CommonSchedule of Rates 2010-11
(To be made effective from 01.07.2010)
1.0 Schedule of Rates (SR) are a set of information indicating Rates of Various Materials and Labour to be adopted for preparation of Estimates and DPRs.
2.0After the formation of ESCOMs, separate ESCOM wise SRs were being prepared and issued.Common SR applicable to all ESCOMs effective from 01.08.09 was preparedand issued in 2009 as per the direction of Principle Secretary to Energy, Govt. of Karnataka.In the meeting held on 22.04.2010, it was decided to continue to prepareCommonSR for 2010-11 also.
3.0In the above meeting it was approved to follow the same procedure adopted
for preparing the Common SR 2009-10.
Procedure adopted for preparing Common SR
The schedule of rates has been prepared considering the following:
- In respect of materials which have been procured by the ESCOMs on FIRM price during the year 2009-10 the weighted average cost of the materials have been worked out.
- For materials having PV clause, the procurement rates are updated to 01.04.10 and weighted averages are worked out on the updated price.
- In respect of materials which have not been procured during the above period, prevailing SR are updated to 01.04.10 are considered.
- For updating the prevailing SR rates IEEEMA/CACMAI price indices as on 01.05.2009 and the average of price indices for the period 01.05.2009 to 01.04.2010 are considered.
- For other materials which are not covered under above, market rates are considered.
- For some materials for which procurement rates are not available prorata rates have been worked out wherever weighted average rates of similar items are available.
- The basic excise duty has been revised from 8.0% to 10.0%.
Cess on ED is 3.0%.The revised ED and Vat has been considered in arriving
the material cost.
New Materials
Requestswere received for inclusion of following additional materials.
•11 KV Composite type pin insulator with accessories.
•Distribution Transformers Bushing Connectors / copper flats.
•11 KV Polymeric type HG Fuse Units.
•11 KV, 1C X 1000 XLPE UG Cable along with the jointing and termination kits.
•LT ETV Meters of 5A, 0.2 Class accuracy with TOD facility.
•Infrared scanner for Hot Spot detection.
•Capacitor Bank Spare units.
•11 KV & 33 KV Fiber Glass Horizontal Cross Arm.
•11 KV and 33 KV Class G.I. Line materials with accessories.
•11 KV & 33 KV XLPE UG Cable of different sizes, flat & round armored.
•Cold Shrinkable type jointing and termination kits for both 11 KV & 33 KV Class different size cables.
•Outdoor type 33 KV, 31.5 KA, SF6 Circuit Breaker.
•33 KV Composite Pin Insulators with accessories.
•33 KV GI Horizontal Cross Arm.
•11 mtrs. PSC Pole with working Load of 365 Kg for use as intermediate poles.
(a). Distribution transformer bushing connectors are
already included in the previous Common SR 2009-10 and are continued.
(b). 11Mtr. PSC poles have not been procured by ESCOMS. The drawing of 11Mtr. PSC pole with working load of 365kg which is being used by M/s. Power Grid Corporation of India, on account of electricity department of Goa, was circulated among the members present and it was decided to adopt the same and include in Common SR 2010-11. Also
rates for Fiber glass horizontal cross arm has been included based on the procurement rate of MESCOM.
(c). The other materials are not procured by ESCOMs. Specifications for the materials will be obtained and after finalization of the rates, a separate listwill be circulated which will be a part and parcel of Common SR 2010-11.
Aerial Bunched Cables
In the previous SRs a number of sizes of Aerial Bunched Cables were included. Many of the sizes are not required for use in ESCOMs and was causing confusion while preparing the estimates. It was decided to include only the following sizes of AB Cables in the Common SR 2010-11.
- 11kV (3x95) + (1x70) with bare messenger.
- 11kV (3x120) + (1x95) with bare messenger.
- (3x95) (for Phase conductor) + (1x70) (insulated messenger neutral) + (1x16) for street light control.
- (3x95) (for Phase conductor) + (1x70) (insulated messenger neutral) + (1x25) for street light control.
- (3x95) (for Phase conductor) + (1x70) (insulated messenger neutral) + (1x35) for street light control.
- The labour index as per the circular of the Commissioner of Labour in Karnataka is3944 for the period 01.04.2010 to 31.03.2011.This works out to 11.8% increase. (3944 – 3528)/3528 =11.8%.
