OLLHA Board Meeting
September 6, 2016
Meeting called to order by President Jerry Norgaard at 9:00 AM CDT.
Jerry Crosby, Jerry Norgaard, Aaron Herzog, Harry Folsom, Stephanie Jahr, Jerry Ekegren, Vanessa Moen, Dick Sinclair
Additions to and Approval of Agenda:
Additions were made to the Maintenance section.
Minutes were accepted as is, Jerry Crosby, motion to approve, second by Stephanie Jahr, all approved.
-- Reports
- Treasurers ReportPat Faith
- Funds available $29,073.37
- 3 persons are in arears, their lifts will be removed this fall
- For persons who haven’t paid their next Jan. 31st dues, their lifts won’t be put in the water in the spring.
- Motion to approve treasurers report by Dick Sinclair, Second by Vanessa, approved by all
- Committee Reports
- Architectural Norm Riska
- Bert and Ralph will be building a large shed
- MaintenanceDick Trickel
- Lodge Janitorial Service
- Can we find a janitorial service? There’ve been a number of complaints. If we can get it done for a reasonable cost we will do that otherwise we have a potential volunteer to do the work.
- We need the linoleum replaced in both bathrooms
- Shoreline Remediation Project
- Jerry Ekegren made a motion proceed with phase 2 of the SRP by adding the needed rock to the north 240’ of our marina area. This may include getting a loan to complete the work. Second by Stephanie, all approved.
- Jerry N. will ask Dick Trickel to put together a maintenance committee
- Storm Damage & Clean-up
- Dick Trickel and John Hill took out the stumps and Aaron, Steve and Dick T. cleaned up the trees, thank you from the board.
- Burn Pile
- Jerry N will add a note in the newsletter reminding people to not throw grass and leaves into the burn pile.
- MarinaDick Sinclair
- Shore Power Replacement
- Northern Lakes Electric hasn’t been responsive after several attempts. They’ve continually put us off until after Labor Day.
- Dick has approached Jim’s electric. We’re going to meet with him ASAP.
- Lake Service Provider (LSP) Contract Review
- The Marina Committee will minimally have meetings prior to the 3 big holidays each year.
- We need to enhance the lighting on the floaters.
- The zebra mussel issue needs to be addressed. It’s now being reviewed by the DNR. We need supporting documentation showing we don’t have to decontaminate in the spring. Dick Sinclair will discuss the cleaning of the lifts with Derrick.
- Administration
- Policies & Procedures (Rules & Regulations)Vanessa Moen
- Vanessa will put together a team meeting to discuss how to get started on putting together a set of Rules & Regulations
- Items to include in the R&R
- Lodge Reservation (Private Parties)
- Short Term Rentals (VRBO, etc)
- Compliance & Enforcement (Fines & Fees)
- CommunicationsJerry Norgaard
-- News Letter, Stephanie and JN.
-- Upcoming Dates
- Next Board Meeting Oct 1st at 11:00
- Fall Workday & Social Oct 1st at 9:00
- Clean up branches above the red pines in the out lot
- Boat Out, Oct 9th.
-- Other
Adjourn: Motion to adjourn made by Jerry Crosby, second by Stephanie Jahr at 10:43.