Region V (Northern Fairfax)
2017 Report to the Episcopal Diocese of Virginia
Several of the parishes in our region were or are in transition, with many clergy and lay leaders moving on to other opportunities and to retirement. The region and its council remain committed to engaging the nine regional parishes in activities that bring us together to reach a broader audience than we might working as individual parishes. Two initiatives of the Region Life Committee are ongoing; the work of 2016 on Race and Reconciliation has led to a group formed as a clearinghouse on currents events, books and films, and opportunities for greater awareness. The 2015 project on Teen Sex Trafficking in Northern Virginia continues as members of the council partner with Tyson’s Interfaith and the Northern Virginia Human Trafficking Task Force to increase awareness of the crisis here in our neighborhood. Both of these issues are Diocesan initiatives. The Region Life Committee has begun work on a new project, an interdisciplinary program on the opioid addiction, now a pandemic in northern Virginia; the event will feature representatives from law enforcement, government, social services, public health, and other sectors, and is planned for the spring of 2018.
We continue to seek opportunities to use the strengths and resources of the individual parishes to address six Diocesan priorities. Highlights include:
Youth and Young Adult Ministry — For half of the year, we were incredibly blessed to have the leadership of our Region Deacon, Reverend Mary Beth Emerson. She will be missed! Twenty youth and ten chaperones from our region participated in the week-long 30th annual mission trip to Dungannon, one of the poorest counties in Virginia, where they focused on two areas of service: Project HELP, which built and repaired several structures in the area, and Computer Coding classes for elementary students. Six young adults participated in the first annual Grace House on the Mountain Mission in St. Paul, VA, where they replaced the metal standing seam roofing materials on two homes, and identified opportunities for additional missions while in Appalachia.. Youths from several of our region parishes participated in mission trips to Chicago, New York, and Boston, and hosted community outreach events.
Strengthening our Congregations — The Region V meetings were well attended, and actively engaged the delegates in learning and increasing awareness of opportunities for strengthening our congregations. Speakers from within our region parishes as well the Diocese and the broader Northern Virginia community were featured at each of the region council meetings. Many of our congregations have implemented revised alcohol use policies and have hosted or participated in addiction and recovery programs; programs on aging with grace and faith, homelessness awareness, and science and religion have been particularly well received in many parishes.
Evangelism and Proclamation — Two of our region parishes, Holy Comforter and Church of the Epiphany, hosted hypothermia shelters and drew volunteer and material support from all of the region’s parishes. The Region provided financial support to the ARISE Campus Ministry at George Mason University, and we are in regular contact with their adult and student leadership. We continue to seek ways to engage and serve God’s people in our region, which is relatively small geographically.
Multiculturalism and Ethnic Ministries —The Latino Ministry at St. Timothy’s Herndon continues to flourish and now has active engagement from Saint Timothy's new Rector. In addition to weekly celebration of the Holy Eucharist in Spanish as well as a regular weekly in-home Bible Study, the Latino Ministry celebrated baptisms, confirmations and marriages. All activities hosted by the Latino Ministry are open to all in the Region. We are also blessed to have St. Francis’ Korean Congregation in our Region. Many congregations participated in events designed to provide a greater connection between Christians and our Muslim brothers and sisters in the Northern Fairfax area, partnering with the McLean Islamic Center for an Iftar meal, as well as breaking bread and learning of Muslim practices with our neighbors.
Mission Beyond Ourselves — The Dungannon mission trip is a flagship initiative in shared ministry, with strong leadership from adults in our Diocese and financial support from the Region. In addition to the youth and young adult mission trips to Dungannon, Grace House on the Mountain, and cities within the United States, our parishes participated in mission trips to Tanzania, Sierra Leone, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, and Pine Ridge SD. Hurricane relief efforts are ongoing, and are taking many forms.
The boundaries and parishes of our region are unaffected by the Diocesan Re-Visioning efforts. The parishes in the Northern Fairfax Region are committed to addressing critical issues in our area from a Christian perspective, and look forward to continuing and increasing outreach by sponsoring new and expanded, collaborative ministries.
Respectfully submitted,
Joni Langevoort, President, Region 5/Northern Fairfax County