- In the review meeting the members expressed that the labour should be hiked by atleast 20% as otherwise it will be very difficult to get the works completed. Finally it was decided to allow an increase of labour charges by 15% over and above the prevailing SR 2009-10. In few cases prevailing rates continued.
- The labour chargers in respect of 33kV works which were based on KPTCL SR are continued. If the KPTCL SR is revised the same will be considered and new rates will be intimated. Labour charges involving similar works in 11kV system is enhanced by 15%.
- KPWD SR applicable for respective area has been adopted for civil works.
- For some of the items labour charges are continued.
- 5% additional labour charges for BESCOM is discontinued.
- For works involving single pole only 25% extra labour and for works involving 2 poles only 10% extra labour is allowed.
11.0 Special Locality Allowance
- The Special Locality Allowance already prevailing in various ESCOMs as approved in Common SR 2009-10 is continued.
- The Special Locality Allowance for the localities already approved in Common SR 2009-10 is approved to be increased by an additional 5% over and above the existing rate of Special Locality Allowance.
- Considering the request made by Gulbarga Zone, it was approved to include and allow 15% Special Loacality Allowance for the following places.
Sl.No. / Name of the Taluks
1. / Raichur, Koppal,Bellary, Gangavathi, Sandur, Manvi, Sindhanur, Shahapur, Jewargi, Sedam
a.The list of places eligible for special locality allowance is detailed in Annexure - A in page. No.-----. This Special Locality allowance at the rates noted be given over and above the schedule of labour for the listed areas.
b. In case of civil works where KPWD SR rates are adopted, the locality allowance as applicable KPWD SR shall be followed.
Statutary Payments
- The prevailing rates of inspection of works by are revised vide No: E.N.71 EBS 2007, dated:28.08.08 by Energy Department, Government of Karnataka and are duly enclosed in SR and instructed to include the relevant rates of Electrical inspectorate charges in all estimates and DPRS to be prepared.
- Road cutting, footpath cutting charges etc., payable to civic bodies shall beincluded in the estimate.
General Guidelines
- The Common SR 2010-11 will come into effect from 01.07.10. This schedule
of rates is not applicable to REC works.
- The squirrel ACSR conductor shall not be used for any new works (B.O. No.
B19/6723/95-96/21.06.2000 of KEB.
- The Average span for new 11 KV lines in Urban areas shall be 40 Mtrs. In Rural areas the average span length shall be 50 Mtrs. However the average span will be 60 Mtrs. in respect of lines drawn to IP Sets.
Minimum size of the conductor to be used:
(A) 11 KV lines:
Minimum size of the conductor to be used for all new 11 KV lines shall be Rabbit ACSR only.
(B) LT lines:
a) Urban areas: Minimum size of conductor to be used for phases
and neutral shall be Rabbit ACSR conductor.
b) Rural areas: The minimum size of conductor to be used shall be Weasel for phases and neutral.
c)OnlyWeasel Conductor shall be used for Street Light Control,
Gangakalyana and water works.
(C) Usage of Poles:
- 9 Mtrs RCC poles of 145 Kg WL and 8 Mtrs RCC pole WL of 115 KG shall be used for dead ends, DP structures, TransformerCenters and Anchor Points.
- 9 Mtrs PSC poles with WL of 200 Kg shall be used as intermediate poles in 9 Mtrs lines.
- 8 Mtrs PCC pole with 140 Kg WL shall be used as intermediate poles in 8 Mtrs line.
- 9 Mtrs Long RCC pole with 150 Kg WL of square section shall be used for erecting single pole transformer centers of capacity 25/63/100 KVA.
7. For attending to the BREAK DOWN works for speedy restoration of Power supply, payment of 25% additional Labour charges specified is continued. (However this additional 25% shall be paid with the specific approval of the Executive Engineer by way of O.M. and shall not be paid merely because it is provisioned in the estimate).
8. Material code number for all materials have been provided in the SR and the same has to be used while preparation of the estimate and in the indents.
9. All the field officers and inspecting officers should ensure that the materials used shall conform to the relevant IS specifications and the works executed are in accordance with the approved drawings / stipulated norms. The UG cable/PVC wires used for the work shall carry ISI markings.
10. Guy set includes Anchor Rod, Turn buckle, Guy wire, Strain insulator, Guy
clamp with Bolts, Nuts and Washers.
