September 16, 1963
Orem City Council met in regular session Monday, September 16, 1963, at 8:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Present were Mayor G. Milton Jameson, Chairman; Councilmen Earl Wengreen, Alvin Rowley, Harley Gillman and Lowell Thomson; City Manager Bennie Schmiett; Inspector Harvey Pace; Assistant Engineer Chester Kocherhans; acting Police Chief Vernon Stiel; and Recorder Anne Cooper. Others present are listed as follows:
Sterling HardingInterview for Public Safety
A. V. MadsenBuilding Problems
J. H. SmeathBuilding for Madsen
DeRae BroderickBuilding for Madsen
Clyde WeeksKiwanis
Donna MackertNews Reporter
Meeting opened with prayer by Earl Wengreen.
Lowell Thomson reported that DeRae Broderick had contacted him last week regarding problems that had arisen on the building of a four-plex at 450 East and 1600 South Street in the Green Thumb Subdivision.
Building Inspector Harvey Pace reported the building is set back twenty-three feet from the property line on 450 East Street while the subdivision ordinance requires a set back of thirty feet. J. H. Smeath claimed to have received permission to set back twenty-five feet, also had previously requested permission to set back twenty-five feet. Inspector Pace stated the plat plan presented to him did not show it was a corner lot, and was assumed to an interior lot. He has heating ducts, cement floor, and foundation constructed.
Earl Wengreen stated that Mr. Broderick has built on corner lots before and should know the requirements and take the responsibility since he knew the situation in his location. Inspector Pace also reported that construction items do not meet specifications and had been red tagged. Lowell Thomson stated that Attorney Wentz had advised him the Council has no right to allow any one to go against City Ordinances, although they could ignore the problem, require him to tear the installation down, or file suit court on a misdemeanor charge. After further discussion, motion was made by Harley Gillman to turn the problem concerning the violation of the building code by DeRae Broderick to the City Attorney, H. Vern Wentz, to take whatever action is necessary to see that the City ordinance is complied with. The motion was seconded by Lowell Thomson andpassed unanimously.
Applications for Public Safety Director were received as follows: Sterling Harding met with the Council and was interviewed. Applications are expected from the following:
Fred LovelessProvo, Utah
Don HaunSalt Lake City, Utah
Phillip GuarySalt Lake City, Utah
James DuwallPrice, Utah.
The Council advised that applications be reviewed by Councilman Lowell Thomson and the City Manager, and bring the applications which they feel are most desirable to the Council. Thereafter, a decision could be made, upon the qualifications of the man selected, as to the organization ofthe Public Safety Department.
The City Manager and acting Police Chief were asked to make recommendations on alleviating the problem of not being able to cover each shift with two police officers.
Also discussed was fringe benefits and remuneration for volunteer fire services. Further study to be made.
Harley Gillman reported that property owners are collecting money in anticipation of paving on 900 South and 550 East Streets. There are two unable to pay full cash but are willing to sign notes and make small payments per month.
Motion was made by Earl Wengreen to authorize the City Manager 1. to call for bids on curb, gutter, and sidewalk from Arnold Peterson and Verlin Clegg and bids on paving from Superior Asphalt and W.W. Clyde (Geneva Asphalt Paving Co.) 2. As soon as money is collected and in escrow the City will proceed with the improvement, and 3. authorize the City to accept notes from Grant Mildenhall and Cyril (Bill) Loveless to be paid at $5.00 per month, or until property is sold. The motion was seconded by Alvin Rowley and passed unanimously.
Assistant Engineer Chester Kocherhans was asked to call for cutting and grading separately in the bid specifications, also to add engineering cost to the amount charged.
Harley Gillman reported that water backs up on the Wayne J. Wilson property, 685 East 1200 South Street, when the ditch is full. The property owners claim the City had agreed to knock a hole in the ditch and allow water to run into the ditch which had not been done.
The Council advised the City Manager that property owners in Clark Acres should be advised to control their irrigation water, and to make a study toward solving the problem.
Chester Kocherhans reported that Lloyd Anderberg will do his own paving on Campus Drive except for three lots and asked what should be done about the three lots? The Council advised to leave the lots undone if Mr. Anderberg would not do the work.
City Manager Schmiett reported the Alpine School District is preparing to install curb, gutter and sidewalk at the Sharon grade school 525 North 400 East Street, and has asked the City to call for bids. The Council authorized the City Manager to go along with the school district.
The mayor asked Councilman Thomson and City Manager Schmiett to refiew police applicants and invote some of them in to be interviewed by the Council.
Lowell Thomson stated he is not in favor of a clothing allowance for plain clothes men as regular uniforms are turned back to the City if an officer leaves the force.
Motion was made by Lowell Thomson that where clothing allowance is given for plain clothes, if the plain clothesman should terminate, the employee should return the pro rata amount of the allowance to the city. The motion was seconded by Earl Wengreen, and passed.
The Council, after discussion, decided to hold making a decision on benefits offered Volunteer Firemen and the Police Reserve Force until after a Public Safety Director or Police Chief is hired. The City Manager was asked to make his recommendations concerning the organizations.
The City Manager was asked to contact consulting engineers, and call mayors of cities hiring them, to determine the practicality of using their services.
Meeting adjourned at 12:15 a.m.