Your task:

You teacher would like everyone in your class to do community service. She has given you the following brochure about neighborhoods. She would like some suggestions as to how the class can help your neighborhood. Write an email to your teacher describing your ideas for how your class could contribute to your neighborhood improvement.

Be sure to organize your e-mail, including information from the article, using a wide range of vocabulary with minimal repetition. You are required to write a minimum of 120 words. You must make reference to the reading, through paraphrasing, synonyms, and interpretations. However, you may not just copy large passages of the reading and use it as if it were your own words. DO NOT USE A TRANSLATOR.


Ø  You may wish to include

v  What you are already doing to make the neighborhood a better place

v  Ways in which your class could help the community

v  What your classmates could help with

v  Which classmates would have the best qualities to do certain activities

v  How you think your family and friends could help with any of your suggestions

Ø  You must use at least 120 words (preferably in 1-3 paragraphs)

Ø  Use smooth transitions.

Ø  Organize your thoughts

Ø  Use a wide variety of vocabulary with minimal repetition

Ø  Use proper sentence structure and agreement.

Ø  Make reference to the reading passage or passages to support your writing

Cómo vivir bien en una comunidad.

Al adquirir una vivienda te estás integrando también a una nueva comunidad. El ambiente de esa comunidad va a influir en la educación, la salud y el desarrollo de cada uno de los miembros de tu familia. (*el ambiente = environment)

Todos los espacios y servicios los compartes en derechos y obligaciones con tus vecinos. De ahí la importancia de organizarse. Enseguida te damos diez sencillas reglas para vivir bien en comunidad.
**la manzana = a block

Y… ¡no olvides la regla de oro!trata a los demás como deseas ser tratado. De esta manera, de seguro mejorará tu calidad de vida y el valor de tu patrimonio familiar crecerá.