Chapter 2.3 & 2.4 Reading Guide


1.What is demographic transition?

2.Characteristics of Stage 1 of the DTM?

3.Characteristics of Stage 2 of the DTM?

4.Characteristics of the Stage 3 of the DTM

5.Characteristics of Stage 4 of the DTM

6.At what stage of the DTM do the industrial revolution and medical advances come to a country?

7.In what stage of the DTM could a country experience Zero Population Growth?

8.List the two ways Birth rates can be lowered in a country

9.What are the reasons people resist birth control?

10.Who is Thomas Malthus and what did he predict? (1 Model to know for the year)

11.Why was the Malthusian model flawed?

12.How can large populations be good?

13.What is the Neo Malthusian Model? What are the two reasons it may be worse than Malthus’ original model?

14.What has been the trajectory of food production?

15.What is the possible stage 5 of the DTM? Why is it not confirmed?

16.What is going on with Japan’s population?

17.How can the government’s policy of get more people working ultimately create less workers?

18.Explain India’s population policies.

19.Explain China’s population policies.


1. Define Epidemiologic transition.

2. To understand and control an epidemic, you have to understand what two geographic concepts?

3. Describe Epidemiologic transition in stage 1 of the DTM

4. What was histories’ most violent stage 1 epidemic?

5. Where did it start and where did it diffuse to?

6. Describe Epidemiologic transition in stage 2 of the DTM

7. What innovation began to eradicate cholera?

8. Who developed the first manual GIS to combat cholera?

9. Describe Epidemiologic transition in stage 3 of the DTM. Note the two most chronic diseases.

10. Why do developing countries have low rates of cancer?

11.Describe Epidemiologic transition in stage 4 of the DTM. What happens to life expectancy?

12. Why does the CDR rise in stage 5 countries?

13. Why do people often die of TB even in the developed world?

14. How did Aids diffuse into the United States? What type of diffusion?

15. Where are the largest international airports in the U.S.?

16. What part of the Aids epidemic is expansion diffusion?

17. Compare Infant Mortality rates in developing countries and developed countries.

18. Compare Life Expectancy in the developed world and the developing world.

19. What stands out about health care between the U.S. and other developed countries.

20.What are the choices with regard to providing health care in good economic times and poor economic times?