College Prep Biology
Mr. ReeseOffice Hours: Tue-Thur 3:00-3:30
RM # E101 Phone: 209 830 3360 ext 2219
I. Course Description
Biology at Tracy High School is a course where you, the student, will learn ideas associated with the science of life. Your own curiosity and motivation will be your biggest asset to this class. You will be asked to think critically about living organisms and how they interact with themselves, other organisms, and the physical world around you. Overall, you will take away from this class a much deeper understanding of the living world around you.
II. Course Outline
You will receive content specific instruction on the following topics Cell Biology, Genetics, Evolution, Ecology, and Physiology. For a more detailed list of topics please see attached list of the California State Standards for high school level Biology. To access this list from any computer please go to this link:
III. Rules and Expectations
I have developed certain rules that I expect all students in my class to follow. It is very important that every student remains on task and stays focused throughout the duration of the class period. Please come to class motivated and ready to engage your mind. Everyone will be expected to treat their teacher and their fellow classmates with dignity and respect. I will be trying my best to treat all of you with the utmost respect and I expect the same behavior from you. No exceptions! Here are a few of the more basic class rules:
- Before you enter the classroom please remove hats, turn off cell phones and put them away, throw out chewing gum, and have all vanity products (make up) as well as food and drink put away for the duration of the class period.
- While the teacher or a student is speaking it is your job to listen attentively. If you would like to add a comment or idea to the class discussion then please raise your hand and wait patiently to be called on.
- I will not tolerate cheating or dishonesty of any kind and doing so will result in a 0% on that assignment. If someone is helping you cheat, they too will receive a 0% on that assignment. In addition your parents and the administration will be notified. This includes copying homework and/or lab report work from another student.
Materials needed for class: Composition notebook (you will need several throughout the year) Pen, Calculator, Pencil, and Agenda to write all assignments in. The Agenda can be used for all other classes. We will be using a class set of text books and your assigned text book can be kept at home in a safe place for homework assignments and studying purposes.
IV. Behavior Steps and Consequences
Through my experience as a teacher I have found that the most enjoyable atmosphere for everybody is one in which a class comes together as a whole and works together to make the best of their learning experience. Disruptive behavior only wastes time and in the end takes away from the learning of other students. This is the sole reason why it will not be tolerated in this classroom. The first offense will result in a verbal reprimand and or seat adjustment. The second offense will result in teacher detention. The third offense will result in a referral to the counseling office. Lastly the fourth offense will result in a direct referral to the Assistant Principals Office. Detentions are 15 minutes long and are to be served on the day you receive the detention or the following day either before school or after school. Failure to show up for detention will result in a referral to the Assistant Principal’s office for further discipline action. You will still have to serve the original teacher detention.
In addition, severe behavior results in an immediate referral to the Assistant Principal’s office.
If you are a TA for the class you are expected to work quietly on the work that I have assigned you. You are not to disrupt the learning of the class.
V. Tardy and Restroom Policy
My tardy policy follows the school tardy policy. The expectation is that you arrive to class on time (before the bell rings). If you are tardy you will need a pass from a teacher, counselor, or principal. The first and second tardy offenses will result in verbal warnings. The third and fourth offenses will result in a 15 minute detention in my classroom after school. Consequences for the fifth offense and onward are outlined in the student handbook.
My restroom policy is that you should make all efforts possible to use the restroom before you get to class. If you are having a “bathroom emergency” please see me and I will write you a pass. You will be allowed 2 bathroom passes per quarter. Any further bathroom needs will result in you making up the missed time with me after school.
VI. Make-up/Late Work and Homework Policy
All students must turn in their work on time in order to receive credit! This includes homework. I will not accept homework late. If you are absent, then for every excused absence that you have accumulated you will have that many days to make up your late work. Also if you are absent you are responsible for remembering when major assignments are due. I suggest finding a trustworthy contact person in the class and exchanging email or phone numbers in order to prevent missing any major assignments. If you are away for sports and other excused absences during my class period all assignments are due to me as if you were in class. In the case of a student being suspended the student will not be allowed to turn in the work missed while the student was suspended.
VII. Grading Policy
Grades are updated weekly into Aeries (the district adopted grading system) and can be accessed via Parent Connect. Here are the percent values of how much each section of the class will be worth. (These percentages may change depending on the number of labs given in a quarter.)
Tests 25%
Assignments (homework and class work)25%
Your Semester grades are calculated like so: 1st quarter is worth 40%, 2nd quarter is worth 40%, and the semester final is worth 20% of the semester grade.
VIII. Safety
Lab safety is of the utmost importance. Your actions could possibly put others in harm. If you are behaving in such a way as to put yourself or others in the class at harm you will be asked to not participate in the lab and will be given a zero on that particular lab. If it is deemed that you cannot be further trusted in laboratory situations then you will be given an alternative writing assignment for labs during the year and will not participate in these labs. A specific list of lab safety protocol will explained in the lab safety rules handout.
I am sure that each of you will follow the class rules and complete the assignments with pride and integrity. I hope you each have a very exciting year and I will do my best to see that this happens. If you have any problems or would like clarification on anything, I will be available during my office hours to assist you. I will be glad to help.
Wishing you a successful year!
Mr. Reese
Biology Syllabus 2011/2012 – Mr. Reese -
Please sign this portion of the syllabus and send it back to school with your child. If you have any questions or concerns please email or come by!
I have read and understand this Biology Syllabus.
Printed NameStudent SignatureDate
Student e-mail address
Printed Name Parent/Guardian signatureDate
Parent/Guardian e-mail address (HIGHLY RECOMMENED)
This portion of the syllabus will be kept on file.