About Solal
Web address:
Read this promotional pamphlet about their products and directors.
Harris Steinman on the qualifications of Dr Craige Golding (CEO, Solal)
Other Solal Business
Hormone replacement:
The Integrative Medical Centre is an innovative “one stop” anti -aging medical centre:
Health Intelligence: magazine, breakthrough science, peer-reviewed studies by leading international and local experts, receive groundbreaking advice:
Solal on Facebook
Mix of alternative and standard nutritional advice. Offers medical advice on FB, but when problem sounds serious they advise people to see medical doctor.
What Solal sells
Solal sells approximately 130 products with an average price of R204 per product (median: R175;range: R50 – R690)
Product size varies from 30 – 90 capsules per bottle (25mg – 30mg per capsule)
Solal website lists treatments for over 103 diseases for example:
Hiv/AIDS, Aging, Arthritis, Autoimmune disease, Breast cancer, Cancer, Cholesterol, Colds and flu, Diabetes type 1 and 2,Epilepsy,Fibromyalgia, Heart health, Herpes, High blood pressure, Insulin resistance/ metabolic syndrome, Poly cystic ovarian syndrome, Rheumatoid arthritis, Stroke (to minimize damage afterwards)
Products forHIV/AIDS:
Summary of claim next to product (most claims prefixed with “may”)
DHEA (on prescription) - naturally occurring adrenal androgen.
Bitter Melon Extract – Lowers blood sugar and is an anti-viral.
Olive Leaf Extract – anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-parasitic.
Glutamine – Protects liver and immune-system.
Curcumin – prevents development and further growth of some types of cancer. Protects lungs from smoke damage, liver and immune system.
Spirulina–contains protecting micronutrients for the immune system
Advanced Cellular Anti-Oxidant – antioxidant to neutralize free radicals to protect cells and DNA.
Enzyme PrebioticProbiotic – prevents candida colonizing the gut, protects immune system by preventing bacteria leaking into the blood from the intestines.
Omega 3 Fish Oil Extract – Essential for immune system health.
Omega 3 & 6 Sol-Oil – essential for immune system support
Omega 3 Flaxseed Oil – protects the heart, brain and immune system
Products for all types of cancer.
Summary of claim next to product (most claims prefixed with “may”)
I3Complex – protects cells from hormone induced or other causes of cell and DNA mutations. Preventative in low doses but at a higher dose, it can be used as part of a treatment program
Indol-3-Carbinol & DIM - prevent and suppress the progression of some forms of Cancer
Vitamin D3 - prevent some forms of Cancer and is used for the treatment of some types of Cancer, also ovarian, lung, kidney, leukemia, liver, myeloma, pancreatic , prostate, skin, melanoma and thyroid.
Omega 3 Fish Oil Extract – Essential for immune system health.
Omega 3 & 6 Sol-Oil – essential for immune system support
Omega 3 Flaxseed Oil – protects the heart, brain and immune system
Melatonin–enhances healthy sleep patterns and is an immune stimulatory effects.
ASA Cases
Solal Health Shake advert (9 October 2009) – Harris Steinman lodges a complaint against Solal Health Shake. ASA responds on 2 December 2009 with feedback from Solal stating that the advert was placed in error and will not reappear. ASA will therefore not investigate further.
Naturally Sweet Advert (1 Dec 2009) – Solal runs an advert, Naturally Sweet, which claimedseveral harmful effects of sugar. South African Sugar Association lodged a complaint with ASA.Solal did not address the complaint but tried to dismiss the complaint on several legal technicalities:
- SASA has no right to lodge complaint as they’re not a consumer.
- SASA did not identify which part of the Code was violated by Solal
- Basis of SASA’s complaint is factually incorrect
- The Directorate‟s refusal to rule on the points in limine first
The ASA Directorate rejected all these arguments and the Complaint was upheld.
Naturally Sweet Appeal 1 (22 Feb 2010) – Solal presents ASA with independent expert evidence of the harmful effects of sugar by Dr. Neil Burman. Dr Burmanis the CEO of Healthspan Life that sells a sweetener amongst other products and ASA ruled he was not a credible independent expert. Solal’s arguments are dismissed and the Ad Alert issued on 3 December 2009 is upheld.
Naturally Sweet Appeal 2 (17 May 2010) – Solal presents areport by RaelKoping as an independent expert. RaelKoping is a Cape Town based dietitcian andASA accepted his letter as evidence that the Solal claims have been substantiated by research. ASA withdraws the Ad Alert against the Naturally Sweet advert. SASA has called for this matter to go to arbitration which has not yet happened.
Vitamin D as effective as vaccine advert (26 Aug 2010) – Solal placed an advert in The Star claiming that “Vitamin D is as effective as a vaccine”. Kevin Charlston lodged a complaint with the ASA which was upheld.
Macular degeneration advert (30 Aug 2010) – Dr Laithwaithe lodged a complaint against a print advertisement that appeared in the May edition of Fair Lady magazine. The advertisement is headed “Interesting facts about your health” and states, inter alia,“FACT 1: The eye damage that causes vision loss in old age, actually starts in early adulthood, or even younger”. The complainant argued that age related macular degeneration does not affect non-white people and a large number of people will be lead to believe that they are at risk. In addition, the primary causal factor for this condition is genetic. The ASA upheld the complaint.
2002 Call up
Solal does not make any public reference to their attempts to block the rescinding of the 2002 call-up, except indirectly in this c orrespondence between Brent Murphy and Harris Steinman.
In correspondence between Rene Doms and Harris Steinman Rene Doms says that the MCC should be allowed to do their work and that Solal“are seeking a resolution as much as you”.
3 August 2010 – Brent Murphy withdraws Human Growth Hormone product.
13 August 2010 Open letter from Roy Jobson to Rene Doms calling on him to resign from representing Solal
13 August 2010 - The role of the MCC: correspondence with Rene Doms (Solal attorney)
7 September 2010 – Solal’srole in legal action to block the rescinding of the 2002 call-up
Correspondence between Brent Murphy(Solal Director of Proffessional Affairs) and Harris Steinman, Murphy accuses Steinman of defaming the directors of Solal by writing that they had “blood on their hands”. Steinman clarifies and said he had made a general statement about those who were involved in preventing the MCC from rescinding the 2002 call up. He pointed out that he did not know that Solal was involved in this legal action until Murphy’s email. Solal’s role in the legal action was confirmed to Harris by Rene Doms.
Lawyers letters
18 August 2010 – Defamation and Publication of Injurious Statements. Sent to Rene Smalberger by Solal attorneys.
31 August 2010 – Defamation and Publication of Injurious Statements. Sent to Roy Jobson by Solal attorneys.
31 August 2010 – Solal suing Harris Steinman.
3 September 2010 – Susan Smailes opinions on threats by Solal to sue Roy Jobson
29 September 2010 – Solal attorneys will proceed with legal action against Roy Jobson