Ontario Northeast Region – 18 January 2016 Minutes

Members Present: Doug Collins, Linda Miller, Bryan Bouchard, Kathryn Howe, Catherine Tyndall, Vivian Stang, Sylvia Poetschke, Jessie Stephenson, Gillian McLean

Regrets: Fritz Clark, Nicholas El-Kada, Ann Macdonald

1.  Welcome and call to order Doug Collins

Began at 1206.

2.  Reflection Jessie Stephenson

The Guest House by Mewlana Jalaluddin Rumi

3.  Adoption of the Agenda

Discussion / Action
Adjust agenda to include prayer for Parkdale United and logo for ONE under new business / Motion by Catherine Tyndall to adopt with alterations;
Seconded by Bryan Bouchard
General Consensus.

4.  Approval of the minutes for meeting of 21 December 2015.

Discussion / Action
Jessie to correct spelling of Macdonald / Motion by Jessie Stephenson to approve minutes;
Seconded by Linda Miller.
General Consensus.

5.  Treasurer’s Report James Hoffman

Discussion / Action
(As sent through email to the Secretary, dated 1 FEB 16)
GIC Accounts: $10,460.69
Regular Account: $9,313.47

6.  Old Business

·  Ethical Investing Update Doug Collins

Discussion / Action
Team left message with FrontLine Credit Union inquiring about Ethical Investing possibilities. / Team will feedback information once it is obtained.

·  Letter to the Shepherds of Good Hope Doug Collins

Discussion / Action
Ann MacDonald and Bryan Bouchard have been working on updating letter

·  Recognition of Indigenous Liaison Officers/Elders Ken Gloade and Vivian Stang

Discussion / Action
Ken has been preoccupied with ongoing strike, issue will be put on hold until future notice.

7.  New Business

·  Physician Assisted Death- ONE Stance Doug Collins

Discussion / Action
Should ONE develop a position to share regarding legislation for Physician Assisted Death?
Linda Miller shares that CASC National has already posted its position on the website, and perhaps members should re-review and familiarize with the stance.

·  Reflection Schedule Doug Collins

Discussion / Action
Request to create a schedule for opening Reflections. / Jessie will send a call out for ONE Coordinating Committee members to sign up for an opening reflection and create a list.

·  Logo for ONE Doug Collins

Discussion / Action
Should ONE develop a logo for itself that can be used in professional situations, such as the upcoming national AGM.
Linda Miller suggests hiring a firm to create a logo, cost involved.
Kathryn Howe suggests selecting something from the past that has previously been used.
Catherine Tyndall suggests slightly augments the CASC National logo, where Jessie Stephenson suggests it would be important to seek approval prior to augmenting a preexisting logo. / Doug will pursue issue with other ONT region Chairs during their next meeting. Also to check with CASC National. Whatever is decided upon will be circulated to member prior to approval.

·  Ottawa Meet-Up Doug Collins

Discussion / Action
Request received from Jacinthe MacPartland to restart a series of informal meet-ups within Ottawa region. Important especially for Chaplains who work in more isolated contexts.
Linda Miller explained that these meetings with historically non-formal and casual, generally at a restaurant and geared for personal networking opportunities. Different from networking days or other designated professional meet ups. / Doug will bring back to Jacinthe and encourage to set up a meet-up in Ottawa.

·  Hate Crime in Ottawa Doug Collins

Discussion / Action
A United Church in Ottawa was subject to a hate crime prior to a service focusing on Martin Luther King Day and Black History Month. A Letter of prayerful support was send to the Church on behalf of CASC ONE.
Kathryn Howe raised the issue of setting a precedent, to make sure that this kind of outreach is shared with other faith communities who are the recipients of slander or hateful reproach.

8.  Committee Reports

·  Regional Education and Research Chair Catherine Tyndall

Discussion / Action
It has been decided that ONE’s 2016 AGM will be in Ottawa at St. Paul’s University. Open for discussion regarding the AGM’s topics, workshop/leaders. If there are any, Catherine Tyndall is open to be contacted directly. / Motion by Catherine to have report accepted; Seconded by Kathryn Howe.
General Consensus

·  National Foundation Regional Report Kathryn Howe

Discussion / Action
The National Foundation has been busy this past year and have completed 3 X1000$ bursaries, and 3 x1000$ research grants. Bursary applications are due in the spring, and there has been a trend with impediments to successful applications: high debts, non-members, and proof of acceptance (for projects).
Foundation has also created a planned giving plan, with 5 categories of support:
1.  Benefactors (5000$ +)
2.  Sustainers (1000- 4999$)
3.  Leaders (500-999$)
4.  Partners (250- 499$)
5.  Builders (50- 249$)
The Foundation has also just received a large endowment of 50,000$, and they are working around the conditions of the donation.
Newsletter of Friends of Spiritual Care (former members, retired members) seeking to create a larger mailing base- look to find former members and add them to the mailing list. / Motion by Kathryn Howe to have report accepted;
Seconded by Catherine Tyndall.
General Consensus

