8053 / TERM 2015-16 / 1 credit/40 weeks
Ext. 1247 / / Assistance is available Period 1, during HELP Center hours, or by appointment after school.
This course examines the scope of owning a business as it relates to the global economic system. Curriculum includes type of business ownership, management principles, human resource management, marketing, finance and risk management. Students will develop products to sell at the school store, manage the school store website, review financial records and cost analysis of items sold and make recommendations for the product lines in the store based on their findings. Students can apply and receive three college credits for BUS101 through GCC.
Upon successful completion of this course as documented through writing, objective testing, case studies, laboratory practice, and/or classroom discussion, the student will be able to:
  • Demonstrate effective business presentation skills in written and oral form by preparing and presenting two assignments that apply to business curriculum topics identified in the course textbook chapters.
  • Recognize and compare best practices in the business environment of two corporations in regards to ethics, social responsibility and workplace diversity issues.
  • Describe the requirements of becoming an entrepreneur and starting a business.
  • Identify the opportunities and challenges of performing business in the global market.
  • Demonstrate the application of the four functions of management, (planning, organizing, leading and controlling), by interviewing a business manager to more thoroughly understand the many responsibilities of a manager.
  • Identify and describe basic accounting/financial statements by reviewing and analyzing a corporation's annual report.
  • Describe and apply the target market concept and its relationship to the marketing model of product, place, price and promotion.
  • Identify and analyze current events in regard to human resources management.
  • Compare and contrast two competitive corporations and analyze each of the companies by describing each of their marketing, human resources, ethics policies, social responsibility, management and financial and operational, (both domestic and international), differences through completion of a capstone project.

Business Essentials – 8th Edition Ebert/Griffin
Pearson Prentice Hall
ISBN# 9780137053490
Supplementary Reading/References
The following publications are designed for the business reader and are available in the College or High School Library.
-Wall Street Journal, Business Week, Forbes, Fortune
-The Business Periodicals Index (reference section of the library)
-The Internet & the World Wide Web with access available at the college
Numerous business-oriented web sites will be mentioned and/or discussed during the semester.
Teacher Webpage: Click High School then Teacher Tab
Academic Honesty: The Pioneer Central High School policy will be adhered to in all cases of academic misconduct. Plagiarism is a serious offense. All work is expected to be your own, original undertaking. Using another’s work, with or without their permission and attempting to pass it off as your own is never permitted and will be severely penalized. (Consequences for academic dishonesty will be given consistent with the Code of Conduct).
Statement Regarding StudentConduct: Preparing to become a graduate of Pioneer involves more than academic preparation in the classroom. Every day you need to demonstrate positive attitudes and behaviors that are consistent with our Code of Conduct. All adults in our school will be watching to see that you are developing appropriate behavior and will provide you with feedback on your journey toward becoming world-class citizens.
Class Attendance and Active Participation:
Class participation will be 15% of your grade. Attendance is crucial so you can be part of classroom discussions. If you are absent, you cannot be part of class discussions and you may impede the work of a group you are assigned to.
Student Submissions of required work:
Work will be submitted in a variety of formats including emailed attachments, printed documents, and oral presentations.
Grades for each quarter will incorporate weekly quizzes, unit tests, group projects, oral presentations, homework, and class participation. Homework will be assigned once or twice a week. Class participation will be 15% of your grade.
MAJOR LEARNING ACTIVITIES AND PROJECTS(there may be more or less assignments given at the teacher’s discretion):
Date / Topic / Due Date
Quarter 1 / Unit I - The Contemporary Business World
  • The US Business Environment
  • Business Ethics and Social Responsibility
  • Entrepreneurship: New Ventures and Business Ownership
  • Global Context of Business
Unit II - Managing Information
  • Information Technology for Business
  • The Role of Accountants and Accounting Information
/ Dates to be given at time of assignment
Quarter 2 / Unit III - Financial Issues
  • Money and Banking
  • Managing Finances
Unit IV - Principles of Marketing
  • Marketing Processes and Consumer Behavior
  • Pricing, Distributing and Promoting Products
/ Dates to be given at time of assignment
Quarter 3 / Unit V - People in Organizations
  • Employee Behavior & Motivation
  • Leadership and Decision Making
  • Human Resource Management and Labor Relations
Unit VI - The Business of Managing
  • Business Management
  • Organizing the Business
  • Operations Management and Quality
/ Dates to be given at time of assignment
Quarter 4 / Business Plan
Capstone Business Comparison Project / Dates to be given at time of assignment

Please sign below to acknowledge that you have read and understand the expectations and curriculum planned for this course:

We have read, understand, and agree to the above syllabus.

Parent Printed NameStudent Printed Name

Parent SignatureStudent Signature

Return this signature page only to Mrs. Breslin by Friday, September 11, 2015.

Homework – 5 points