UBC Civil Engineering Club

University of British Columbia Vancouver

2329 West Mall

Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4



Nov 15th 2016

A) Call to order at 12:33

B) Introductions

  1. Attendees: Laura, Rachel, Veronica, Rebecca, Sadaf, Quinn, Daniel V., Erica, Jasmine, Mark, Victor, Osama, Christina, Shara, Winnie Z.,

C)Students-at-Large Updates

  1. NA

D)Ex-Officio Clubs

  1. CSCE
  2. NA
  3. ITE
  4. NA
  5. Concrete Canoe
  6. NA
  7. Concrete Toboggan
  8. NA
  9. EERI
  10. NA
  11. Steel Bridge
  12. NA

E)Executive Updates


  1. Past Week:
  2. SAC: Meeting to go over ideas and motions and to get feedback.
  3. Performance Review funding: We got 100%!

2.VP Student Life

  1. NA


  1. What to write on cheques:

To: “Alma Mater Society of the University of British Columbia”, in the memo of the Cheque: for “UBC Civil Engineering Club (539).”

4.Grad Rep

  1. Shara and Osama met with Dr. Laval on Monday November 14th to update him on the grad trip, iron ring sizing and alumni dinner. We are to provide him with a detailed report of the grad trip/apply for funding with the Civil department.

F)Council Updates

1.Loft Manager

  1. Vending machine is (almost) completely fixed! I.e. it will now take loonies and toonies.
  2. Blue will be painted this weekend

2.Academic Rep

  1. Follow-up meeting with year reps and department to review beef n pizza needs to be scheduled. YEAR REPS please update the document before the meeting.

3.Second Year Rep

  1. NA

4.Third Year Rep

  1. NA

5.Fourth Year Rep

  1. Good turn out at social!

6.Social Coordinator

  1. Paperwork for SOL needs to be completed.

7.Sports Rep

  1. Looks like we have a team for flag football: Tournament on Saturday, the 26th

8.E-Week Rep

  1. First E-Week meeting this week! Advertised through Facebook
  2. A few people showed interest (mostly execs)


  1. Uploaded the newest Underground edition as well as previous editions
  2. Added a Merchandise page on the website, which currently contains the information of Civil Apparel due today

10.Publicity Rep

  1. Holidaze poster is in the making

11.Merchandise Rep

  1. New Shirts are coming! (Might not be in time for the picture)
  2. Extra merch will be ordered for those who didn’t place orders in time.

G)Simplistic Motions

<Motion Title>

Moved by:

Seconded by:

Be it resolved that …..


H) Executive Discussions

Colouring and Cocoa

Expected Duration: 2 minutes

Led by Soco’s


○Other departments loved it!

○Good idea..? People who came liked it


○Lack of advertising

○Poor turnout

○Scheduled during a second year quiz

●Moving Forward

○Do more events like this (“Craft Nite” maybe the first week)

Grad Social

Expected Duration: 2 mins

Led by Grads


○Good turnout (free snacks helped)

○Perfect timing - after midterm

○Lots of new people who don’t normally come out

○Got lots of feedback on E-Week and Grad Merch.

○Really easy to organize

○Rachel is now very good at tapping a keg :)


○Get a tap! (on time!)

○More help with clean-up

●Moving Forward

○Do more events with free food and bought beer

○Send us the midterm schedules so we can plan more!

Gingerbread City Building

Expected Duration: 5 minutes

Led by President

●Monday the 25th: 10-2

●Nico and Christina will be in charge of acquiring:

○The Gingerbread houses.

○Industrial strength Icing

○Construction and plain white paper

○Any other Craft supplies

●Leftover Hot Chocolate from the Colouring event can be used.

●Tell your friends!

Holiday Party

Expected Duration: 15 minutes

Led by President

●Prof Gifts: We have some ideas from the Grad Social.

○Budget will be reviewed

○We need more ideas

●Popsicle Stick Bridge Contest

●Santa Suit: We need to find it (Rob has it)

●Decorations: we have a lot!

○We can bring craft supplies to the gingerbread house event to make paper chains and other decorations.

●Holiday Card: Picture looks good. Jasmine and Kevin will be photoshopped into the picture. Cards will be distributed at the next meeting.


Expected Duration: 10 minutes

Led by President

Supporting Documents:

●FilmfEUSt: OSAMA HAS AN IDEA. Script will be started soon!

●Meetings will be set-up this week

Alumni Dinner

Expected Duration: 3 minutes

Led by Veronica

●Veronica scoped out hotels last week for a venue.

●Ticket price?? 70-75/person +tax. (~80).

○~40 for a ticket (maybe get it down to 30-35)

●We will talk to the department about possibly funding/sponsoring the event.

●Meeting with CSCE this week to make sure we aren’t stepping on their ground for sponsorship.

●Still need help looking for sponsorship: If you are interested contact Veronica

●Still need to talk to Winnie Z. about sponsorship package.

●We will be giving awards at the event: If you have any ideas for different types of awards

●We will have a keynote speaker (super-famous alumni preferably)

I) Long Discussions and Discussionary Motions

Food Around the World

Expected Duration: 1 minutes

Led by Erica

Supporting Documents: <Sign-Up Form

●Slack Channel

●If you want to help out let Erica know!

●Planning to do Haggis Nachos

J)EUS/Department/Club/Ex-O Discussions

  1. EUS Informational interview session tonight: There is one spot left for Civils if you want to go! TONIGHT

K)Next Meeting: Tuesday, November 22, 2016



N)Action Items:

  1. Year Reps:
  2. Update the Beef N Pizza review document before the meeting (I.e. This Friday, 18th!)
  3. Announcements:
  4. Gingerbread House Event: Monday 28
  5. Need Volunteers for the Engineering open house.
  6. President:
  7. Make Xmas card
  8. Check stock on solo cups for Holidaze
  1. Everyone:
  2. If you are interested in joining the hype, the Club needs help with the following:
  3. TONIGHT: One spot left for Civils if you want to go to the EUS Information Interviews event.
  4. Painting the loft this weekend! Come out if you want to chill and help
  5. Saturday Nov. 26, Engineering Open House - We need volunteers!
  6. Invite your friends to the Gingerbread House event next Monday!!
  7. Food Around the World: Making Haggis Nachos - Talk to Erica if you want to help
  8. Come up with awesome grad gifts!
  9. Film-fEUSt (E-Week)
  10. Chariot (E-Week)
  11. Ball Model (E-Week)
  12. Cooking With Beer (E-Week)
  13. Alumni Dinner - Sponsorship and other organizers