Central Staff Benefit Fund

S/Shri Vinod Manjrawala (BRC-PRTN) (09724091762),Raghunath Chauhan (BCT) (09825271005) and S.B.Shrivastva (RTM) (09752492737)of WREU are contributing their best services for maximum benefits to railway employees & their families with streamlining the activities of Central Staff Benefit Fund (CSBF) Committee. Last Ten years role of R.S.Mishra(ADI) is always remember amongst railway men of W.Rly. Important activities taken up by CSBF for the year 2013-14 are given below:-

(1)Scholarships: (A) Scholarships are awarded to promote education amongst children/wards of Railway employees, who are studying at institutions affiliated to Universities, as under:Under the Staff Benefit Fund Scheme, to promote Education amongst the children/wards of the Railway employees "without any rider of percentage of 12th standard or at the entrance stage of higher educations for all courses", Scholarships are awarded to children of Railway employees in grade pay Rs.1900/- & above (Excluding MACPS)(ATKT allowed for renewal)(Scholarship allowed for current year courses only on last years mark sheets & education head certificate in annexure).

The courses for which scholarships admissible are as under:-

a) Post graduation courses:

Technical/Professional` 10,000/-

Non-Technical(MA, MSC, M.Com, M.Ed, LLB,LLM, & Equivalent` 3,000/-

b) Graduation courses:


Non-Technical(BA,BSC,B.Com,B.Ed,BBA,BCA,BMM,BMS,PTC, CPE & Equivalent ` 2,000/-

c) All Medical courses Graduation & post graduation (Including Internship if stipend is not paid):



Other Medical Courses & BSc Nursing:`10,000/-

d) Pharmaceuticals Courses

D.Pharma` 5,000/-

B.Pharma` 7,500/-

M. Pharma` 10,000/-

e)MCA/MBA/ICWA/CS/PGDBM/ PGDBA & Equivalent ` 10,000/-

f)CA` 15,000/-

g) All Diploma courses (not less than one year)

After 10th -first two years @ Rs. 1250/-from revenue & third year from SBF @` 5,000/-

After 12th – for All three / four years from SBF @`5,000/-

h)Railway Serving Employee (approved by rly authority)(excluding correspondence courses) :

Female employee`10,000/-

Male employee` 8,000/-

i)I T I (Industrial Training Institutes)

Girls` 3,000/-

Boys ` 2,000/-

J)Any other courses not mentioned above As decided by CSBF

k)Hostel Assistance to Higher studying Girl child : Girl child studying in higher education & residing in Hostel are given financial assistance under women empowerment @ ` 1000/- p. m.

(B)Scholarship to Children of Staff in GP Rs. 1800 & below ( for erstwhile group 'D' staff even though he/she have got MACPS in GP 1900/- , 2000/- & 2400/-):

Railway Board has introduced Scholarship for onlyGirlchildren @ Rs.1200/- p.m. and onlyMale childrenRs.1000/- p.m. of the employees in GP Rs. 1800/- & below seeking higher education i.e. all degree and diploma program not less than one year from recognized Institute / Universities. This scholarship amount is payable on quarterly basis. In case any of the benefits available to Group ‘C’ staff is more beneficial, they can opt for the same.

Last Date of submission of scholarship for (A) & (B) is 31.12.13 at HQ & For division see notification of division.

(2)Financial assistance to the physically and mentally challenged wards on production of medical board certificate i.e. certificate signed by three doctor’s (As per RBE-157/2008):

The son/daughter who are physically disabled wards with disability 40% or more (i.e. Permanent ) and mentally challenged IQ level is 70% or less,are eligible for P&HMR financial assistance as under(Canteen staff (Statutory/Non Statutory) are eligible):

i)Ward attending special school of P&HMR : Rs. 2,000/-p.m. for every academic year on

submissions of documental proof.

ii)Ward attending normal school of P&HMR : Rs. 1,000/- per month

iii)Ward totally bed ridden / dependent on parents : Rs. 1,000/- per month

(3) Camps:-

(a) Spouse & (b) Erstwhile Group ‘D’: At Cochin-Munar-Allepy in 2nd -3rd week of January 2014.