·  Promotion, Marketing & Advocacy Bryan Bouchard

Discussion / Action
Lanyards- Chair is taking what the group has prepared to the Planning Committee of the National AGM, lanyards may not be prepared for AGM.
Brochure- still ongoing
Social Media Working Group- ongoing
Powerpoint- member in Saskatchewan is creating a powerpoint the illustrates the role of a Chaplain which will be accessible to members to modify for their personal contexts, to use in educational scenarios. Planned for a working draft to be finished by April, final in the fall.
AGM- looking at how to market the PMA Committee, looking to set up a booth during the meet and greet and create a promotional video. / Motion by Bryan Bouchard to have report accepted; Seconded by Linda Miller.
General Consensus

·  Regional Admitting Chair Nicholas El-Kada

Discussion / Action
Doug Collins read verbatim a report submitted by Nicholas. See Appendix A.

·  Regional Professional Practice Chair Vivian Stang

Discussion / Action
Vivian restates her role to be in support of people discerning whether to do more units, pursue certification, or join the college. There will be another meeting of the Regional Professional Practice Committee on January 22nd. / Motion by Vivian Stang to have report accepted;
Seconded by Kathryn Howe.
General Consensus

·  CASC Ontario Council Representatives Sylvia Poetschke

Discussion / Action
At the National AGM there will be no breakfast caucasus for CASC Ontario. They wil aim to gather together for discussion about regional work in an informal way. Also, CASC ONT is working on updating terms of reference, and renewal of what will be worked on by the committee / Motion by Sylvia Poetschke to have report accepted;
Seconded by Gilliam McLean.
General Consensus

9.  Regional Updates Gillian MacLean, Ann Macdonald

Discussion / Action
Kingston: Government of Ontario Public Consultation at the Holiday Inn in town regarding P.A.D. Gillian to share information hopefully next month.
Neil Elford is adding to his portfolio and assuming leadership in Spiritual Health at Hotel Dieu in Kingston. There is also a job posting for a Spiritual Health Practitioner at Hotel Dieu, as money has been reinvested into the department.
Ottawa: Doug Collins read a report submitted by Ann Macdonald verbatim. See Appendix B / Motion by Gillian MacLean that report be received,
Seconded by Linda Miller.

10.  Adjournment – 1313

Motion by Linda Miller to adjourn

Seconded by Kathryn Howe

General Consensus

Next meeting will be on 22 February in the Plunkett Room on the Civic Campus, or

to join by conference call please dial 1-866-512-0904, Participant code 1647594

Appendix A

January 4th We started an intense CPE at TOH with 4 students: 2 second advanced, 1 have a basic PCE and now doing is second basic CPE and 1 is going to be interviewed today for assessment to be accepted for 1st advanced or third basic (she can use your prayers)

Due to my CPE schedule I wasn’t able to attend the supervisor working group on the CPE Curriculum group

There is a group of supervisors on national level (that I am facilitating or coordinating) working on the criteria and requirements to accept a student through distance videoconferencing.

Appendix B


Jan. 18, 2016

The Ottawa Hospital:

-TOH management has recently undergone restructuring. Spiritual Care Services, Social Work and Psychology are now grouped under one Professional Practice

-A new CPE unit with 4 students began on January 4th.

Bruyere Continuing Care:

-Daneil Lavac is the new CEO of Bruyere Continuing Care, replacing Bernie Blais, who retired on January 8th.

-Bruyere is hosting a once weekly open clinic for newly arrived Syrian refugees to Ottawa. To date there are approximately 450 new Syrian Canadians in Ottawa.

The Montfort Hospital:

JacintheMcPartland, Montfort chaplain, is proposing a revival of the ONE networking gatherings. Jacinthe has access to a space in her church, St. Elizabeth, located at 1303 Leaside Avenue (close to Merivale and Carling). This is especially important for chaplains who are isolated or do not work in a team setting. It would be a chance to share concerns and find support.

Ottawa Shelter Chaplains Network:

-Currently the shelter chaplains of Ottawa have a bi-monthly network gathering. Most of the gatherings feature a question or topic that addresses a practical concern. For example, the November meeting conversation focused on “Pastoral responses to religious delusions in people who suffer from mental health issues.” Those who can, take a turn hosting the gathering. It is most often a ‘bring your own bag lunch’ affair.

- Beverlee McIntosh, Vice-president of the Funeral Co-operative of Ottawa has arranged a presentation to help chaplains and social workers guide families who are anticipating a death, or who have suffered an unexpected death. Funeral co-op’s are relatively new to Ontario, and a lower cost option than the traditional funeral home. The presentation will be held on Monday, Feb. 1st, from 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm at St. Margaret’s Anglican Church on 206 Montreal Road (just east of Vanier Parkway)

Ottawa Carleton Detention Centre:

A very stressful time has come to an end with a tentative deal last weekend that averted a strike among the correctional officers.