Publication list
Publication list
Corresponding authorships are labelled with a “*”. Present and former students
that performed the relevant studies under my supervision are labelled with a “#”.
1Urscher M#, Przyborski JM, Imoto M, and Deponte M* (2010) Distinct sub-
cellular localization in the cytosol and apicoplast, unexpected dimerization and inhibition of Plasmodium falciparum glyoxalases. Mol. Microbiol. 76:92-103.
This work describes the first plastid glyoxalase. It also reveals
for the first time a monomer-dimer equilibrium of glyoxalase 2.
2Urscher M# and Deponte M* (2009) Characterization of Plasmo-
dium falciparum glyoxalase II: Theorell-Chance product inhibition
patterns, rate-limiting substrate binding via Arg257/Lys260, and
unmasking of acid-base catalysis. Biol. Chem. 390:1171-1183.
This is a key article on the catalytic mechanism of glyoxlase 2.
3Eckers E#, Bien M, Stroobant V, Herrmann JM, and Deponte M* (2009)
Biochemical characterization of dithiol glutaredoxin 8 from Saccharomyces
cerevisiae: The catalytic redox mechanism redux. Biochemistry 48:1410-23.
This work describes an innovative mechanism of glutaredoxins
and summarizes the limitations of the old mechanistic models.
4Sturm N#, Mailu BM, Jortzik E, Koncarevic S, Deponte M, Forchhammer K,
Rahlfs S, and Becker K (2009) Identification of proteins targeted by the thio-
redoxin superfamily in Plasmodium falciparum. PLoS Pathogens 5:e1000383.
5Koncarevic S, Rohrbach P, Deponte M, Krohne G, Rahlfs S, and Becker K
(2009) Themalarial parasite imports the human protein peroxiredoxin 2 for
peroxide detoxification.Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 106:13323-13328.
6Deponte M and Hell K (2009) Disulfide bond formation in the inter-
membrane space of mitochondria. J. Biochem. 146:599-608.
7Mesecke M#, Mittler S#, Eckers E#, Herrmann JM, and Deponte M* (2008)
Two novel monothiol glutaredoxins from Saccharomyces cerevisiae pro-
vide further insights into iron-sulfur cluster binding, oligomerization,
and enzymatic activity of glutaredoxins. Biochemistry 47:1452-1463.
In this key article the first catalytically active mono-
thiol glutaredoxins are precisely characterized.
8Mesecke N#, Spang A, Deponte M, and Herrmann JM (2008)
A novel group of glutaredoxins in the cis-Golgi critical for
oxidative stress resistance. Mol. Biol. Cell 19:2673-80.
This work describes the first glutaredoxins in the Golgi.
9Deponte M* (2008) Programmed cell death in protists.
Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1783:1396-1405.
10Deponte M* (2007) In search of Atropos' scissors: severing the life-thread of
Plasmodium. In Programmed Cell Death in Protozoa (Pérez JM ed.) 91-96.
11Deponte M*, Sturm N#, Mittler S#, Harner M#, Mack H#, and Becker K (2007)
Allosteric coupling of two different functional active sites in monomeric
Plasmodium falciparum glyoxalase I. J. Biol. Chem. 282:28419-30.
In this key article the mechanism of glyoxlase 1 is precisely described.
12Deponte M, Rahlfs S, Becker K (2007) Peroxiredoxin systems
of protozoal parasites. In Subcellular Biochemistry: Peroxi-
redoxin Systems (Flohé L, Harris JR eds.) 44:219-229.
13 Hiller N#, Fritz-Wolf K, Deponte M, Wende W, Zimmermann H, and Becker K
(2006) Plasmodium falciparum glutathione S-transferase - structural and mecha-
nistic studies on ligand binding and enzyme inhibition. Protein Science 15:281-289.
14Nickel C, Rahlfs S, Deponte M, Koncarevic S, and Becker K
(2006) Thioredoxin networks in the malarial parasite Plasmo-
dium falciparum. Antioxid. Redox Signal. 8:1227-1239.
15Deponte M and Becker K (2005) Glutathione S-transferase from malarial
parasite - structural and functional aspects. Methods Enzymol. 401:241-253.
16Deponte M and Becker K (2005) Biochemical characterization of
Toxoplasmagondii 1-Cys peroxiredoxin 2 with mechanistic simi-
larities to typical 2-Cys Prx. Mol. Biochem. Parasitol. 140:87-96.
17Deponte M, Becker K, and Rahlfs S (2005) Plasmodium falci-
parum glutaredoxin-like proteins. Biol. Chem. 386:33-40.
18Akoachere M, Iozef R, Rahlfs S, Deponte M, Mannervik B, Creighton DJ,
Schirmer H, and Becker K (2005) Characterization of the glyoxalases of
the malaria parasite Plasmodiumfalciparum and comparison with their
human counterparts. Biol. Chem. 386:41-52.
19Nickel C, Trujillo M, Deponte M, Radi R, and Becker K (2005)
Plasmodium falciparum 2-Cys peroxiredoxin reacts with plasmo-
redoxin and peroxynitrite. Biol. Chem. 386:1129-36.
20Koncarevic S, Deponte M, Fritz-Wolf K, Meyer M, Urig S, Fischer M,
Réau R, Davioud-Charvet R, and Becker K. (2005) Mass spectrometric
analysis of human glutathione reductase modified by a gold-phosphole
inhibitor. In Flavins and Flavoproteins 15:325-330.
21Deponte M, Urig S, Arscott LD, Fritz-Wolf K, Réau R, Herold-Mende C,
Koncarevic S, Davioud-Charvet E, Ballou DP, Williams CH, and Becker K
(2005) Mechanistic studies of a novel, highly potent gold-phosphole inhi-
bitorof human glutathione reductase. J. Biol. Chem. 280:20628-37.
22Deponte M* and Becker K (2004) Plasmodium falciparum - do killers commit suicide? Trends Parasitol. 20:165-169.
23Rahlfs S, Nickel C, Deponte M, Schirmer RH, and Becker K (2003)
Plasmodium falciparum thioredoxins and glutaredoxins as central
players in redox metabolism. Redox Rep. 8:246-250.
24Deponte M and Becker-Brandenburg K (2003) Web Site: Malaria:
A Parasite Goes Online. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 42:5266.