Parish of St Joseph and St Margaret Clitherow, Bracknell


Held on Wednesday 25 February 2015 at St Joseph’s Church

Prayer and Formation:

Reflective prayer from Fr Danny


Fr. Danny McAvoy, Catherine Collery, Mary McNab, Elizabeth Fisher, Maura Holt (in attendance representing the Pastoral Council), Steve Scott

Apologies: Peter Hancock (Chairman), Alick Barretto

Approval of Minutes from meeting held on 26.11.2014: Minutes were approved.

Matters arising from previous Minutes:

Mary took the Chair for this meeting.

General: Cupboards being reorganised, table tennis table ordered, water pressure in the toilets now fixed.

Quinquennial: Postponed for a short time, will commence soon.

Action: Mary to keep in touch with Derek Hampshire of The AED Practice.

Timescale: Re-schedule when convenient for all concerned.

Disabled Facilities: Ongoing, subcommittee to be set up to investigate and submit proposals to the main Finance Committee.

Action: Ongoing

Timescale: Ongoing

Other Capital Expenditure

Church and Hall Exterior Repairs & Maintenance: Fr Danny suggested installing an electronic communication medium, LED similar to GP surgeries, in the church porch, with a welcome to the church and the seasons of the church and liturgy. Investigation of the type of medium, its capability and costs.

Action: Fr Danny

Timescale: Ongoing

Car Park (Entry System and Resurfacing) and Church Security:

Report from John Cole: Closure of the church gates to protect the no public right of way took place over the Christmas period.

Car park gross income between 01 December 2014 and 25 February 2015 was £2240.00, outgoings were £375.00 for 3 vandalised lock repairs, 10 replacement master and 8 car park keys, and a goodwill refund of £100.00 to The Diamond Gallery for unused March 2015 car parking.

This gives us a current income running total of £1865.00 signed off by Mary McNab and I on Tuesday 24 February 2015.

I propose we adopt the long term parking rates from 01 April 2015 as follows.... £480.00 paid yearly, £270.00 paid half yearly, £150.00 paid quarterly and £60.00 for a 1 month minimum or maximum stay. These charges represent less than 44% of the Princess Square car park tariff. I vote in favour of these increases.

We have lost 3 long termers due to circumstances of job relocation, and retirement. Closure of the Diamond Gallery will result in the loss of a further 4 long termers, having recruited.

2 new ones this puts the database at 13 with a potential income using the aforementioned new rates for the year 01 April 2015 to 31 March 2016 at £6240.00.

We now have 179 short term users, the rate £50.00 per car per year is equal to just under £0.96p per week; (Princess Square rates have seen a further rise to £6.80 per day). In addition the practice of secondary ticketing whereby two or more cars are interchangeable for one payment will cease. I vote in favour of both the increase to £50.00 and the cessation of the secondary ticketing. We need to discuss those likely to be exempted from paying; as this remains something of a minefield.

Whilst the short term income for the coming year is yet to be realised an 80% take up of the

179 currently registered on the database would realise £7500.00

This would mean a gross income for the period 01 December 2014 to 31 March 2016 of £15605.00 some £1475.00 less than I predicted at the Finance Committee Meeting in October 2015. At these rates of income this would still mean a breakeven point with a surplus of £10200.00 on or before 31 March 2016.

The work to install the new entry and exit system starts on Monday 09 March 2015 and is expected to be completed by Friday 13 March 2015. The cost for this has risen by £330.36 to £19134.84 this is due to increased prices for the required parts, outside of the 6 month take up option. During 2016 to 2017 maintenance for the entry system would be required at a cost of £492.00 per annum inclusive of VAT.

Other items; a keypad entry key safe has been installed in the parish office.

With regard to the replacement of all locks throughout the church this is imminent. The final meeting between Fr Danny, Mary McNab and I with GCD Security took place today. This was to decide the area formatting, and how best to utilise this opportunity to maximise church security, whilst allowing those working in the church the necessary access to do so, and without the loss of a single set of keys compromising the entire system.

Due to other outstanding matters to be discussed the purchase of a free standing safe to be housed in the sacristy cupboard is on hold.

I ask for this report to be accepted into the minutes of the meeting. John Cole

Discussion: The car park price not increased for some time, surplus revenue can be used for resurfacing, church building repairs, etc. The charges are for parking for outside of Mass times and other church services, the bollards will be down during these times. There are some parishioners who park all day several days per week they should be designated as professional parking. Volunteer parking will be free, Fr Danny and Mary to decide on the volunteers qualifying for this concession. Fr Danny suggested that a document be carefully written explaining the new entry system to the parishioners, also, for a presentation to be made at all masses by John Cole outlining the new process. The committee agreed for £50 car park fee per annum.

Action: John Cole, Fr Danny, Mary

Timescale: Ongoing

Sion Mission: Rescheduled to 22 Oct - 6 Nov 2016.

Youth (Upper Room): Work has been completed and the youth moving in and buying items for their room, rope ladder still to be installed, handrail and carpet on the stairs.

Action: Stair handrail and carpet to be installed along with rope ladder by Ian Hose.

Timescale: All ready by Holy Week.

Second Offerings 2014/15: A small subcommittee to be created, including a member of PPC, to discuss which charities to be supported. Some short term decision: for Lent 2015 our projects will be BAMENDA and CAFOD.

Action: Wall offering boxes to be reorganised by Mary, suggested one for SVP.

Timescale: By Holy Week.

Church Shop: Sales Till to be installed for audit purposes, along with the audit of stock held.

Action: John to speak to JCD regarding obtaining a till.

Action: John Cole

Timescale: Ongoing

Signatories and Bank Mandate: This has been completed. Christine Cole, Mary McNab, Fr Danny, Peter Hancock.

Living our Faith Progress Report: We are currently at 97% of target, this means £159,303 pledged. All the other parishes want to have a Youth Leader for all the parishes, this will give funding for this position. Involvement of the youth in the parish activities was discussed.

Action: Still try to obtain 100%.

Timescale: Ongoing.

Any Other Business: None.

Meeting Closed: 8.50pm

Closing Prayer: By Fr Danny

Date of Next Meeting: Wednesday 25 March 2015 at 7pm in the Presbytery.