6th Grade
Chapter 8
Section 8.1 – Rome’s Beginnings
Define each of the following terms/key people & key places:
- Sicily
- Apennines
- Latium
- Tiber River
- Aeneas
- Etruria (Etruscans)
- Latins
- Tarquins
- Republic
- Legion
II. Short Answer
- How did geography play a key role in the rise of the Roman civilization and what factors made Rome an ideal location for a city?
- Describe the legend of Romulus & Remus.
- How do most historians believe Rome was founded?
- How did the Etruscans influence the Romans?
- Who were the Tarquins and how and why were they overthrown? What was the result of this?
- How did Rome grow from a small city into a great power?
- Describe the structure of the Roman army.
- How did Rome rule its new conquests?
Section 8.2 – The Roman Republic
Define each of the following terms/key people & key places (10 words or less):
- Carthage
- Cannae
- Zama
- Cincinnatus
- Hannibal
- Scipio
- Patrician
- Plebian
- Consul
- Veto
- Praetor
- Dictator
II. Short Answer
1. Describe the social structure of Rome?
- Describe the difference(s) between dictators in Ancient Rome and today.
- What were the Twelve Tables and why were they important?
- What was the Forum? What activities took place there? Compare the Forum to a building used in the United States today. Explain your reasoning.
- How could a consul/tribune stop a law from passing?
- What was the cause of the First Punic War?
- In the Second Punic War describe how Hannibal attacked Rome. Why did he choose this way? Who won the war and how?
- What happened in the Third and final Punic War? Why did the Romans feel that a third war was necessary?
6th Grade
Chapter 8
Section 8.3 – The Fall of the Republic
On another sheet of paper, please define each of the following terms/key people & key places:
- Rubicon
- Actium
- Julius Caesar
- Octavian
- Cicero
- Augustus
- Latifundia
- Triumvirate
II. Short Answer
1. What factors led to the fall of the Republic?
- Who formed the First Triumvirate?
- Why was Caesar popular with the Roman People?
- Why did the Senators murder Caesar?
- How did the Battle of Actium affect Roman history?
- Who was Cicero and how did he influence the writers of the US Constitution?
- Who formed the Second Triumvirate?
- Why and when did Octavian change his name?
6th Grade
Chapter 8
Section 8.4 – The Early Empire
On another sheet of paper, please define each of the following terms/key people & key places:
- Rhine River
- Danube River
- Puteoli
- Ostia
- Pax Romana (translation)
- Aqueduct
- Currency
II. Short Answer
1. What was Pax Romana?
- Give a brief summary of Caligula’s reign (positive and negative).
- Give a brief summary of Nero’s reign (positive and negative).
- What was Hadrian’s Wall?
- What did Augustus achieve during his reign?