11. As per Government electrical inspectorate order No. CEG / D / T / 13306/86-87 dated: 17.12.1986, E.G. Stirrups shall be used in the following locations:
a) Within the town / village limits.
b) In the factory premises.
12. Provision for ACSR Conductor:
a)ACSR conductor in the cost data sheet includes an additional
quantity of 1.5% of the requirement to cover the sag, binding
wire for binding conductor on the insulators and jumper
b) While working out the cost data sheet provision has been
made for all the materials and hence no separate provision
is made for conductor accessories.
c) All the necessary materials required for execution of work are included in the cost data sheet. Hence contingencies at 2% on the estimate cost is only to take care of unforeseen materials and labour and shall be paid at actuals, only when incurred, with the specific approval of the Executive Engineer, by way of issue of O.M.
13. Provision for inspectorate charge shall be made as a separate item in the estimate
as per the applicable rates. The current applicable rate of inspectorate charges is
provided in the SR.
- For short lines less than 1 KM, the estimates shall be prepared as per actual requirement of the materials.
a) Concreting of poles shall be taken up depending on soil conditions. Separateprovisionhas to be made in
the estimate, at the rates provided in the SR.
b) All DPs, Anchor points and DTC structures shall be concreted and coping
c) 1:4:8 cement concrete has to be provided for base concreting,
i.e., for leveling the ground.
d) 1:2:4 cement concrete has to be provided for concreting
around the pole, foundation, superstructure, coping etc,.
16. All transformers above and inclusive of 25 KVA capacity are to be provided with GOS and HG fuse units.
17. As per Board order No. KEB/308/3/(82-83) dated:25.02.1993 of KEB and as per the decision of Technical Committee meeting held on 25.06.1993, 25/63/100 KVA transformer shall be provided with LT protection kit. Transformers with 250 KVA capacity and above shall be provided with LT distribution box with MCCB. In city limits transformers with 100 KVA capacity shall be provided with LT distribution box with MCCB, the rate for which has been furnished in the SR.
18. Cost data sheets for providing HT< over head lines, Aerial bunched cables, distribution transformers centres for 63/100 KVA on single 9 Mtr. RCC poles of square section, RLM unit for 25/63/100 KVA transformer centres, compact RMUs & package sub-stations have been worked out and included in the SR for easy reference. However any modification or addition / deletion may be considered depending on the field conditions.
19. The LEC’s carrying out works on labour contract basis are authorized to purchase small items other than poles, conductors, transformers, lightning arrestors and GOS at SR rates wherever the execution of the work is held up due to non availability of such materials provided the cost of such purchase is limited to 5% of the total estimated amount.
20. If the scrap value of the cable proposed to be released is less than the sum of estimated labour for such release, Depreciated value of the cable, road cutting charges payable to BMP and other civic bodies, then the releasing of the cable need not be resorted to. Otherwise the releasing work has to be taken up as per the prevailing rates in SR.
21. Labour charges for system improvement works such as replacement of poles, replacement of conductor etc., have been provided separately.
22. Labour charges for releasing of materials shall be at 90% of the cost of erection. (Please see Corporate Office circular No. BESCOM/BC-35/07-08/CYS-86/DT: 23.10.07) (See page No_____)
23. While executing the reconductoring work the released conductor shall be returned to stores as credit in accordance with circular No. BESCOM/GM (T)/BC-20/F-664/05-06/CYS-174, Dt: 10.01.06. (See page no. ______)
24. The following additional components have to be included while preparing estimates for Distribution works which are executed on turnkey / partial turnkey basis:
a) Service tax @ 10.30% on labour cost.
b) Works contract tax.(if applicable)
c) Transportation cost from Stores to site @ 2% on materials cost.
d) Watch and ward cost @ 1% on material cost.
e) Insurance charges @ 1% on material cost against theft & accidents.
f) Performance guarantee and loss of interest on margin money for Bank Guarantee (BG) @ 2.5% of the value of BG.
g) Statutory charges as per actuals (For Inspectorate, Civic body etc.,)
h) Compensation cost as per approved norms for tree cutting, crop insurance etc.
25. In estimates to be executed on labour contract basis, provision for
Provident Fund charges and ESI on Total Labour Charges at 25.61% shall be included.
Chief General Manager (Tech), BESCOM.
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