(c) Children (Boys & Girls) : At Panchmadhi ( MP) in 25th to 02nd January 2014.

(d) Women : At Kathmandu –Nepal in 3rd week of January- 1st week February 2014.

(e) Special Camp of Gangman: At Jagananthpuri in last week of February or March 2014.

NOTE: i. Staff campers have to take Pass/ en-cashed PTO during travelling from HQ to destination of Camp.

ii. Special pass will be issued for children camp.

(4)FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Financial assistance to the Railway employees and their ailing family members once in life time.

i)Transplantation surgery of kidney / lever(Not applicable to donor) `50, 000/-

ii) Cancer, Kidney and AIDS/HIV `30, 000/-

iii) Open heart surgery `30, 000/-

iv)T.B.(MDR or XDR) `20, 000/-(w.e.f. 01.04.2013)

v)Paralysis at least three months & not able to perform normal duties `20, 000/-(w.e.f. 01.04.2013)

v) Bypass Surgery `10,000/-

vi) Chronic diseases of urinary bladder & need diapers `2,500/-pm.(w.e.f. 01.04.2012)

vii) Adoption of orphan Girl child by Railway employee `50, 000/-

viii) On duty accidental death of employees `10,000/-

ix)Artificial Limbs(w.e.f. 01.04.2012):

(a)Railway employees whose grade pay is Rs.1800/- (excluding MACPS) and below:

Effective from 01.04.2012, for procurement of electronic limbs, maximum of Rs.75, 000/- will be paid to the Company directly on production of Invoices. The amount will only be given to artificial limbs of the lower part of the body.

(b)Railway employees whose grade pay is Rs.1900/- and above:

In case of Group ‘C’ staff (including those on GP Rs.1900 under MACPS), maximum limit for procurement of electronic limbs is Rs.50, 000/-).

(5) MAINTENANCE ALLOWANCE: (Sanctioned by Local SBF units)

(a) Sickness (leave without pay): All N.G. staff, who are under treatment either under Railway doctor or under treatment of referral hospitals, for a minimum of 30 days leave without pay will be entitled for Maintenance Allowance if there is no leave balance of any kind in the leave record at the rate of Rs. 8000/-p.m. without any time limit for all diseases w.e.f. 01.04.2012.

(b)Financial Assistance to family member of Missing railway employees : In case of missing Railway employee, wife/ward of missing employee may be paid maintenance allowance at the rate of Rs. 8000/-p.m. from the date of lodging FIR in police station for a period of one yearw.e.f. 01.04.2012.

(c)Assistance for Denture: Assistance at the rate of Rs.10,000/- for full Denture and Rs.5,000/- for half Denture (fix or removal) to serving railway employees has been introduced.

(6) Funeral Grant: In case of death in Railway hospitals of Railway employees and their family members (including foreign Railway employees and their family members), retired employees covered under RELHS and their family members, Funeral Grant will be admissible as under:

i) In JRHHospital BCT (Non-suburban) Rs.8000/-

ii) In JRH Hospital BCT (Suburban) Rs.5000/-

iii) In other Divisional/Sub Div. Hospitals Rs.3000/-

NOTE: The claim has to be made within one month from the date of death. This is also applicable even in ‘brought dead’ cases and also on death at referral hospitals. It is to be paid at the time of preparing death certificate by treating doctor as per CMD-CCG's instructions with formats for the same.

(7)Financial Assistance to Amputation of Railway employee: A lump-sum financial grant / assistance in case of amputation of leg & hand (except toes, thumbs & fingers) subjected to minimum Rs. 10,000/- & maximum Rs. 50,000/- .

(8) Financial Assistance to Women Empowerment activities:

(i) The following activities will be considered for financial assistance under women empowerment:

  • Health check-up camps at work place /offices /gangs /road side stations
  • Medical Camps, Gynac camp for serving as well as for house wives.
  • Health Check-up & Bone Density Test Camps for house wives.
  • Cancer detection camp with Mammography & Pap test.
  • Eye check-up Camp of girlsand free spectacles.
  • Legal Awareness Camp,Adult Education, Literacy programme, Cultural activitiesfor women,Meditation, Yoga, Art of living and similar activities.
  • Stress Management programme.
  • Higher education for girls & Hostel financial grant.

