UBC Civil Engineering Club
University of British Columbia Vancouver
2329 West Mall
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4
Nov 15th 2016
A) Call to order at 12:33
B) Introductions
- Attendees: Laura, Rachel, Veronica, Rebecca, Sadaf, Quinn, Daniel V., Erica, Jasmine, Mark, Victor, Osama, Christina, Shara, Winnie Z.,
C)Students-at-Large Updates
- NA
D)Ex-Officio Clubs
- NA
- NA
- Concrete Canoe
- NA
- Concrete Toboggan
- NA
- NA
- Steel Bridge
- NA
E)Executive Updates
- Past Week:
- SAC: Meeting to go over ideas and motions and to get feedback.
- Performance Review funding: We got 100%!
2.VP Student Life
- NA
- What to write on cheques:
To: “Alma Mater Society of the University of British Columbia”, in the memo of the Cheque: for “UBC Civil Engineering Club (539).”
4.Grad Rep
- Shara and Osama met with Dr. Laval on Monday November 14th to update him on the grad trip, iron ring sizing and alumni dinner. We are to provide him with a detailed report of the grad trip/apply for funding with the Civil department.
F)Council Updates
1.Loft Manager
- Vending machine is (almost) completely fixed! I.e. it will now take loonies and toonies.
- Blue will be painted this weekend
2.Academic Rep
- Follow-up meeting with year reps and department to review beef n pizza needs to be scheduled. YEAR REPS please update the document before the meeting.
3.Second Year Rep
- NA
4.Third Year Rep
- NA
5.Fourth Year Rep
- Good turn out at social!
6.Social Coordinator
- Paperwork for SOL needs to be completed.
7.Sports Rep
- Looks like we have a team for flag football: Tournament on Saturday, the 26th
8.E-Week Rep
- First E-Week meeting this week! Advertised through Facebook
- A few people showed interest (mostly execs)
- Uploaded the newest Underground edition as well as previous editions
- Added a Merchandise page on the website, which currently contains the information of Civil Apparel due today
10.Publicity Rep
- Holidaze poster is in the making
11.Merchandise Rep
- New Shirts are coming! (Might not be in time for the picture)
- Extra merch will be ordered for those who didn’t place orders in time.
G)Simplistic Motions
<Motion Title>
Moved by:
Seconded by:
Be it resolved that …..
H) Executive Discussions
Colouring and Cocoa
Expected Duration: 2 minutes
Led by Soco’s
○Other departments loved it!
○Good idea..? People who came liked it
○Lack of advertising
○Poor turnout
○Scheduled during a second year quiz
●Moving Forward
○Do more events like this (“Craft Nite” maybe the first week)
Grad Social
Expected Duration: 2 mins
Led by Grads
○Good turnout (free snacks helped)
○Perfect timing - after midterm
○Lots of new people who don’t normally come out
○Got lots of feedback on E-Week and Grad Merch.
○Really easy to organize
○Rachel is now very good at tapping a keg :)
○Get a tap! (on time!)
○More help with clean-up
●Moving Forward
○Do more events with free food and bought beer
○Send us the midterm schedules so we can plan more!
Gingerbread City Building
Expected Duration: 5 minutes
Led by President
●Monday the 25th: 10-2
●Nico and Christina will be in charge of acquiring:
○The Gingerbread houses.
○Industrial strength Icing
○Construction and plain white paper
○Any other Craft supplies
●Leftover Hot Chocolate from the Colouring event can be used.
●Tell your friends!
Holiday Party
Expected Duration: 15 minutes
Led by President
●Prof Gifts: We have some ideas from the Grad Social.
○Budget will be reviewed
○We need more ideas
●Popsicle Stick Bridge Contest
●Santa Suit: We need to find it (Rob has it)
●Decorations: we have a lot!
○We can bring craft supplies to the gingerbread house event to make paper chains and other decorations.
●Holiday Card: Picture looks good. Jasmine and Kevin will be photoshopped into the picture. Cards will be distributed at the next meeting.
Expected Duration: 10 minutes
Led by President
Supporting Documents:
●FilmfEUSt: OSAMA HAS AN IDEA. Script will be started soon!
●Meetings will be set-up this week
Alumni Dinner
Expected Duration: 3 minutes
Led by Veronica
●Veronica scoped out hotels last week for a venue.
●Ticket price?? 70-75/person +tax. (~80).
○~40 for a ticket (maybe get it down to 30-35)
●We will talk to the department about possibly funding/sponsoring the event.
●Meeting with CSCE this week to make sure we aren’t stepping on their ground for sponsorship.
●Still need help looking for sponsorship: If you are interested contact Veronica
●Still need to talk to Winnie Z. about sponsorship package.
●We will be giving awards at the event: If you have any ideas for different types of awards
●We will have a keynote speaker (super-famous alumni preferably)
I) Long Discussions and Discussionary Motions
Food Around the World
Expected Duration: 1 minutes
Led by Erica
Supporting Documents: <Sign-Up Form
●Slack Channel
●If you want to help out let Erica know!
●Planning to do Haggis Nachos
J)EUS/Department/Club/Ex-O Discussions
- EUS Informational interview session tonight: There is one spot left for Civils if you want to go! TONIGHT
K)Next Meeting: Tuesday, November 22, 2016
N)Action Items:
- Year Reps:
- Update the Beef N Pizza review document before the meeting (I.e. This Friday, 18th!)
- Announcements:
- Gingerbread House Event: Monday 28
- Need Volunteers for the Engineering open house.
- President:
- Make Xmas card
- Check stock on solo cups for Holidaze
- Everyone:
- If you are interested in joining the hype, the Club needs help with the following:
- TONIGHT: One spot left for Civils if you want to go to the EUS Information Interviews event.
- Painting the loft this weekend! Come out if you want to chill and help
- Saturday Nov. 26, Engineering Open House - We need volunteers!
- Invite your friends to the Gingerbread House event next Monday!!
- Food Around the World: Making Haggis Nachos - Talk to Erica if you want to help
- Come up with awesome grad gifts!
- Film-fEUSt (E-Week)
- Chariot (E-Week)
- Ball Model (E-Week)
- Cooking With Beer (E-Week)
- Alumni Dinner - Sponsorship and other organizers