NAME………………………………….….ADM NO. ……………………CLASS………….
1. Define the following terms as used in livestock production.
a) Embryo transplant. (2mks)
b) Recessive characteristics (1mk)
c) Line breeding (1mk)
d) Heritability (1MK)
2. State the functions of the following reproductive organs of the bull. (3mks)
a) Scrotum
b) Seminal vesicles
c) Testes
3. Describe creep feeding in piglets. (4mks)
4. State and describe any four practices involved in parasite and disease. (8mks)
5. Mention any three types of vaccines. (3mks)
6. The diagram below shows a certain practice carried out in pigs.
a) Identify the practice illustrated. (1mk)
b) Draw another illustration depicting piglet number 39. (2mks)
7. Differentiate between the following breeding practices.
a) Crutching and ringing (2mks)
b) Tupping and serving (2mks)
8. The diagram below shows the reproductive system of a cow. Study it carefully and answer the questions that follow.
a. i) name the parts labeled L, M and J (3mks)
L ______
M ______
J ______
ii) State the functions of each of the parts labeled J and K. (2mks)
J ______
K ______
b. State the two signs of heat in a doe. (2mks)
9. State and describe any five factors to consider when selection a heifer as a breading stock. (10mks)
10. Give four advantages of natural mating in cattle production. (4mks)
11. a) Name three methods used in selection of livestock. (3mks)
b) Give any four signs of parturition in a cow. (4mks)
c) What is hybrid vigour? (2mks)