus cereus in fried rice / Australia, Malaysia / 4 / Duncan Craig FSANZ
Two workshops with Malaysia Ministry of Health from March 2009 – July 2009.
Risk analysis in chemical safety / Australia/Singapore / 2 / Sonia Bradley, FSANZ
Training for each specific course on 1) Pesticide Residues 2) Veterinary Drug Residues 3) Food Additives and 4) Contaminants in Foods. / Thailand
(seeking partner) / 1 / Tipvon Parinyasiri, Director Bureau of Food, Thai FDA
Jongkolnee V., Ministry of Public Health, Thailand.
Food Chemical risk assessment in food regulation / Malaysia, Australia / 4 / Funded by MoH, Malaysia with in-kind support from FSANZ. Delivered by FSANZ
May 2008, Malaysia.
APEC Hub for Global Environment Monitoring Systems (GEMS)/Food Program for contaminant data gathering in support of risk assessment. / Canada, Australia / 1 / John Salminen, Health Canada.
Develop risk analysis methods to address food allergy incidents (e.g., laboratory methods, risk assessment techniques), with focus on the use of labeling of prepackaged foods. / Canada, Australia Thailand / 1 / Warunee Varanyanond,
Kasetsart University, Thailand
James Roberts, National Measurement Institute, Australia.
John Salminen, Health Canada.
Jongkolnee V., Ministry of Public Health, Thailand.
APEC FSCF PTIN Examination of Hot Issues in Risk Analysis Workshop – Risk Assessment and Risk Management in a global environment / United States / 4 / Peter Tabor, United States Department of Agriculture.
Held August, 2009, in Singapore,
Risk Assessment and Risk Management – train the trainer course. / Canada / 1 / John Salminen, Health Canada.
Overview of Canada’s food safety system – risk assessment, risk management and risk communication, stakeholders, integration of policies etc. / Malaysia, Canada. Malaysian delegation visit to Canada, supported by Health Canada and CFIA / 4 / July 2007
Capacity Building Training on Food Safety Risk Communication for APEC Developing Member Economies. / Brunei Darussalam, Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Viet Nam, Korea, Chinese Taipei, Mexico, Peru, Philippines, Peoples Republic of China, United States, Australia. / 4 / Mr Gilberto Layese, Philippines.
held 23-27 June 2008, in Manila, the Philippines
Risk Assessment and Risk Management in food safety, animal health and plant protection. / China/Canada / 4 / October – November 2007.
Ottawa, Canada.
Scientific Seminar-Workshop on Food Safety Risk-Benefit Assessment. / Philippines / 3 / Mr Gilberto Layese, Philippines.
To be held in October 2011
- Social/economic research to assist risk analysis
- Human intake/consumption research to assist risk analysis
Thailand, Canada / 1 / Rose Kavanamur.
Jongkolnee V., Ministry of Public Health, Thailand.
John Salminen, Health Canada.
- General principles of food hygiene including food handling and preventative approaches to food-borne risks
- Assessment of food safety capacity building needs
Regional workshop in Beijing, November 2007
The Proficiency Testing of Determination of Veterinary Drug Multi-Residues in Animal
OriginProducts / China / 1 / Liu hanxia, Chinese Academy of Inspection and Quarantine, AQSIQ, China.
FSCF PTIN Expert Working Group on Food Safety / United States / 4 / Anna Shanklin,
Scheduled for May 19-20, 2010 in Washington, DC
- Food surveillance and monitoring activities including total diet studies and exposure assessments
- Laboratory capacity and skills for food sampling and analysis based on internationally-recognised measurement systems
APMP TCQM-DEC project (jointly organised with PTB, Germany) on pesticide residues in tea – training in measurement uncertainty (MU) techniques & associated PT scheme/pilot study / Asia-Pacific Metrology Programme (APMP) / 4 / Lindsey Mackay (APMP TCQM)/Angela Samuel (APMP DEC), National Measurement Institute, Australia. ;
Strengthen food laboratory capacity to conduct chemical and biological testing (including funding of equipment) / Papua New Guinea / 4 / Papua New Guinea, November 2007. Supported by WHO
Ms Rose Kavanamur,
Laboratory management, quality assurance and quality control systems / China, Canada. / 4 / November 2007
Training on food analysis related with new and emerging food safety issues / Philippines / 1 / Gilberto F. Layese
FSCF PTIN Training on Laboratory Capacity / United States / 1 / Julia Doherty, USTR
Proposed Establishment of Food Safety Training Laboratory / China/Waters Corporation. Public-Private Partnership in Progress / Dr Liu Hanxia, CAIQ, China
Proposed Establishment of Food Safety Training Laboratory / Australia/Waters Corporation. Public-Private Partnership in Progress / Dr Stewart Jones, National Measurement Institute, Australia
Information-sharing and communication networks
- Cooperation in multilateral forums on food safety capacity building issues (FAO/CODEX/WHO/WB)
- Disease surveillance systems that provide accurate and timely information
- Food Incident Communication Processes
- Master classes / Staff interchanges
Staff placement from AQSIQ, China to FSANZ, Australia / Australia/China / 4 / Sonia Bradley, FSANZ
Zhang Rong, AQSIQ, China
March – April 2009
Staff placement from AQSIQ, China to FSANZ, Australia / Australia/China / 4 / Sonia Bradley, FSANZ
Dr Liu Hanxia, AQSIQ
March – April 2011
Staff placement from Ministry of Health, Papua New Guinea to NSW Food Authority, Australia. / PNG/Australia / 3 / Rose Kavanamur
Sonia Bradley, FSANZ
- Increased participation in INFOSAN
- Information sessions on food safety management systems
- Electronic communication systems for food recall, communication with trade partners and improved systems for consumer information.
Delivered by CFIA