Overall Goals for Senior Design Team:
- Quantitative modeling of micro fluidic channel flow
- Fluent/Gambit
- Time: 40 hours
- Resources: Professors, graduate students that have used the software, user groups
- Risk:
- Time: This could take a lot of time so need to time manage the different duties
- Resources: Not able to find the right people to help
- Milestones:
- Design basic channel with reservoirs
- Include nanotube inlet
- Include trap dimensions in channel
- Design multiple chips
- Collect data and compare data for different chips
- Definition of Success: Success gauged by completion of milestones
- Electrostatic modeling with Maxwell
- Time:10 hrs
- Resources: Voldman, online tutorials and user groups
- Risk:
- May not be able to export data to model DEP forces with Matlab
- Time: Could take away from other duties if time is not managed carefully
- Milestones:
- Display cross-section of electric field data at middle of DEP trap
- Explore similarities between Maxwell and FEMLAB, which is the actual program used to export the electric field data
- Export electric field data from Maxwell to model DEP forces with Matlab
- If it is deemed not possible to export data from Maxwell, then look into purchasing license for FEMLAB (now COMOSOL Multiphysics)
- Definition of Success:Success gauged by completion of milestones
- Modeling DEP forces with MatLab
- Time: 30hrs if no issues arise (excludes experiments time to calculate flow rate)
- Resources: Voldman and graduate students, proficient MatLab users
- Risk:
- Time: could take longer to precisely model our setup than expected and reduce the focus from other duties
- Resources: MatLab groups not focused on streamforce modeling, Voldman and students no longer supporting the software
- Milestones:
- Working test example from Rosenthal et al 2005 publication
- Simulate DEP model with our chip parameters
- Simulate our chip with electric field data from Maxwell
- Flow rate analysis between experiments and modeling
- Definition of Success: Success gauged by completion of milestones
- Collectionand analysis of cell data
- Time: Unlimited
- Resources: Need viable cells, information about viability tests, what is solution made of and how to make diluted solution, money
- Risk:
- Time- Devoting too much time and neglecting other duties
- Money- Lack of data may lose grant opportunities
- Inconclusive data
- Availability of cells and running experiments while cells are viable
- Milestones:
- Trapping cells and data collection (velocity, frequencies, voltages, bubble formation, time between flowing cells, position of cells, etc)
- Spectra data
- Theoretical analysis
- Experimental analysis
- Definition of Success: Success will be gauged by completion of milestones
- Design (fabrication-Weina) new DEP mask
- Time: Coordination with design and fabrication will be time dependent (don’t have a gauge of how long this could take)
- Resources: Simulations in Maxwell for electrostatic design specifications, MatLab DEP modeling, Fluent simulations to help design for fluid flow
- Risk:
- Time- Takes a lot of time from other duties
- Money- Need money for materials
- Lack of materials- Not able to get materials or too much money
- Milestones:
- Come up with functional designs
- Actually fabricating chips from the design
- Definition of Success: Success will be gauged by completion of milestones
- Analyze how bubble size affects channel flow
- Time: 10 hours
- Resources: Taking all the data collected and breaking it into comparable data, program to graph data
- Risk: Taking too much time and not focusing on other duties
- Milestones:
- Collecting relevant data
- Organizing data
- Plotting data
- Definition of Success: Success gauged by completion of milestones
Removed Goals:
Work with Scott’s MATLAB code
Begin implementing spectrometer with LabVIEW