(ii) Financial Assistance to Family planning operation with girls child only:

Effective from 01.04.2012, N.G. staff and/or their spouseunder reproduction age (i.e. male 40-yrs or less and Female 35 years or less)undergoing family planning operation with one or two surviving girl child will be granted Fixed Deposit receipts (FDRs) in the name of their daughters which is cashable at the age of 18 years.

(a) On one daughter - FDR for Rs. 30,000/-.

(b) On two daughter - FDRsfor Rs.15,000/- on each daughter’s name.

(c)This benefit may also be applicable to those gets twin daughters on second delivery subjected to maximum amount of Rs. 30,000/-.


With financial grant of SBF, Homeopathic and Ayurvedic dispensaries are opened at different locations to cater to the needs of staff and their families.

(10) Miscellaneous: Apart from the above, financial assistance is extended to non-statutory canteens, hospitals for procuring articles/amenities, and also for Cultural activities, Railway Institutes, Community Hall/Welfare Centre, Holiday Homes, Hostel, Creches and Convalescent Homes.

(11) Under consideration projects by CSBF-WREU:

(i)Ambulance for HQ-CCG area is under consideration for staff welfare with full equipments.

(ii)Holiday Home at Goa on lease basis is on final stage.

(iii)Scholarship to Ph.D. who is not getting stipend, earning & fully dependent on railway employees.

(iv)Scholarship to entrance courses e.g. CA. CS, Ph.D. with regular course.

(v)Scholarship to railway employees on correspondence courses.

(vi)JIM to all Division / workshops / SBF Units.

(vii)Air conditioning & Up-gradations in all respects to all Holiday Homes of Western Railway i.e. including TV, RO plant, Latest room with good quality furniture & decorative looks.

(viii)TV in all wards of JRH & Divisional Hospitals.

(ix)Issue of Bye-Laws off community Hall & Institutes of Western Railway.

(x)All sports complex under WRSA with nomination of both recognized union's representatives.

(xi)Ventilator to all divisional Hospital if not supplied from revenue.

(xii)Provision of supply of Orthopedic /surgical/Medical items to railway serving & retired employees on loan for care at Home e.g. Bad Pan, urinal pot, water bad, toilet chairs, walking sticks & stands, rubber sheets, Hospital Coats, Wheel Chairs etc.

(xiii)Tri-cycle to Handicapped employees & their family members.

(xiv)Artificial limbs for upper part of body i.e. Hand. In case of railway on duty accident it should be fully reimbursed once.

(xv)Financial assistance to donor of kidney / lever / Internal organ who is railway employees & donates any internal organ to railway beneficiaries.

(xvi)One Gymnasium facility at Division / workshop level.

(xvii)Supply of CSBF Forms in printed form from MX printing press similar as other forms.

(xviii)ECS payment of SBF schemes to willing employees.

(xix)Financial Assistance to Distance learning courses to employees.

(xx)Financial Assistance to spouse of male employees for regular or Distance learning courses.

(xxi)Early finalisation of bye-Laws of Community hall, Institutes, Sport complex etc.

(xxii)Provision of callipers to employees, spouse & wards those are suffering from paralysis effect at lower limbs.

(xxiii)Provision of financial helps of upper limbs to employees, spouse & wards.

Note: 1. RPF staffs are also eligible for benefits under SBF all schemes. They have to apply in respective jurisdiction of SBF of their working place.

  1. Refer SBF guide for more details available with union officials / SBF official / various offices.

For more details & forms Contact to your local SBF Memebrs or following CSBF Members.

Vinod Manjrawala (BRC-PRTN) Raghunath Chauhan (BCT-BL) S.B.Shrivastva (RTM)

(09724091762) (09825271005) (09752492737)