9th Lit EOCT Study Guide


Test is made up of two sections - 45 to 60 minutes each; 40 questions in each section. You will get a five-minute stretch between sections.


The EOCT covers four domains:

Domain One: Reading and Literature

  1. Be able to define and apply the literary terms

Domain Two: Reading, Listening, Speaking, and Viewing Across the Curriculum

  1. Vocabulary in context.
  2. Evaluate mass media (newspapers, commercials, internet sources, news reports, etc.).
  3. Know the types of argument (authority, logical, emotional).

Domain Three: Writing

  1. Know how to organize writing (introduction, thesis statement, body paragraphs, topic sentences, conclusion, etc.).
  2. Be able to identify main ideas, supporting (subordinate) ideas, and evidence.
  3. Identify the audience and purpose of a piece of writing. Distinguish between informal and formal.
  4. Know the steps of the writing process (brainstorm, outline, rough draft, revise, edit, publish).
  5. Know the steps of the research process (topic selection, source identification, notetaking, paraphrasing, identify and analyze sources, documentation).
  6. Be able to identify the parts of a book and their purpose (table of contents, preface, introduction, glossary, appendix, bibliography).

Domain Four: Conventions of Written Language

  1. Be able to use Standard American English correctly.

Subject/verb agreementPronouns

Verb tensePlacement of modifiers

Punctuation marksCommonly confused Words


Double negatives/comparison




Suggested Strategies During the EOCT

These general test-taking strategies can help you do your best during the EOCT.

  1. Focus on the test. Try to block out whatever else is going on around you. Take your time and think about what you are asked to do. Listen carefully to all directions.
  1. Budget your time. Be sure that you allocate an appropriate amount of time to work on each question on the test.
  1. Read the entire question and the possible answer choices. It is important to read the entire question so you know what it is asking. Read each possible answer choice. Do not mark the first one that “looks good.”
  1. Use Positive self-talk. If you find yourself saying negative things to yourself like, “I can’t pass this test,” it is important to recognize that you are doing this. Stop and think positive thoughts like, “I prepared for this test, and I am going to do my best.” Letting the negative thoughts take over can affect how you take the test and your test score.
  1. Use what you know. Draw on what you have learned in class, from this study guide, and during your study sessions to help you answer the questions.
  1. Use content domain-specific strategies to answer the questions. In the Test Content section, there a number of specific strategies that you can use to help improve your test performance. Spend time learning these helpful strategies so you can use them while taking the test.
  1. Think logically. If you have tried your best to answer a question but you just aren’t sure of the correct answer, use the process of elimination. Look at each possible answer choice. If it doesn’t seem like a logical response, eliminate it. Do this until you’ve narrowed down your choices. If this doesn’t work, take your best educated guess. It is better to mark something down than to leave it blank.
  1. Check your answers. When you have finished the test, go back and check your work.

Suggested Strategies for taking the EOCT

  1. Review the study guide
  2. Look at the domains and understand their concepts
  3. Get a good night’s sleep
  4. Don’t drastically alter your routine
  5. Dress appropriately
  6. Arrive on time
  7. Eat a good breakfast

Content Domains:

  1. Reading for comprehension
  2. Reading for Critical Analysis
  3. Information gathering & research skills
  4. Content, organization and style
  5. Grammar, usage, and mechanics

Identify the elements of literature:

  1. plot
  2. climax
  3. exposition
  4. rising action
  5. failing action
  6. resolution
  7. foreshadowing
  8. flashback
  9. conflict (5 types)
  10. Characters
  11. Protagonist
  12. Antagonist
  13. Static
  14. Flat
  15. Dynamic
  16. Round
  17. Setting
  18. Mood
  19. Tone
  20. Point of view-1st person, second person, third person-limited, third person omniscient
  21. Myths-purpose of & characteristics of myths
  22. Denotation
  23. Conotation
  24. Specifics verses generalizations
  25. Inference
  26. Conclusion statement
  27. Empathizing
  28. Hypothesis
  29. analogy

Domain Strategies:

  1. read the test questions before reading the passage
  2. summarize the passage
  3. read all of the answer choices

Analogy strategies:

  1. synonymdrench: soak
  2. oppositecalm: angry
  3. part & wholeblade: lawn mower
  4. Object & attributecandle: light

Organizational patterns for writing:

*stating a main idea and then providing support

*discussing a cause and then noting the effects

*using lists

*providing a definition

*comparing and contrasting items or ideas

*analyzing items in order of importance

*classifying items or ideas in groups

Steps in the Research Process:

  1. decide on topic
  2. identifying key words
  3. paraphrasing information
  4. using note cards

Types of reference materials:

  1. Dictionary
  2. Thesaurus
  3. Atlas
  4. Encyclopedia
  5. Library catalog

Know helpful parts of a book: Table of contents, preface, introduction, index, glossary, appendix, bibliography

Look at Mass Media

When to use formal and informal language

Who is your audience?

Writing Process:

  1. Prewriting
  2. Drafting
  3. Revising and Editing
  4. Proofreading
  5. Publishing

Types of Writing:





Purpose of your writing


Subject-verb agreement


Punctuation marks


Plural forms of words

Correct word choice



Double negative/comparisons


Commonly misused and confusing words

MLA format


Use context clues!


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