The business meeting of the Lamar County Board of Education was held at the LCBOE and was called to order by Chair Horace Hightoweron May 10, 2016 at 7:00. Other members present were:Danny Turner-Vice Chair,Sue O’Neal, Susan Byars, and Ron Smith.
On motion by Ron Smith, seconded by Danny Turner, the Board voted to approve the agenda.
Recognition was held at the FAC at 6:00 pm– Val & Sal, Years of Service Awards, Baseball, Girls & Boys Track, Girls & Boys Tennis, Girls & Boys Soccer, and BOE Griffin RESA Certificates
On motion by Sue O’Neal, seconded by Danny Turner, the Board unanimously voted to approve the minutes for April 12 and April 15, 2016.
The consent agenda was approved as presented:
Location Date(s) Requested Person/Group Requesting Use Purpose
(See Attached)
Group Person Overnight Trip Dates
Group/Person Making RequestEvent Dates Info
Activity School Sponsor Spending Plan Date of Activity
Softball Field Ad SignsLCHSLC Softball field maint., equipment & tournaments May 2016 – Aug. 2016
2016 Youth Summer CampLCHSLC Softballteach softball skills & techniques May 2016 – June 20, 2016
NamePositionJob SiteComments
Adcox, ThomasMaintenanceMAINTEffective 5/11/16; replaces Brett Stewart
Danielson, BrennaSub, SNPSNPEffective 5/11/16
Rogers, EricaSub, SNPSNPEffective 5/11/16
Stockwell, KelseyTeacherLCHSEffective 16-17 school year; replaces Alan Shurling
Ferrier, KevinCustodian/PTMAINTEffective 5/16/16
Reese, KatherineTeacherLCHSEffective 16/17 school year; replaces Emily Guiton (Moving back to SPED Co-Teach)
Sheriff, KatherineTeacherLCHSEffective 16/17 school year; replaces Summer Shurling
Caputo, AmyTeacherLCESEffective 16/17 school year; replaces Brad Weaver
Bass, Susan49% SPED Asst. Central OfficeEffective 16/17 school year; Part time position
Yates, LeahSLPLCPSEffective 16/17 school year
Tinker, TammyTeacherLCPSEffective 16/17 school year; replaces Rachel Brown
NamePositionJob SiteComments
Roberts, KennethPrincipal (16-17)LCPSEffective end of 15/16 school year; release from contract
McCauley, MichaelTeacherLCHSEffective end of 15/16 school year; release from contract
Abrams, JamesTeacherLCHSEffective end of 15/16 school year; release from contract
Hampton, CharlesCustodianLCMSEffective 6/30/16
Robertson, DavidTeacherLCMSEffective end of 15/16 school year; release from contract
Weaver, BradleyTeacherLCESEffective end of 15/16 school year; release from contract
Paster, PrelvisTeacher/CoachLCHSEffective end of 15/16 school year; release from contract
Boyd, ThomasTeacherLCHSEffective end of 15/16 school year; release from contract
Andrews, TamicaTeacher/CoachLCHSEffective end of 15/16 school year; release from contract
Weber, SallyBus DriverTRANSEffective end of 15/16 school year
Holcomb, DebraSNPSNPEffective end of 15/16 school year
NamePositionJob SiteComments
Little, JulieTeacherLCMSEffective 5/2/16
NamePositionJob SiteComments
NamePosition Job SiteComments
NameAction Job SiteComments
Foster, Brenda Resignation 21st Century Data Clerk
Walker, Treesomia CTAE Director LCHS Replaces Catherine Brown
Owens, Jameda LSS LCHS Replaces Catherine Brown
Public Comments-BOE policy requires advanced notice via a meeting with the Superintendent.
Superintendent’s Reports –
A. Baccalaureate Service – May 18, 2016 @ 6:30 pm @ FAC
B. Called Board Meeting – May 24, 2016 @ 6:00 pm @ ES
C. Graduation – May 28, 2016 @ 9:00 am @ the Stadium
On motion by Danny Turner, seconded by Sue O’Neal, the Board unanimously voted to go into executive session to discuss personnel.
On motion by Danny Turner, seconded by Ron Smith, the Board unanimously voted to reconvene to regular session.
Discussion & Action Items:
- On motion by Ron Smith, seconded by Danny Turner, the Board unanimously voted to approve the Byte Speed bid for 32 computers for the new ES lab in the amount of $34,400. (100% funded with ESPLOST)
- On motion by Ron Smith, seconded by Sue O’Neal, the Board unanimously voted to approve the resurfacing of 6 tennis courts by Court Makers, Inc. bid of $20,819.70. (100% funded with ESPLOST)
- On motion by Ron Smith, seconded by Danny Turner, the Board unanimously voted to approve the bid from Ramsey Custom Painting on theLamar County Elementary School common areas, office area, doors, casings and 10 bathrooms walls and doors in the amount $17,850.00. (100% funded with ESPLOST).
- On motion by Sue O’Neal, seconded by Ron Smith, the Board unanimously voted to approve Mr. Jeremy Hawkins for the LCPS principal and to transfer LCPS Assistant Principal Calvin Scandrett to the LCMS assistant principal.
On motion by Ron Smith, seconded by Danny Turner, unanimously voted to adjourn.
Chair – Horace Hightower Superintendent, Dr. Jute Wilson